ATC180214: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training on the Revised Addis Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees and Other Academic Qualifications in Higher Education in African States and the Explanatory Memorandum, tabled in terms of section 231(2) of the Constitution, 1996, dated 14 February 2018

Higher Education

Report of the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training on the Revised Addis Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees and Other Academic Qualifications in Higher Education in African States and the Explanatory Memorandum, tabled in terms of section 231(2) of the Constitution, 1996, dated 14 February 2018


The Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training having considered on 14 February 2018 the Revised Addis Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees and Other Academic Qualifications in Higher Education in African States as well as the Explanatory Memorandum, tabled in terms of section 231(2) of the Constitution, 1996, notes and accepts the submission made by the Minister of Higher Education and Training and the Department on the report, and recommends to the National Assembly (NA) the ratification of the Convention/Agreement for approval by the House.


Report to be considered.



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