ATC160518: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training on the Higher Education Amendment Bill [B36 – 2015] (National Assembly – sec 75), dated 18 May 2016

Higher Education

Report of the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training on the Higher Education Amendment Bill [B36 – 2015] (National Assembly – sec 75), dated 18 May 2016:

The Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training, having considered the subject of the Higher Education Amendment Bill [B36 – 2015], referred to it and classified by the Joint Tagging Mechanism as a section 75 Bill, reports the Bill with amendments [B36A – 2015].


The Committee further reports:


1. After deliberations, the Committee approved the Bill.

2. Whilst the Bill enjoyed support of the majority, the Democratic Alliance (DA) objected to the following clauses: clause 1, 16, 25, 28 and 37. The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) objected to clause 37.

3. The DA also objected to the Bill as a whole.

Report to be considered.



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