ATC131029: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the Marine Living Resources Amendment Bill [B30 – 2013], dated 29 October 2013


Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the Marine Living Resources Amendment Bill [B30 – 2013], dated 29 October 2013.

The Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, having considered the subject of the Marine Living Resources Amendment Bill [B30 – 2013] , referred to it and classified by the Joint Tagging Mechanism (JTM) as a section 76 Bill, reports the Bill with amendments [B 30A - 2013].

The Committee further reports that the Democratic Alliance (DA) objected to the amendment in clause 2 of the Bill with reference to the omission of “and other marginalised groups” and substituted by “, the youth and persons living with disabilities”.

Report to be considered.


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