ATC130517: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the Fertilisers and Feeds Bill [B41 – 2012] dated 14 May 2013.


Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the Fertilisers and Feeds Bill [B41 – 2012] dated 14 May 2013

Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the Fertilisers and Feeds Bill [B41 – 2012] dated 14 May 2013.

The Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, having considered the Fertilisers and Feeds Bill [B41 – 2012] , (National Assembly – Section 76) , referred to it and classified by the Joint Tagging Mechanism as a section 76 Bill), recommends as follows:

§ That the Department considers redrafting the Bill, taking into consideration all the concerns that were raised during the public participation process and re-introduce the Bill in Parl iament ;

§ That the Department engages in further consultations with stakeho lders that were left out during the initial drafting process of the Bill such as the Aquaculture Industry, Citrus Growers Association, Poultry Industry, developing farmers and other industry players, including rural communities;

§ That the Department revis es the definitions in the Bill as s ome are ambiguous and others not included, for example, those that relate to aquaculture ( aquafeeds );

§ That the Department ensures that matters relating to the regulation of Fertilisers are also as extensively covered in the Bill as those relating to Feeds, alternatively, consider splitting the Bill into two; and

§ That the Department revises the cost implications on the implementation of the Bill.

Report to be considered.


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