ATC120516: Report Budget & Strategic Plans 2012/13 of the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) dated 16 May 2012

Higher Education



The Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training, having considered the Budget and Strategic Plans 2012/13 of the South African Qualifications Authority, reports as follows:


1. Introduction


The Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training considered the Budget and Strategic Plans 2012/13 of SAQA on 09 May 2012. This report gives a brief summary of the presentation made by SAQA to the Committee, focusing mainly on the 2012/13 Budget and Annual Plans and an overview of allocations per programme. The report also provides the Committee’s observations.


Portfolio Committee on Higher Education & Training:

Present: Adv I Malale (ANC) (Chairperson), Ms N Gina (ANC), Mr S Makhubele (ANC), Prof S Mayatula (ANC), Mr C Moni (ANC), Mr S Radebe (ANC), Ms D Sibiya (ANC), Dr L Bosman (DA), Prof A Lotriet (DA), Mr M Bhanga (COPE) and Mr A Mpontshane (IFP).


South African Qualifications Authority: Mr J Samuels: Chief Executive Officer, Dr N Penxa: Deputy Chairperson, Mr M Albertyn: Chief Financial Officer and Ms N Gumbe: Director.


Department of Higher Education and Training: Ms B Whittle: Acting Director.


2. Presentation on SAQA’s Budget and Strategic Plans 2012/13

Mr J Samuels: CEO led the presentation which highlighted the following key issues:

SAQA’s mission was to ensure further development and implementation of a National Qualification Framework (NQF) which contributed to the full development of each learner and the social and economic development of the nation at large.

SAQA continued to advise the Minister, inform policy–makers and make recommendations on all NQF matters. SAQA submitted its input on the Green Paper on Post School Education and Training and the closing date for inputs was 11 May 2012.

In addressing systematic barriers, SAQA provided leadership in the development of a career advice service policy framework and a career advice service. The Radio Campaign and Mandela Day Career Guidance festival were the main career guidance projects to provide information on post-school opportunities available especially to learners from rural areas. The Radio Campaign was broadcasted in 10 official languages on SABC Radio stations throughout the country. The listenership of the programme was 2.1 million listeners especially from rural areas. The Mandela Day Career Guidance Festival this year would be in Phodimo , North West Province targeting 6000 learners.

Budget: The Department allocated R44.9m for the current financial year to SAQA and additional funding would be sought for clearly defined and discrete projects. It was expected that the accumulated rollover funds would be depleted during the 2012/13 financial year and the delivery on its mandate would probably be affected from the 2013/14 financial year. Personnel costs would increase in the current financial year owing to 16 new staff that would be appointed leading to a staff complement of 185.

Prioritised Risks: An insufficient budget to support planned activities and some expectations cannot be met due to limited resources. Loss of skilled staff and key activities not being met at the required level of quality.

In dealing with unscrupulous practices, SAQA was raising awareness campaigns on SABC Radio stations, conducting interactions during road shows, running workshops, exhibitions and career expos. In advancing Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), a Ministerial Task Team on RPL would submit a report to the Minister by the end of May 2012.


3. Committee Observations

3.1 The Committee noted with concern the budgetary constraints of SAQA in relations to its strategic objectives. It was further noted that the organisation would be supported if it required more funding from the Department in fulfilling its mandate.

3.2 It was noted with concern that RPL remained an unfunded mandate. SAQA was requested to play a leading role in ensuring that the barriers preventing implementation of RPL were addressed.

3.4 In terms of career advice services, the Committee requested SAQA to collaborate with other role players in the sector to ensure that the targeted learners were reached, especially in rural areas.

3.5 SAQA was requested to improve its awareness campaign to the public regarding unscrupulous colleges since they were affecting uninformed desperate learners in the main.

3.6 The Committee commended SAQA for its Radio Campaign targeting learners from rural areas as a positive step towards reaching those who were living in remote areas. However, it was noted that this programme should be expanded to include community radio stations in order to reach more listeners.

3.7 The increase in personnel costs for the current financial year was of concern to the Committee especially since the organisation operated on a very stringent budget.


4. Conclusion

The Committee commended the organisation for receiving an unqualified audit for the past ten years and its good financial management record. The Committee also noted the budgetary constraints of SAQA and would pledge its support for more funding if the request came forth. Implementation of the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) remained a serious concern for the Committee since many skilled people without formal qualifications in the country were struggling to obtain better opportunities to improve their lives. Fortunately, the Ministerial Task Team on RPL would submit its report with recommendations to the Minister before the end of May 2012. The Committee would await this process and call the Department to report on the outcomes of the report.


Report to be considered



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