
in Questions & Replies

5 matches
  • 01 Dec 2009

    Question & Replies No 2301 to 2325

    Question & Reply

    ... upstream point is dry since July due to the current drought. Table 1 below reflects the latest results from ...

  • 25 Nov 2009

    Question & Replies No 2056 to 2070

    Question & Reply

    ... on agricultural production and (iii) expanding drought areas on food production; if not, why not; if so ... impoverishment. (iii) In addition to the development of Drought Management Plan by DAFF, the department is conducting ...

  • 16 Sep 2009

    Question & Replies No 951 to 975

    Question & Reply

    ... forced ORT to submit an action plan. Following the Drought Disaster Declaration and further deterioration ...

  • 27 Nov 2009

    Question & Replies No 2326 to 2350

    Question & Reply

    ... upstream point is dry since July due to the current drought. Table 1 below reflects the latest results from ...

  • 09 Oct 2009

    Question & Replies No 1401 to 1425

    Question & Reply

    ... forced them to submit an action plan. Following the Drought Disaster Declaration and further deterioration ...