
2241 matches
  • 04 Sep 2018

    Property Practitioner Bill [B21-2018]: stakeholder engagement

    Committee Meeting | Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation | National Assembly

    ... were regulated by the Financial Sector Regulation Act (FRSA). If the Bill was enacted as proposed, it would ... that the Bill sought to amend the Debt Collectors Act (DBA), as it implied that there was a difference ...

  • 31 Oct 2018

    Agri-Parks & Blended Funding Model: DRDLR briefing with Minister and Deputy Minister

    Committee Meeting | Land Reform and Rural Development | National Assembly

    ... briefing on the Blended Financial Model since the Acting Director-General had communicated to the Committee ... of the meeting to do the oral presentation. The Acting DG had sent an apology. The Committee expressed ...

  • 13 Nov 2018

    Department of Arts and Culture on current status of affairs at NAC, NLSA, PACOFS and NFVF

    Committee Meeting | Arts and Culture | National Assembly

    ... Matyumza another appeal hearing in compliance with the Act and regulations, which he has rejected. Despite being ... advised that the case is not winnable because of the Act which says that an appeal outcome is final. This ...

  • 14 Nov 2018

    Foreign Service Bill: deliberations

    Committee Meeting | International Relations | National Assembly

    ... extend beyond persons appointed in the Public Service Act (PSA). This was done to avoid excluding certain employees ... definition of the ‘Government Immovable Asset Management Act (GIAMA).’ There was the omission of everything after ...

  • 20 Nov 2018

    One Environmental System colloquium

    Committee Meeting | Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment | National Assembly

    ... Environmental Management Act, the Water Act and all the other specific environmental management Acts. A 300-day period ... the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (MPRDA).  Although separate authorisation in ...

  • 21 Nov 2018

    Committee Report on Financial Sector Transformation Report: Treasury, SARB and NEDLAC response

    Committee Meeting | Finance Standing Committee | National Assembly

    ... Management Act, Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, and the Municipal Finance Management Act in order ...

  • 14 Jun 2018

    Political Party Funding Bill: Parliamentary Legal Advisor, National Treasury & IEC responses

    Committee Meeting | Ad Hoc Committee on the Funding of Political Parties NCOP | National Council of Provinces

    ... terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA). Further, the Bill highlights the duties of ...

  • 06 Jun 2018

    Council for Higher Education & Quality Council for Trades and Occupations 2018/19 Annual Performance Plan

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Education, Sciences and Creative Industries | National Council of Provinces

    ... institutions as stipulated in the Higher Education Act. The intention to increase the number of national ...

  • 20 Jun 2018

    Labour Bills: public hearings day 2

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Economic and Business Development | National Council of Provinces

    ... proposed amendments to Section 32 of Labour Relations Act were as follows: Insertion of new section 2A The ...

  • 13 Feb 2018

    Critical Infrastructure Protection Bill: deliberations

    Committee Meeting | Police | National Assembly

    ... the administration of the Bill when passed into an Act by the National Commissioner of Police. The Bill ... obligations, and the repeal of the National Key Points Act of 1980. The Bill was of a technical nature. It did ...

  • 13 Sep 2018

    Sugar Regulations; DTI 2017/18 Annual Report & Quarter 1 performance with AGSA input

    Committee Meeting | Trade, Industry and Competition | National Assembly

    ... agriculture and mining. The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) of the United States was a concern as the ...

  • 18 Apr 2018

    B-BBEE Commission & DTI Annual Performance Plan

    Committee Meeting | Trade, Industry and Competition | National Assembly

    ... Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act 53 of 2003 as Amended by Act 46 of 2013 (Booklet) The Portfolio ... departments. The lack of implementation of the B-BBEE Act by organs of state was frustrating as those were ...

  • 30 May 2018

    Ingonyama Trust Board, Commission on Restitution of Land Rights, DRDLR Quarter 3 & 4 performance; with Minister & Deputy Minister

    Committee Meeting | Land Reform and Rural Development | National Assembly

    ... two choices - to rock the boat and challenge the act or to just keep quiet. When the Committee adopts ... Commission still has to approach the VG. The Restitution Act states that claimants have a right to choose between ...

  • 31 Oct 2018

    National Research Foundation Amendment Bill: Department briefing, with Minister

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Public Enterprises and Communication | National Council of Provinces

    ... regulated in terms of the Intellectual Property Rights Act and other legislation. The Department stated that ... research from these institutions was covered under the Act. Members wanted to know if making explicit the promotion ...

  • 13 Mar 2018

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... Council Act was passed through an amendment of the previous Act. Amongst the objects of this Act are: to ... REGULATIONS CONTAINED IN THE HEALTH PROFESSIONS ACT, ACT 56 OF 1974     (Subject for discussion)     The ...

  • 10 Oct 2018

    NCOP: Unrevised Hansard


    ... officers on firearms under the Firearms Control Act, Act 60 of 2000. Only last week, we launched skills ... calls on the Premier of Gauteng, David Makhura to act on the violence that is affecting coloured communities ...

  • 09 May 2018

    EPC: Unrevised hansard


    ... former acting chief executive officer requested to be relieved from her secondment as acting chief executive ... back to their countries of origin. The Children’s Act which came into operation in 2010 has been amended ...

  • 09 May 2018

    EPC: Unrevised hansard


    ... brought to the National Prosecuting Authority Act, Act 32 of 1998, and in particular the current process ... implementation of the Act and to come up with a set of proposals to make the Act work better.     The ...

  • 21 Jun 2018

    NCOP: Unrevised Hansard


    ... legislation such as the Sexual Offences Act and the Trafficking in Persons Act is inadequate for addressing the ... criminalise prostitution. The Sex Purchase Act is a gender neutral Act that criminalises not only the buying ...

  • 03 May 2018

    JS: Unrevised hansard


    ... courage of conviction to connect with the masses and act as their voice when it matters most. You leave us ... government passed the Extension of University Education Act, which defined tertiary institutions into entities ...