43384 matches

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  • 12 Sep 2018

    National Gambling Amendment Bill; NRCS 2017/18 Annual Report & Quarter 1 performance

    Committee Meeting | Trade, Industry and Competition | National Assembly

    ... expertise of boards of PLAs. On the amendment of s44B (1) and (2) to recognise and monitor the self-regulation ... to Tote operators was enough. The amendment of s62(1)(g) requiring province to consult with the National ...

  • 12 Sep 2018

    Zero VAT report: stakeholder responses; Taxation Laws & Administration Bills: Treasury & SARS response to submissions

    Committee Meeting | Finance Standing Committee | National Assembly

    ... earnings available for Tier 1 capital which in turn may reduce the Tier 1 capital ratio. Whilst Government ... however that the problems around revenue lie in (1) the low wage regime; (2) the low level of corporate ...

  • 08 May 2002

    Commission for the Promotion & Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious & Linguistic Communities Bill: deliberations

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Cooperative Governance & Public Administration | National Council of Provinces

    ... ON PAGE 8, 17(1) LINE 1 REPLACE "National Assembly" with Parliament ON PAGE 9, 26(1) ADD A NEW a multi-party ... ON PAGE 7, 17(1) LINE 54 REPLACE "National Assembly" with Parliament ON PAGE 7, 17(1) LINE 53 AND 54 ...

  • 14 May 2002

    Provincial Budget Hearings: Limpopo and Eastern Cape

    Committee Meeting | Health | National Assembly

    ... The reply was that it had been in operation since 1 April, 2001. Ms Malumba said that they were launching ...

  • 15 May 2002

    Report on the Study Tour to Kwazulu-Natal; Report on the Forestry Indaba in Knysna, Western Cape

    Committee Meeting | Water and Sanitation | National Assembly

    ... observations and recommendations were as follows. 1. Recommended that the department ensure that community ... following observations and recommendations were made: 1. The issue of equitable share allocations for district ...

  • 26 Jun 2002

    Election of Chairperson

    Committee Meeting | Appointment of Public Protector | National Assembly

    ... Freedom Party (1) Mzizi, Mr MA New National Party (1) Du Rand, Mr J United Democratic Movement (1) Maseka ... Aucamp, Mr C United Christian Democratic Party (1) Mfundisi, Mr IS Pan Africanist Congress of Azania ...

  • 31 Jul 2002

    Municipal Finance Management Bill: deliberations

    Committee Meeting | Finance Standing Committee | National Assembly

    ... manager must provide all the information listed in 42A(1)(a)-(g) within 10 days of the end of the month to ... incorporate it. Mr Dorfling (SALGA) referred to Clause 42A(1)(f) that obliges the actual expenditure incurred during ...

  • 12 Aug 2002

    Collective Investment Schemes Control Bill: briefing

    Committee Meeting | Finance Standing Committee | National Assembly

    ... scheme. Mr B Mnguni (ANC) contended that Clause 1(b) of the Bill does not seem to afford the investors ... current definition of "members of the public" in Clause 1 of the Bill expressly excludes stokvels. Ms Anderson ...

  • 16 Aug 2002

    Shortlisting of Candidates

    Committee Meeting | Appointment of Public Protector | National Assembly

    ... interviews for the office of the Public Protector 1.Advocate Seth A Nthai 2.Advocate JBM Moloto 3.Advocate ...

  • 10 Sep 2002

    Department Restructuring: briefing

    Committee Meeting | Arts and Culture | National Assembly

    ... Technology lacked focus. Two departments were created on 1 August 2002. Everyone on the Science and Technology ...

  • 19 Sep 2002

    State Information Technology Agency Bill: deliberations

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Cooperative Governance & Public Administration | National Council of Provinces

    ... The meeting addressed questions around Clause 7 (1)(a) and (b). The section provides that certain services ...

  • 18 Sep 2002

    Unemployed Employable South African National Database Proposal; Workshop report

    Committee Meeting | Private Members' Legislative Proposals and Special Petitions | National Assembly

    ... with the bill. The meeting was adjourned. Appendix 1: Report on Workshop on Private Members Legislative ...

  • 25 Sep 2002

    Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Amendment Bill; finalisation

    Committee Meeting | Transport | National Assembly

    ... Department of Transport on the AARTO Bill (Appendix 1) SUMMARY The Committee formally considered the Administrative ... the corrections to amendments, please see Appendix 1. Discussion Mr Farrow (DP) raised concern over Clause ...

  • 01 Nov 2002

    Medium Term Budget Policy Statement: public hearings

    Committee Meeting | Budget Committee on Appropriation | Joint (NA + NCOP)


  • 12 Nov 2002

    Freedom Park: Briefing

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Education, Sciences and Creative Industries | National Council of Provinces

    ... 2003-2005 (iii) Phase III - Beyond 2005 ANNEXURE A Table 1: General Description of Components Table 2: Themes ... 1(a), Freedom Park should be classified as a "Grade 1" Project because it is a heritage resource with qualities ...

  • 13 Nov 2002

    Adjustments Appropriation Bill; Revenue Laws Amendment Bill; Uk & New Zealand Double Taxation Agreements; Eastern & Southern Afr

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Finance | National Council of Provinces

    ... of funds required for emergency situations. Table 1 in the Bill summarises the main adjustments. Mr ... of the 2002/3 revised National Budget [see Table 1 in the Adjusted Estimates of National Expenditure ...

  • 13 Nov 2002

    Salga on Water Issues

    Committee Meeting | Water and Sanitation | National Assembly

    ... that would impact negatively on the municipalities. (1) over design of schemes, meaning they were costly ... municipalities should implement it, provided that (1) the council agrees that they have sufficient technical ...

  • 20 Aug 2002

    Report back by Auditor General and Workgroups

    Committee Meeting | Public Accounts (SCOPA) | National Assembly

    ... volunteered to assist Group 1 with the Public Works hearing should attend Group 1's preparatory meeting on ... finalised. 3. Report-Backs by Work-Groups 3.1 Group 1 (Mr. D Gumede) He reported the following: 3.1.1 ...

  • 19 Feb 2003

    Immigration Act regulations: briefing; Annual Report: finalisation

    Committee Meeting | Home Affairs | National Assembly

    ... drafted in the same sequence as the Act. Sections 1-18 dealt with administrative matters, 19-32 with prescriptions ... current process contradicts the Act. He cited Section 7(1)(a) and (b) that requires 21 days for comment before ...

  • 19 Feb 2003

    Constitutional Literacy Campaign: discussion

    Committee Meeting | Joint Constitutional Review Committee | Joint (NA + NCOP)

    ... Appendix 1: Report of Constitutional Review Committee - Submissions 132 submissions received. 1. Protection ... Documents handed out: Summary of Submissions (Appendix 1) Summary of the Constitutional Literacy Campaign ...