
35804 matches
  • 26 Oct 1999

    Disestablishment of Local Council; Municipal Structures Act Amendment

    Committee Meeting | Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs | National Assembly

    ... state in the 1980s the Local Government Affairs Act (Act 84 of 1989) replaced the council with the Local ... Government Affairs Act made it a requirement that the body could only be disestablished by an Act of Parliament ...

  • 07 Sep 2004

    Intellectual Property and Technology Innovation Programmes: briefings

    Committee Meeting | Science, Technology and Innovation | National Assembly

    ... need to move towards a new Intellectual Property Act when intellectual property in South Africa was already ... need to move towards a new Intellectual Property Act when intellectual property in South Africa was already ...

  • 10 Sep 2004

    Land Bank Annual Financial Results

    Committee Meeting | Agriculture | National Assembly

    ... Bank Act, 2002 and financial management guidelines provided by the Public Finance Management Act. Its ... represented by Mr C Kasikayi (Acting General Manager), Mr G Oricho (Acting CEO), Mr H Moeketsi (General ...

  • 09 Feb 2000

    Personnel Expenditure Review and Wage Policy Principle: briefing

    Committee Meeting | Public Service and Administration | National Assembly

    ... aims providing for necessary relaxation - and not act as a source of additional retirement income or an ... minimum standards. The Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA) will apply from June 2000, requiring some ...

  • 19 May 2000

    Performance Management Agreements Report

    Committee Meeting | Public Service and Administration | National Assembly

    ... access. The Skills Development Act, 1998 and the Skills Development Levies Act, 1999 focus on investment and ... growth and development. The SAQA Act and the Skills Development Act are regarded as 'mutually interdependent ...

  • 16 Sep 2004

    Financial Administration of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures Bill: briefing by National Treasury

    Committee Meeting | Finance Standing Committee | National Assembly

    ... Parliament Act of 1963 and the Exchequer Act. The PFMA repealed most of the Exchequer Act except provisions ... Management Act (PFMA) adequately covered Parliament and provincial legislatures. A separate Act for the ...

  • 13 Oct 2004

    National Water Resources Strategy: hearings

    Committee Meeting | Water and Sanitation | National Assembly

    ... organisations. He said that CMAs were products of the Water Act and would be accountable to the Minister. The Department ... monitoring CMAs. Mr Rowlston answered that the Water Act sets out policies to which CMAs would have to abide ...

  • 05 Nov 1999


    Committee Meeting | Appointment to the Commission for Gender Equality | National Assembly

    ... Equity Act. In the event of any conflict arising between the Equality Act and another law, the Act would ... Interpretation, Guiding Principles and the Application of the Act, (Clauses 1-5). Some of the definitions were taken ...

  • 13 May 1998

    Inspecting Judge, Overcrowding and Anti-Corruption Unit: briefing

    Committee Meeting | Correctional Services | National Assembly

    ... timeously. Managers are in some instances reluctant to act against transgressors. NATURE OF INFORMATION RECEIVED ...

  • 13 May 1998

    Waste Management and Pollution Control Policy and on Endangered Species Protection Bill: briefing

    Committee Meeting | Tourism | National Assembly

    ... promulgation of the Financial Regulations Act in 1957. This Act empowered the provinces to promulgate provincial ... Conservation Act was amended to allow the Minister to promulgate regulations under this act to administer ...

  • 10 Aug 2005

    Constitutional Matters Amendment Bill: deliberations

    Committee Meeting | Justice and Constitutional Development | National Assembly

    ... was also an Act called Public Accountants and Auditors Act, 1991. He did not know if the Act provided for ... Public Funding of Represented Political Parties Act (Funding Act). There were three instances whereby the unspent ...

  • 18 Oct 2005

    MQA Annual Report 2004/05; CETA Annual Report 2004/05; & MAPPP SETA Annual Report 2004/05

    Committee Meeting | Employment and Labour | National Assembly

    ... fully compliant with the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). Added to this, the MQA had received an unqualified ... establishing centres of excellence.Mr G Kemp (MAPPP-SETA Acting Chief Financial Officer) provided an overview of ...

  • 18 Oct 2005

    Auditing Profession Bill: Department response to submissions

    Committee Meeting | Finance Standing Committee | National Assembly

    ... Treasury believed that the reference to "any unlawful act" which was "likely to cause material financial loss" ... was taken from the Municipal Finance Management Act and allowed the Regulatory Board to delegate powers ...

  • 19 Sep 2007

    Children's Amendment Bill [B19B-2006]: public hearing

    Committee Meeting | Social Development | National Assembly

    ... indicated that the Constitution did say provinces had to act according to national priorities, and hence Parliament ... Ms van Zyl indicated that the Social Assistance Act did not provide for a kinship care grant but only ...

  • 10 Oct 2007

    Conditional Grants Progress briefings: National Treasury, Department of Provincial & Local Government, Department of Transport &

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Finance | National Council of Provinces

    ... National Treasury presentation:Division of Revenue Act 2007 Conditional Grants to Municipalities National ... by National Treasury on the Division of Revenue Act 2007 conditional grants to municipalities. The Division ...

  • 30 Oct 2007

    Ministerial Briefing and Department’s Annual Report 2006/07 briefing

    Committee Meeting | Correctional Services | National Assembly

    ... paid.Comm Petersen noted that the Labour Relations Act required that the Department pay salaries to suspended ... work undertaken by Ms Jabu Sishuba, who was the Acting National Commissioner during the financial year ...

  • 30 Oct 2007

    Criminal Law (Sexual Offences & Related Matters) Amd Bill: Public Submission; Criminal Law (Sentencing) Amd Bill: briefing

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Security and Justice | National Council of Provinces

    ... the Sexual Offences Act, 1957 (Act no. 23 of 1957)’ and after ‘1957’ to omit ‘(Act No. 23 of 1957)’. ... contemplated in section 14 of the Sexual Offences Act 1957’ and after the second ‘for’ to omit ‘an’ and ...

  • 31 Oct 2007

    Alexkor Annual Report 2006/7: briefing

    Committee Meeting | Public Enterprises | National Assembly

    ... Alexkor. Mr Kamungoma replied that Alexkor would act as if it was a holding company, and would remain ...

  • 31 Oct 2007

    Departments of Education & Sport and Recreation: hearings

    Committee Meeting | Budget Committee on Appropriation | Joint (NA + NCOP)

    ... captured in the norms prescribed by the Education Act.  Every school should have a library and a science ... This was in line with the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA).  On the question of norms and standards, ...

  • 21 Nov 2007

    South African Civil Aviation Authority Annual Report 2006/07: briefing

    Committee Meeting | Transport | National Assembly

    ... governance principles and the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). CAA was reporting a deficit of R5,5m, compared ...