correctional supervision

2330 matches

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  • 19 May 2006

    State of Home Affairs in Northern Cape, Gauteng, KZN & Free State Provinces

    Committee Meeting | Home Affairs | National Assembly

    ... Mr Ndema replied that the media reports were correct, but that all the ID documents produced had been ... personnel to check that ID documents were legal and correct. Marriage verification campaigns were addressing ...

  • 08 Mar 2010

    Department of Public Works Budget and Strategic Plan

    Committee Meeting | Public Works and Infrastructure | National Assembly

    ... with the work done by students, because it was supervised internally. Where there had been a problem was ... portfolio committees such as those dealing with correctional services, defence and home affairs, about the ...

  • 08 Nov 2010

    Industrial Development Corporation & South African Micro-finance Apex Fund 2009/10 Annual Report: follow-up meeting

    Committee Meeting | Economic Development | National Assembly

    ... documents, and Financial Services Co-operative (FSC) supervision. SAMAF discussed its financial performance ... inadequate source information was provided. Corrective actions were taken by SAMAF. Monthly verification ...

  • 11 Oct 2011

    SALGA & Commission for Promotion & Protection of Rights of Cultural, Religious & Linguistic Communities on their 2010/11 Annual Reports

    Committee Meeting | Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs | National Assembly

    ... Regulations that would give meat to the provisions and supervision of service for senior managers, in relation to ... technical to administrative staff which had been corrected over the last three years. Funding was a major ...

  • 12 Oct 2010

    National Prosecuting Authority on its 2009/10 Annual Report

    Committee Meeting | Justice and Constitutional Development | National Assembly

    ... Committee should rest assured that the figures were correct. The Chairperson said that one would hope that ... that? On page 74 the Auditor-General stated that correct procurement procedures were not followed. Why was ...

  • 18 Oct 2010

    Correctional Services 2009/10 Annual Report: input by Auditor General, CSPRI, NICRO, POPCRU & Parliamentary Researcher

    Committee Meeting | Correctional Services | National Assembly

    ... trial detainees and the systems improvement in correctional facilities to reduce the high incidence of repeat ... questions about the Department's compliance with the Correctional Service Act and minimum standards of human detention ...

  • 16 Nov 2010

    Minister of Public Service and Administration, Public Service Commission & Auditor-General of South Africa on anti-corruption

    Committee Meeting | Public Service and Administration | National Assembly

    ... for non-compliance. It was due to a lack of supervision and accountability, and passing the buck. When ... Cooperative Government and Traditional Affairs, Correctional Services, Defence and military Veterans, Health ...

  • 13 Sep 2016

    Daily Schedule

    Daily Schedule

    ... and Correctional Services, (National Assembly), [The administration of correctional supervision and parole ... Building, 09:30 Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services, (National Assembly), [Responses to ...

  • 01 Nov 2016

    Daily Schedule

    Daily Schedule

    ... on Justice and Correctional Services, (National Assembly), [Correctional Supervision and Parole: briefing ... the Department of Correctional Services (DCS) and the National Council for Correctional Services; DCS Report ...

  • 26 Oct 2018

    Section 25 review of Constitution: oral submissions

    Committee Meeting | Joint Constitutional Review Committee | Joint (NA + NCOP)

    ... need for the Constitutional Court to give the correct parameters, given the different interpretations ...

  • 07 Sep 2016

    CIPC & SABS on their 2015/16 Annual Report & 1 Quarter 2016/17 performance

    Committee Meeting | Trade, Industry and Competition | National Assembly

    ... SABS’s capacity to do the tests required. Was this correct? Would it be in the country’s interests to outsource ...

  • 29 Nov 2022

    NCOP: Unrevised hansard


    ... transparent and open platform.     The Bill is therefore correct and legitimate in stating that the minimum requirements ... uMgungundlovu districts.     Hon Chair, it is quite correct that when the joint ad hoc committee visited the ...

  • 31 Oct 2013

    NCOP: Unrevised hansard


    ... and prevented them from voting whilst held in correctional centres. However, those detainees who were unsentenced ... state health establishments, where appropriate supervision can be provided. The reality, though, is that ...

  • 22 Oct 2013

    NCOP: Unrevised hansard


    ... Banking Supervision, BCBS, issued further prescriptions relating to the banking supervision in the document ... J R DE VILLIERS: No, I won’t. My statement is correct. She was delayed. She was delayed! May I carry ...

  • 14 Sep 2010

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... Minister of Correctional Services also to expand skills development programmes in our correctional facilities ... that was indicated. But my information, which is correct, was that the committee was not consulted. The ...

  • 06 Oct 2000

    NCOP: Unrevised hansard


    ... obviate these problems that the Finance Act must correct. The purpose of the Public Finance Management Act ... that, from the drafting point of view, it was correct to adopt an approach in terms of which textual ...

  • 09 Jun 2021

    NCOP: Unrevised hansard


    ... migration of resources to police stations and to correct the formula of distribution of resources, particularly ... intervention to make at a political level. It is not correct to say that there is no political will from the ...

  • 23 Aug 2007

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... context of this legislation.   It surely can’t be correct that all of the wealth can be removed, and nothing ... comprising of minimum capital requirements, the supervision review process and market discipline. The IFP ...

  • 09 Jul 2019

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... locomotive availability from 45 % to 60%; achieve 100% correct configuration of train sets from the current 49 ... money. We need to ensure that our people, the correct beneficiaries, are able to claim direct from the ...

  • 12 Jun 2012

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... warders, independent correctional centre visitors (ICCV) and Correctional Supervision and Parole Board (CSPB) ... indeed ... [Interjections.] ... which, if proven correct, could have serious consequences. The remarks that ...