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  • ... follows: - Amendment of section 1 of Act 73 of 1998 1. Section 1 of Electoral Act, 1998 (Act No. 73 ... the substitution for subsection (1) of the following subsection: “(1) Any South African citizen in possession ...

  • Insurance Draft Bill

    Bill | X-2015


  • ... Junie 2021 no. 198 5 CHAPTER 1 PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS 1. Definitions 2. Guiding principles ... as defined in section 1 of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999); This gazette ...

  • ... somthetho wezwelo lesikolodo se- Eskom, 2024 9 7 7 1 6 8 2 5 8 4 0 0 3 5 0 4 5 2 iSSN 1682-5845 This ... follows:— Amendment of section 2 of Act 7 of 2023 1. Section 2 of the Eskom Debt Relief Act, 2023, is ...

  • ... artikel 1 van die Wet op Pensioenfondse, waarvan die ontvangste en toevallings ingevolge artikel 10(1)(d)(i) ... of 2016 and section 8 of Act 13 of 2017 4. (1) Paragraph 1 of the Fourth Schedule to the Income Tax Act ...

  • ... follows:— Amendment of section 1 of Act 20 of 1998, as amended by section 1 of Act 21 of 2000, section 29 ... of 2009 and by section 64 of Act 3 of 2019 1. Section 1 of the Remuneration of Public Office Bearers ...

  • ... in— (aa) section 17(1)(a) of the Domestic Violence Act, 1998; (bb) section 18(1)(a) of the Protection ... in— (aa) artikel 17(1)(a) van die Wet op Gesinsgeweld, 1998; (bb) artikel 18(1)(a) van die Wet op Beskerming ...

  • ... 7 ' Q - o Ñ m E r 1 1 ) ° < = - ó * ç D ... za STAATSKOERANT, 15 MAART 2017 No. 40686 7 1. In this Act, unless the context indicates otherwise ...

  • ... of section 1 of Act 130 of 1993, as amended by section 1 of Act 61 of 1997 1. Section 1 of the Compensation ... artikel 1 van Wet 130 van 1993, soos gewysig deur artikel 1 van Wet 61 van 1997 1. Artikel 1 van dieWet ...

  • ... section 2 of Act 18 of 1999 and section 1 of Act 15 of 2014 1. Section 2 of the principal Act is hereby ... preceding paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of the following words: ‘‘(1) [Notwithstanding anything to the ...

  • ... of Act No.19 of 2008 and section 1 of Act No.3 of 2021 1. Section 1 of the principal Act is hereby ... the substitution for subsection (1) of the following subsection: “(1) (a) A municipal council may remove ...

  • ... Amendment of section 1 of Act 9 of 2010, as amended by section 1 of Act 44 of 2013 1. Section 1 of the South ... artikel 1 van Wet 9 van 2010, soos gewysig deur artikel 1 van Wet 44 van 2013 1. Artikel 1 van die Wet ...

  • ... as follows:- Amendment of section 1 of Act 57 of 2002 1. Section 1 of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 ... the substitution for subsection (1) of the following subsection: (1) (1) Each [municipal entity] administrative ...

  • ... follows:— Amendment of section 1 of Act 34 of 2005 1. Section 1 of the National Credit Act,,2005 ... Oriani-Ambrosini, MP) [PMB 1 - 2012] GENERAL EXPLANATORY NOTE: ...

  • ... substitution for subsection 5 (1) of the following subsection: "(1) A person ('A') who unlawfully and ... follows:- Substitution of section 11 of Act 32 of 2007 1. The following section is hereby substituted for section ...

  • ... as follows:— Amendment of section 1 of Act 4 of 2004 1. Section 1 of the Powers, Privileges and Immunities ... soos volg:— Wysiging van artikel 1 van Wet 4 van 2004 1. Artikel 1 van die Wet op die Bevoegdhede, Voorregte ...

  • ... section 1 of Act 22 of 1996, section 1 of Act 39 of 2001, section 1 of Act 65 of 2001, section 1 of Act ... SECTIONS Sections Part 1 Amendment of Pension Funds Act, 1956 1. Amendment of section 1 of Act 24 of 1956 ...

  • ... 1997 and section 1 of Act 83 of 1998 10 1. Section 1 of the South African Po- lice Service Act is hereby ... SCHEDULE CHAPTER 1 INTERPRETATION, APPLICATION AND OBJECTS OF ACT Definitions 1, In this Act, unless ...

  • ... Amendment of section 1 of Act 46 of 1998, as amended by section 1 of Act 22 of 1999 and section 1 of Act 72 of ... in die Engelse teks, deur artikel 1 van Wet 72 van 2002 1. Artikel 1 van die Wet op die Administratiewe ...

  • ... 207 698 52 868 706 TOTAL 1 142 562 399 1 232 590 296 1 323 624 345 1. National share includes conditional ... disaster response CHAPTER 1 INTERPRETATION AND OBJECTS OFACT Interpretation 1. (1) In this Act, unless ...