correctional supervision

in Media Briefings

43 matches

Tip: Try searching for "correctional supervision" for more specific results.

  • 25 May 2017

    Minister of Social Development Budget Speech

    Media briefing

    ... forms of violence, including hate crimes and corrective rape perpetrated against the LGBTIQ community ... any fear of contradiction that we accept the supervision of the Constitutional Court.  Equally, we accept ...

  • 14 Dec 2015

    Ministers of the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster briefing

    Media briefing

    ... Dialogues). 39,191 offenders with correctional sentence plans completed correctional programmes from April to ... bed-space within correctional centres; Gang activities; The Minister of Justice and Correctional Services has ...

  • 22 Jul 2014

    Minister of Economic Development Budget Speech

    Media briefing

    ... to encourage job creation and development. It supervises the International Trade Administration Commission ... practices to proper scrutiny and appropriate corrective action. The Department and its agencies will ...