Questions & Replies: Energy

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Reply received: December 2012


3417. Mr J H Steenhuisen (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

Whether (a) her department and/or (b) any entity reporting to her sponsored any (i) event and (ii) promotion hosted by The New Age newspaper since its establishment; if so, in each case, (aa) what was the nature of the event or promotion, (bb) on which date was it held, (cc) what amount was paid, (dd) for what purpose, (ee) from which budget were the funds derived, (ff) what were the expected benefits to her department and (gg) what actual benefits were derived from the sponsorship? NW4336E


(a)The department of Energy has not sponsored any event hosted by the New Age newspaper.

(b) See table attached

Reply received: December 2012


3380. Mr S. B. Farrow (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

(1) (a) How many copies of each annual report that was produced by (i) her department and (ii) the entities reporting to him were commissioned for print in the 2011-12 financial year, (b) how many copies were actually printed and (c) what were the (i) total and (ii) individual costs of printing these reports;

(2) (a) who printed each specified report, (b) how was the specified printer decided upon and (c) on what date did the specified printer deliver the report to the specified entity;

(3) whether any of the specified reports that had been printed were found to be unsatisfactory; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each case, (a) which reports, (b) for which entity, (c) by which printer, (d) what action was taken and (e) what were the costs? NW4285E


The Departmental annual reports are produced in terms of section 55 of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). The number of copies that are printed are guided by the Legal Deposit Act and the requests from the immediate stakeholders of the specific department. The quantities that are finally printed therefore differ from department to department.

The selection of the preferred printing company is done in terms of the Procurement Regulations as prescribed by the National Treasury Regulations with the supporting procurement guidelines that are issued by National Treasury from time to time.

National treasury provides guidelines on companies that deliver unsatisfactory service. Such incidences are therefore dealt with within those guidelines.

Parliament requires 60 copies of an annual report when tabled in parliament. However the demand for the report, and information contained in, is not restricted to Parliament and is widely sought by other stakeholders including the broader public and the media. The report is also submitted to the Auditor General of South Africa annually.

Copies of departmental annual reports are kept on hand to match the demand from various stakeholders as it seeks to showcase achievements of government departments and its entities on an annual basis. The National Treasury "Annual Report Guide" assists departments to adhere to the expected format. Departments and entities exercise due care when spending to produce annual reports and follow all necessary procurement procedures during the process.

Reply received: December 2012


3364. Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

Whether PetroSA owns any properties other than on golf estates; if not, how was this conclusion reached; if so, what is the (a) name, (b) use, (c) location, (d) purchasing value and (e) current estimated value OF each property? NW4263E


(a) The following two erven were transferred from Soekor (Pty) Ltd to the Petroleum Oil and Gas Corporation of South Africa (Pty) Ltd (PetroSA) on 10 March 2004:-

  • Erf 19800 (Portion of Erf 3472) Parow, in extent 8,316m2, Deed of Transfer No. T 2905012004, and
  • Erf 1980 1 Parow, in exle11i-6 ,66866 hectares, Deed of Transfer No T 2905012004
  • PetroSA also owns other properties in Mossel Bay namely:-
  • Farm 226142,
  • Erf 1261 5,
  • Erf 10948, and
  • Montagu House in Montagu Street.
  • (b) PetroSA's Head Office is located on Erf 19800 (Portion of Erf3472) Parow, in extent 8,3 1 6m2, Deed of Transfer No. T 2905012004 and Ed 1980 1 Parow, in extent 6,66866 hectares, Deed of Transfer No T 2905012004. Montagu House was originally purchased and restored to accommodate Board Members. senior staff members from companies visiting PetroSA, etc. There is currently a lease agreement between PetroSA and Scenic Route Trading, which uses the property.

    (c) Location are as follows:

    • ErT 19800 (Portion of EI-f 3472) Parow, in extent 8,3 16m2, and
    • Erf 19801 Parow, in extent 6,66866 hectares.

    Other properties owned by PetroSA in Mossel Bay are located on:-

    • Farm 226142,
    • Erf12615,
    • Erf 10948, and
    • Montagu I-louse in Montagu Street.

    (d) The purchase price are as follows:



    Erf 1 9800 (Portion of Erf 3472) Parow, in extent 8,3 i 6m2, Deed of Transfer No. T
    290501200 and Erf 1980 1 Parow, in extent 6,66866 hectares, Deed of Transfer No T

    27 728 530.00

    Farm 226/42

    4 561 948.00

    Erf 12615

    300 800.00

    Erf 10948

    570 000.00

    Montagu House in Montagu Street, Mossel Bay

    518 167.00

    (e) The table below shows the replacement of PetroSA properties:


    Estimated value

    in rand

    Erf 10800 (Pol-tion of Brf 3472) Parow, in extent 8,3 1 6m2, Deed of Transfer No. T
    290501200 and Erf 19801 Parow, in extent 6,66866 hectares, Deed oFTransTer No T

    168 346 000.00

    Farm 226/42

    1 945 000.00

    Erf 12615

    368 000.00


    665 500.00

    Montagu House in Montagu Street, Mossel Bay

    3 391 267.00

    der: � dw�P��� 1.0pt; border-top:none;mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt'>

    Heritage Day

    24 September 2012


    R75 360.00

    3. No independent analysis was conducted by the Department prior to placing advertisements to ascertain whether The New Age is read by the intended target market. The reason for this is that at the time when the Department and entities bought advertising space from the New Age, the newspaper was not affiliated to an independent institution such as the Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC).

    4. No independent studies of said advertisements were conducted to ascertain whether they were effective within the relevant target market. The reason for this is that when we undertake an analysis of the effectiveness of a campaign we do not focus on one target market or one medium - be it newspaper, radio or television. Different media complement one another to deliver the desired result and media diversity is our best practice.

    Reply received: December 2012

    QUESTION 3362

    3362. Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) Whether PetroSA owns (a) a house and/or (b) any other property at Pinnacle Point Golf Estate; if not, how was this conclusion reached; if so, (i) what is the current value of the property, (ii)(aa) when and (bb) for what amount was it procured and (iii) what is the purpose of the house;

    (2) whether PetroSA owns any other properties at any other golf estates; if not, how was this conclusion reached; if so, (a) how many properties, (b) at which estates and (c) what is the (i) purchase value, (ii) current value and (iii) purpose of each property;

    (3) whether PetroSA (a) spent any monies and/or (b) participated in any golfing events (i) in the (aa) 2009-10 (bb) 2010-1 1 and (cc) 2011-12 financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2012, if not, how was this conclusion reached; if so, in each case, (aaa) how much was spent, and (bbb) what was the purpose for such expenditure


    (1)(a)No, PetroSA does not own a house at Pinnacle Point Golf Estate.
    (b)No, PetroSA does not own any other property at Pinnacle Point Golf Estate;

    (2) No, PetroSA does not own any other properties at any other golf estates

    (3)(a)Yes, PetroSA had Golf Days, to which our suppliers and business partners have been invited.

    (b) Yes
    (i)(aa) Yes
    (bb) No
    (cc) Yes

    (ii) No

    (aaa) September 2009-R90 000 Pro Am Golf Day at the Mossel Bay Golf Club and in January 2012-R96 000 PetroSA Golf Day at the Mossel Bay Golf Club,

    (bbb) Green fees, Hire of golf carts, Golf shirts and caps, Photographer, Refreshments and prizes awarded. NW4261E

    Reply received: December 2012

    QUESTION 3325

    3325. Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) Whether PetroSA has issued any credit cards to (a) the chief executive officer, (b) the chief financial officer and (c) specified members of the senior management since 1 April 2007; if not, in each case, how was this conclusion reached; if so, in each case, what are the relevant details for each specified credit card holder in respect of (i) name, (ii) job title, (iii) credit limit, (iv) outstanding amount as at the latest specified date for which information is available, (v) monthly expenses incurred for each month since receiving the credit card, (vi) reason for the person being issued with a credit card and (vii) uses that the specified credit card is intended for;

    (2) whether any of the expenses were for (a) catering and (b) entertainment purposes; if not, how was this conclusion reached; if so, what total amounts have been spent in each case;

    (3) whether any specified credit cards are over the credit limit; if so, in each case, {a) whose credit card is over the limit and (b) what was the reason for the credit card exceeding the limit;

    (4) whether any action has been taken against the specified persons for exceeding their credit card limits; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW4217E


    (1) (a) Yes
    (b) Yes
    (c) Yes

    See Attachment Outstanding amount and Monthly expenses incurred for each month

    (vi) All corporate credit cards are issued purely for the purpose of business related expenses as per PetroSA policy and procedures

    (vii) AH corporate credit cards are issued for business related expenses.

    (2) (a) No - PetroSA procurement processes are followed for catering purposes
    (b) Yes - Total incurred for the period 01 Apt 2007 - 30 Nov 201 2: R964 031.31
    (3) No
    (a) N/A
    (b) N/A
    (4) No limits have been exceeded on the PetroSA corporate cards.

    Reply received: December 2012

    Question 3310

    3310. Ms 6 D Ferguson (Cope) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    With reference to Eskom's estimates of R3,6trillion to build 65% of electricity generation capacity in the next 15 years, what steps does she intend to take to demonstrate the Government's determination to (a) keep the cost of electricity consumption down and (b) alleviate the plight of the poor when it comes to the
    cost of living?


    (a) The long term electricity tariff will be driven to the largest extent by the capital costs due to new
    generation capacity, as well as the cost of the primary energy (coal or gas). It has been welt established that the cheapest electricity can be obtained if we were to become more efficient. Consequently energy efficiency has now become one of the most concerted efforts by our department to try and reduce the overall cost of electricity. In this regard, we recently submitted the revised National Energy Efficiency Strategy, underpinned by a number of pillars:-

    i) Awareness build and education of the public to sensitise them about practices that waste energy, alternatively how to save energy.
    ii) A solar water heater programme that seeks to transfer domestic electricity load to a renewable resource (the sun) in a manner that reduces the financial burden due to the household cost of electricity.
    iii) An industrial energy efficiency programme targeting companies that can make operational improvements to the production processes and thus improve energy intensity
    iv) A buildings programme that targets public and commercial buildings, due harness the upside due to identified inefficiencies in lighting, heating, ventilation and cooling systems
    v) A streetlight programme that will retrofit old technologies with more efficient options like light emitting diodes.

    We have set a target of 12% overall reduction in energy intensity by 2015 and this has also been
    disaggregated into the various segmental targets including for the industrial, domestic, agricultural

    Improvements in energy efficiency signify less wastage (and therefore cost savings) which will be
    reflected in lessened pressure on tariffs, despite the build programme.

    (b) The poor will be cushioned through a number of mechanisms, including:-

    (i) Free basic electricity at a preferential and highly subsidized tariff, to provide a minimum amount of energy necessary to achieve basic functions (lighting and running small electronic appliances excluding heating and cooking);
    (ii) Solar water heaters for meeting the hot water needs; and
    (iii) A domestic tariff dispensation that is cross-subsidized by industrial customers and does not recover the true cost of supply.

    The build programme has to be financed by South Africans, either through a user charge (tariff) or through the fiscus (taxes). South Africans therefore have to work together in supporting the energy efficiency effort, so as to avoid having to pay high tariffs due to wastage.

    Reply received: December 2012

    QUESTION 3283

    3283. Ms B D Ferguson {Cope) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Whether the Government has suspended the importation of crude oil from Iran; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details? NW4173E


    As you are aware, the importation of crude oil is done by the oil companies that own crude oil refineries. Due to the sanctions imposed by the European Union on the Islamic Republic of Iran it became almost impossible to continue importing crude oil from Iran. This is mainly due to the inability to obtain sufficient insurance cover far the crude ail cargoes. The oil companies have therefore opted to source crude oil from alternatives. Engagements by government with the EU have not yet been able to resolve the unforeseen negative impacts of the sanctions on South African Entities.

    Reply received: December 2012

    QUESTION 3282

    3282, Ms B D Ferguson [Cope) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Whether the Government has new suppliers of crude oil; if not, that is the position in this regard;' so, what are the relevant details? NW4172E


    Crude oil is imported by the various oil companies from a number of countries. Other than for Strategic Stocks, Government does not import crude oil. In the main, the countries from which crude oil is imported by the South African based companies has remained the same. What has changed as a result of US & EU sanctions on the Islamic Republic of Iran are the levels of imparts from the key supplier countries.

    Reply received: December 2012

    QUESTION 3263

    3263. Mrs D Robinson [DA) to ask the Minster of Energy:

    (I) Whether (a) her department or (b) any entity reporting to her, placed any advertisements in The New Age since the inception of the newspaper up until the most recent date for which information is available; if not, in each case, what is the position in this regard; if so, (i) which entity placed the advertisements, (ii) an what date was each advertisement placed, (iii) what was the nature of each advertisement and (iv) what amount was spent on each advertisement;

    (2) whether any of these advertisements were placed through the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS); if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details of the advertisements placed through the GCIS;

    (3) whether an independent analysis was conducted by her department prior to placing advertisements to ascertain whether The N9w Age is read by the intended target market; if not, why not; if so, (a) who conducted the analysis and (b) what were the main (i) findings and (ii) recommendations of said analysis;

    (4) whether any independent studies of said advertisements were conducted to ascertain whether they were effective within the relevant target market; if not, why not; if so, (a) who conducted the analysis and (b) what were the main (i) findings and (ii) recommendations of said analysis'? NW4152E


    (1)- The answer is no, the department of Energy has not placed any adverts in The New Age,

    (2) - (4) Kindly refer to the answer for question 1.

    Reply received: December 2012

    QUESTION 3243

    3243. Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1 ] How much did (a) PetroSA and (b)(i) its partners and/or (ii) entities reporting lo her spend on new exploration licence acquisitions since 1 April 2012;

    (2) whether there were any successes in acquiring exploration licences; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW4132E


    (I) PetroSA did not spend anything on acquiring exploration assets after 1 April 2012. Personnel time and application fee costs were incurred for the exploration right application far 3 blacks in South Africa.
    PetroSA also spent personnel time and the application fee costs in the application far a Technical Cooperation Permit (12 month desk-top study) for two other blocks in South Africa.
    (2) Approval was obtained for exploration in three blocks and the blocks are all in South African territory. The Technical Cooperation Permit work for the other two blocks Is also ongoing.

    Reply received: December 2012

    QUESTION 3195

    3195. Mr S Z Ntapane (UDM) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    What steps has her department taken to ensure that small businesses in the energy sector benefit from the Government's renewable energy programme? NW4032E


    Inherent in the design of the programme is the requirement for bidders to meet certain economic development requirements, which are assessed on a comparative basis. those bids that meet the requirements set out in the procurement documents will be prequalified and they will progress lo the next phase of the bidding process. Those that do not meet the threshold requirements are disqualified from further consideration of their bids,

    The economic development criteria include an assessment of the bidders' responsiveness to:

    - The BBBEE codes including equity participation, management and operations, skills development and preferential procurement;

    - Community development in respect of localities where the project fakes place, etc.

    Based on this approach, the involvement of SMMEs and local companies is facilitated by ensuring (by design of the procurement process) that bidders score points if they involve SMMEs in their project activities. The department then enters into an agreement with the selected bidders implementation Agreement) in terms of which the commitments made by the bidders are monitored over the term of the project. Failure to meet these commitments could result in the termination the power purchase commitment that government has entered into, at great cost to the bidder

    Reply received: December 2012

    QUESTION 3189
    Mr M G P Lekota to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Whether the delivery of boilers to the (a) Kusile and (b) Medupi cola fired stations is on schedule, in each case, if not, In each case, (i) what are the financial consequences of being behind schedule, (ii) how far are the delivery of boilers behind schedule and (iii) what steps has she taken to achieve full compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract; if so; what is the schedule on delivery of boilers in each case?


    The Department of Energy received the question, reviewed its contents against its mandate and has determined that the most appropriate respondent should be the Department of Public Enterprise.

    Reply received: December 2012

    QUESTION 3158
    Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Whether PetroSA has sold off any exploration investments to other parties since I April 2012; if not, how was this conclusion reached; if so, (a) which exploration investments, (b)at what cost and (c) to which (i) company, (ii) party and/or (iii) consortium? NW3996E


    Yes, PetroSA has concluded farm-out agreements with other parties.

    (a) Anardako South Africa (Pty) Ltd, a subsidiary of Anadarko Petroleum Corporation and with Cairn India limited.

    (b) The cost and terms are commercially sensitive as their revelation may influence transactions of a similar nature

    (c) (i)(ii)(iii) Anardako -for Blocks 5/6 and 7 off shore.
    Cairn India Limited -for Block 1 off shore.
    These agreements were concluded by PetroSA with these established exploration partners in order to leverage their expertise and to share the high costs of exploration.

    Reply received: December 2012

    QUESTION 3152
    Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    What is the total gas basin volume under the control of PetroSA? NW399QE


    As per the latest reserve audit report,
    1) The total amount of gas reserves at a 3P {proved, probable and possible) level of confidence is about 770 billion standard cubic feet {as at 1 March 2012).
    2) The total amount of contingent gas resources at a 3P (proved, probable and possible) level of confidence is about f 020 billion standard cubic feet (as a l l March 2012).
    These gas volumes are all in Block 9 of the Bredasdorp Basin, and are under PetroSA's control. The definitions of reserves and contingent resources are as below:


    Are those quantities of petroleum anticipated to be commercially recoverable by application of development projects to known accumulations from a given date forward under defined conditions. Reserves must further satisfy four criteria: they must be discovered, recoverable, and commercial and remaining (as of the evaluation date) based on the development project(s) applied. Reserves are further categorized in accordance with the level of certainty associated with the estimates and may be sub classified based on project maturity and/or characterized by development and production status.

    Contingent Resources

    Are those quantities of petroleum estimated, as of a given date, to be potentially recoverable from known accumulations, but the applied project(s) is (are) not yet considered mature enough for commercial development due to one or more contingencies. Contingent Resources may include, for example, projects for which there are currently no viable markets, or where commercial recovery is dependent on technology under development, or where evaluation of the accumulation is insufficient to dearly assess commerciality. Contingent Resources are further categorized in accordance with the level of certainty associated with the estimates and may be sub-classified based on project maturity and/or characterized by their economic status.

    Reply received: December 2012

    QUESTION 3151

    Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Whether (a) her department and/or (b) PetroSA conducted any viability studies to establish a gas-to-liquid refinery; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each case, (i) when were the studies conducted, (ii) by whom and (iii) what were the outcomes? NW3989E

    No. Neither the Department nor PetroSA have conducted any viability studies to establish a new Gas-to-Liquids refinery. Instead, our efforts are focused on securing gas feedstock for the only GTL Refinery that we have in the country in order to ensure its sustainability.

    Reply received: November 2012

    QUESTION 3102

    3102. Mr D C Ross (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) Whether her department is currently subscribed to The New Age (TNA) newspaper; if so, (a) how many subscriptions does her department have, (b) when was each subscription initiated, (c) what has been the annual subscription fee for each specified subscription since it was initiated and (d) what is the exact purpose of each subscription;

    (2) whether a discount was negotiated for any of the specified subscriptions; if so, (a) for which specified subscriptions and (b) what discount in each case;

    (3) whether her department has mass-purchased the TNA on an ad hoc basis since the inception of the newspaper; if so, (a) on what dates, (b) how many copies in each case and (c) why were the papers purchased in each case;

    (4) whether (a) the publishers of the TNA and (b) any other entity donated copies of the paper to (i) her department and (ii) any entity reporting to her; if so, in each case, (aa) which entity donated the papers, (bb) to which entity were they donated and (cc) how many copies were donated? NW3931 E


    1. Yes, the Department is subscribing to The New Age (TNA)
    (a) 11 copies
    (b) July 2010
    (c) Annual subscription fee is R720.00
    (d) The purpose is for media monitoring and analysis services for senior managers and media liaison unit.

    2. (a) Normal rates applied
    (b) No discount

    3. (a) No, only subscribed to 11 copies
    (b) July 2010 to date
    (c) Media monitoring and analysis services for senior managers and media liaison unit,

    4. (a) No donations were received in relation to TNA

    Reply received: November 2012

    Question 3003

    3003. Mr A Watson (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Whether the accounting officer submitted the annual financial statements for the financial year ending 31 March 2012 to her by 31 August 2012; if not, (a) why not and (b) on what date (i) were the statements submitted to her and (ii) did she submit the annual report and financial statements to Parliament? NW3770E


    Yes, the accounting officer submitted the Annual Report containing financial statements for the financial year ending 31 March 2012 to the Minister on the 31st of August 2012; and the Annual Report containing financial statements were tabled in Parliament on the 27th September 2012.

    Reply received: November 2012

    QUESTION 2980

    2980. Mr J F Smalle (PA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    With reference to her reply b question 1942 on 20 August 2M2, with regard to each exploration prospecting activity (a) in the (i) 2009-10, (ii) 2010-11 and oil) 2011-12 financial years and (b) during the period I April 2012 up to the latest specified date for which information is available, in each specified case, (aa)[aaa) when, (bbb) where and (ccc) for what resources did prospecting take place, (bb) what was the total financial cost and {cc) what is the name of each entity PetroSA partnered with? NW3745E


    The information requested iscompany specific and commercial in nature which attained, may disadvantage PetroSA and its partner's commercially.

    Reply received: November 2012

    QUESTION 2959
    Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    With reference to her reply to question 1829 on 20 September 2012, and in light of the fact that bitumen is byproduct of refining crude oil, on what grounds does bitumen not form part of her mandate? NW3719E


    Please refer to the Petroleum Products Act as amended

    Reply received: November 2012

    QUESTION 2914

    2914. Ms S K Molao (Cope) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Whether she received reports of concerns of critical health implications raised by Earthlife Africa over threats of additional radiation levels in the atmosphere and over the area surrounding the proposed Nuclear Energy Corporation of SA (Necsa) Pelindaba smelter, should the proposed developments of a nuclear power station go ahead; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details? NW3594E


    No, I have not received such reports. I am sure that Necsa would not seek to operate a facility that would have critical health implications. Remember that the very people who work there would be the first to be exposed to any such risk. Why would they put their own lives at risk?

    The smelter has nothing to do with the new nuclear power station developments, and is being put in place to reduce the quantities of waste from the previous non-peaceful nuclear programme conducted during the 60s-80s.

    The National Nuclear Regulator will determine the impact to health on a factual basis, and make a decision on a license for Necsa to install and operate the smelter that would have "no critical health implications". I trust this is the decision the National Nuclear Regulator would make in line with its mandate to protect people, property, and the environment against the harmful effects of nuclear radiation.

    Reply received: November 2012

    QUESTION 2913

    2913. Ms S K Molao (Cope) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (I) Whether the planned six nuclear power stations and overall nuclear energy policy envisaged by her department take ink consideration the (a) safe reduction of waste varieties and volumes across the International environment, (b) dangers associated with the transportation and handling of waste and (c) use of necessary ventilation and filter systems required to be In place, Including high efficiency particle arresting (Hepa) fittersin accordance with nonproliferation agreements; if not, why not; if so, what necessary preparatory processes have been implemented In South Africa in this regard;

    (2) what ate the details of (a) the citizen education drive to be embarked upon, (b) local skills development plans leading to the required employment figures that could be achieved in this country and (c) counties South Africa is working with to achieve these goals? NW3593E


    (I) For the currently operating nuclear facilities at Pelindaba and Koeberg: (a) Yes, South Africa is party to the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management,

    (b) Yes, all nuclear licence holders are required to handle nuclear waste in accordance with the As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) principle which is meant to reduce dose to workers and public well below the regulated limits, In addition, the National Nuclear Regulator b an effectively independent body which enforces compliance with the mandatory regulations.

    (c) Yes, details of necessary ventilation systems are available from the operators such as Necsa, and Eskom, or the National Nuclear Regulator.

    The number of new nuclear power stations still needs to be determined from the technology choice to be pursued. In terms of the new nuclear power stations: (a), (b), (c) are thoroughly considered as South Africa has been operating nuclear facilities for the past 40 years. Preparations for Implementation of the relevant measures are being considered as part of the Phased Decision

    Making Approach, which was adopted by Cabinet in November 2011. In addition, we are conducting an International Atomic Energy Agency Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review, which will give us an independent assessment of these factors as part of the 19 milestones.

    (2) (a) The citizen education drive has been developed by Be Department of Energy and is currently in the process of being implemented. This will be an Integrated approach with the stale owned entities such as Necsa and Eskom playing a partnership role.

    (b) The skills development plans are being developed in a formalised nuclear energy working group focusing on skills, localisation and industrialisation, Departments involved Include the Department of Science and Technology, Trade and Industry, Higher Education and Training, and Energy.

    (c) We have Nuclear Cooperation Agreements with most of the countries and utilise their training programmes for developing our skills, and also assisting to develop in other countries. There is also extensive training offered through the International Atomic Energy Agency, in some cases this has been in partnership with countries such as Russia, China, South Korea, United States of America, France, etc.

    Reply received: November 2012

    QUESTION 2881

    2881. Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) With reference to her reply to question 1828 on 3 September 2012, why ate the tanks at Milnerton not being utilised;

    (2) (a) which companies are leasing tanks at Saldanha, (b) what is the duration d the lease agreement and (c) what annual lease cost is charged? NW355BE


    (1) The tanks are awaiting refurbishment,
    (2) (a) Chevron, PetroSA and Mercuria.
    (b) and (c) The duration of the leases and costs thereof forms part of the commercial agreement between the SFF and the companies and as such the information cannot be disclosed

    Reply received: November 2012

    QUESTION 2879

    2879, Mr J F Smalle IDA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    1 How much does the Strategic Fuel Fund (SFF) charge for the storage of crude oil per barrel;

    (2) whether the price charged per barrel is in line with average international prices charged per bard; if not, why not; if so, haw was this conclusion reached;

    (3) (a) which crude oil storage facilities are managed by the SFF and (b) what are their holding capacities in each case;

    (4) how much crude oil was stored at each facility in each month In the (a)(i) 2009-10, (ii) 2010-11 and (iii) 2011-12 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2012? NW3554


    (I) Commercial arrangements between the SFF and the companies leasing storage facilities are a confidential matter between the two parties and as such, the information cannot be disclosed.

    (2) Prices charged form part of the commercial arrangements between the parties

    (3) (a) SaIdanha and Milnerton
    (b ) 45 million barrels and 7,8 million respectively

    (4) (a) 10.3 million barrels in each of the years was stared in Saldanha and as indicated nothing is stored at Milnerton
    (b) 10 .3 million barrels at Saldanha

    Reply received: November 2012

    QUESTION 2833

    2833. Mrs S V Kalyan (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) Whether the National Nuclear Regulator has made any contribution to the remediation of radiological impact of (a) current and (b) past mining activities in the Wonderfonteinspruit since 1 January 2009; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;

    (2)Whether a remediation steering committee currently exists; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the dates of the last two meetings of the committee and (b) when is the next meeting due to take place;

    (3)(a) What are the names of the persons currently serving on the committee and (b) what organisations do they represent;

    (4) Whether any challenges are being experienced in the operation of this committee; if not, how was this conclusion reached; if so, what are the relevant details? NW3493E


    (1) (a),(b) The NNR has contributed towards the remediation of radiological impact in the Wonderfonteinspruit area by convening and participating in the Steering Committee and various forums in the Wonderfonteinspruit Catchment Area in order to characterize the area and define appropriate rehabilitation interventions. This is so because there are more contaminants in this area than just radiological concerns, which require a multi-disciplinary rehabilitation approach. The NNR continues to participate in various forums in the Wonderfonteinspruit Catchment Area aimed at assessing the potential impact of the radiological exposures from the current and past mining activities commonly called legacy sites. The overall objective of these forums is to formulate a comprehensive strategy to assessthe potential impact of the contamination and recommend the appropriate interventions and remedial measures where possible. In line with these activities, the NNR is currently reviewing its legal and regulatory framework to ensure that measures related to the control of the discharge quantities at various holders of nuclear authorisation are strengthened to avoid the future legacy sites. This regulatory framework is reviewed in line with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Regulatory Supervision of Legacy Sites (RSLS) that is established specifically to assist regulatory bodies with the regulation of the current radiological contamination to avoid future legacy sites and will form part of the strategy aimed at the remediation of any radiological contamination sites especially from past mining activities.

    (2) Yes, a remediation steering committee exists. It consists primarily of the various regulatory bodies, i.e. National Nuclear Regulator (NNR), Department of Mineral Resources (DMR), Department of Water Affairs and Environment (DWAE) and the various other stakeholders and this Committee currently exists. (See table in 3 below).

    (a) The last two meetings of the Remediation Steering Committee were held on 30 September 2011and 20 February 2012.

    (b) In accordance with the Terms of Reference of the remediation steering committee the chairing of the committee is shared by the NNR and the Department of Water Affairs. At the last meeting, the Department of Water Affairs was mandated to chair all future meetings. The date for the next meeting was not fixed but the Department of Water Affairs will be coordinating this and convene the next meeting with all the stakeholders.

    (3) (a) (b)


    Names of the Department

    B Govender

    Dept. of Water Affairs

    D Kleyn

    Dept. of Agriculture and Fisheries

    T Nethengwe

    Dept. of Environmental Affairs

    M Malebe

    Dept. of Mineral Resources

    R Taviv

    Gauteng Dept. of Agriculture and Rural Development

    N Munakisi

    Gauteng Dept. of Agriculture and Rural Development

    T Tselane

    National Nuclear Regulator

    (4) There are challenges related to the establishment of the comprehensive legal and regulatory framework for the remediation of potentially radiological contamination sites as well as legacy sites, including the Wonderfonteinspruit Catchment Area. This is an international challenge and to date there are various initiatives aimed at providing solution to this problem, e.g. the RSLS. Various thematic working groups are being established and the NNR is actively participating in these working groups and will use the experience gained to contribute to the establishment of the comprehensive legal and regulatory framework and strategy for the remediation of all the radiological contaminated sites as identified. These Working groups, which are very relevant to the South Africa's scenario, are:

    1. Enhancing the regulatory infrastructure
    2. Safety Assessment methods and Radiological Environmental Impact Assessment
    3. Professional Development for the Regulators

    As a Member State of the IAEA a request will be made for assistance through the relevant expert mission should these challenges persist.

    Reply received: November 2012

    QUESTION 2830

    2830. Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (a) What is the status of the Integrated Energy Plan (IEP) that her department has been mandated to (i) develop and (ii) implement in 2008 under the National Energy Act, Act 34 of 2008 and (b) when will the IEP be tabled in Parliament? NW3488E

    (a) (ii) The Minister of Energy, Ms Dipuo Peters, MP presented an update on the development of the Integrated Energy Plan (IEP) at the Energy Planning Colloquium which she hosted at the end of March 2012. At that colloquium, the high-level IEP work plan was presented to stakeholders, in which it was indicated that a Draft IEP report will be tabled before Cabinet In March 2013, The status of developing the IEP as ofend of September 2012 was that the collection of technologies data to be used in the IEP model is complete; draft key modelling assumptions and test cases/scenarios to be considered In the IEP have been defied. During October, the focus has been on conducting quality checks on the data; and finalising the demand forecasts, The Department aims to produce the first set of modelling results by the end of the calendar year.
    (ii) The implementation of Be IEP will only commence once the Final IEP report has been adopted by Cabinet and gazetted. The Draft IEP report will be extensively engaged upon before being tabled again in Cabinet for final adoption.

    (b) The process is that after tabling the Draft IEP to Cabinet, the Department will engage in extensive stakeholder consultations which will include Parliament. However, prior to its finalisation, the Department is available to provide an update to Parliament on progress of the work that has been done to date.

    Reply received: November 2012

    QUESTION 2826

    2826. Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) Whether her department subscribes to air/international (a) forums and\or (b) bodies; if not, why not; If so, (i) which (aa) forum and/or (bb) bodies and, in each case, (ii)what arethe annual membership fees, (iii) what are the benefits of membership and (iv) how are these beneficial to her department;

    (2) whether her department maintains a tracking mechanism to (a) measure and/or (b) determine the benefits of subscribing to international (I) forums and/or (ii) bodies; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW3482E


    (1 )(a) yes

    (b) yes

    (l)(aa) refer to attached schedule

    (bb) refer to attached schedule

    (ii) refer to attached schedule

    (iii) refer to attached schedule

    (iv) refer to attached schedule

    (2)(a) Yes, progress reports on all international interactions with partner countries at both bilateral and multilateral levels are presented to the Minister, Deputy Minister and the Director-General.

    (b) (i)Yes
    (ii) Yes


    Reply received: October 2012


    2700. Mrs S V Kalyan (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Whether her department has awarded any contracts to a certain company (name furnished) since its establishment in 1996; if so, in each case, (a) when was the contract awarded and (b) what was the (i) nature of the contract and (ii) total accumulative value of the tender? NW3318E


    No, the Department has not awarded any contract to Kopano ke Matla Investment Company (PTY) LTD since its establishment in 1996.

    Reply received: October 2012

    QUESTION 2636

    2636. Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Whether all Electricity Distribution Industry (EDI) Holdings offices have been closed; if not, why not; if so, (a)how was the (i) closure of the offices and (ii) termination of the leases managed and (b) what were the dates of the closures of all the offices? NW3252E

    Yes (a) (i) all the offices in Durban, East London and Cape Town were closed when ED1 ceased business on 31 March 2011. Pretoria was closed 31 July 201 1, (ii) the leases in East London and Durban were terminated by agreement with the respective landlords ahead of their expiry dates. The Cape Town lease terminated when the lease came to an end on 31 May 2011 and (b)the Pretoria lease was terminated by notice on 31 July 2012. East London, Cape Town, and Durban closed on 31 March 201 1; and Pretoria closed on 31 July 2011.

    Reply received: October 2012

    QUESTION 2635

    2635. Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Whether all Electricity Distribution Industry (EDI) Holdings projects were transferred to her department; if not, why not; if so, (a) which projects and (b) what is the status of these projects? NW3251E


    a) In December 2010 Cabinet terminated the REDS model as a solution to solve the challenges in the Electricity Distribution industry (EDI). In line with this decision, EDI Holdings operations were terminated at the end of March 2011.

    The responsibility for the winding-up of EDI Holdings, as well as the continued addressing of the EDI challenges was the responsibility of the Department of Energy (DOE). The various projects undertaken by EDI Holding until the date they cesses to exist, were transferred to the DOE.

    All active projects of EDI Holdings were completed and handed over to the DOE, except the initiative called Approach to Distribution Asset Management (ADAM). ADAM is not regarded as a project, but a long term intervention which is a comprehensive, multi-year initiative, targeted at addressing maintenance, refurbishment and strengthening backlogs in the current electricity distribution industry

    b) The DOE has developed a phased approached to implement ADAM and to address the EDI shortcomings, in line with the initial work that was done in this regard by ED1 Holdings. As first priority, immediate critical short term projects will be initiated to address the most critical shortages in the EDI.

    From an Asset Management perspective these projects were defined as:

    i) falling within the categories of short-term strengthening, refurbishment and maintenance;

    ii) ii) can be implemented within 18 months;

    iii) can improve the overall entity's infrastructure adequacy in line with planning and operational criteria defined by the entity itself or aligned within international standards;

    In implementing ADAM in this phased approached, the long term vision of a stable ED1 will be achieved,

    Reply received: October 2012


    Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) Whether she conducted any negotiations with existing trade countries regarding the sale of natural gas to South Africa; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, which countries;

    (2) whether she included natural gas as an option within the energy mix; if not, why not; if so, what percentage of the energy mix will natural gas represent? NW3250E


    (1) Yes , the Minister of Energy continues to have discussions with our two neighbouring countries; namely, the Republics of Mozambique and Namibia, respectively regarding the sale of natural gas to South Africa. Gas trade is normally provided for as part and parcel of bilateral oil and gas agreements that we enter into with other countries. These Gas Trade Agreements are administered by the respective Gas Commissions, with Gas Commissioners from the South African side being officials from the Department of Energy. They seek to, among other things: promote and facilitate gas trade between the two countries; be an "umbrella agreement" for specific gas trade projects; oversee all cross-border gas trade and be the forum of communication between the two countries; harmonise the regulatory requirements of the two countries and facilitate taxes and custom duties, metering, inspection, safety and environmental issues.

    The Mozambique/South Africa Gas Commission was established on 7 March 2002 and meets regularly. The construction of a compressor station in Komatipoort, Mpumalanga Province, to increase the maximum gas flow rate from Mozambique to South Africa from 120 million Giga Joule per annum (MGJ/a) to 147 MGJ/a, was completed in 2010.

    The Namibia/South Africa Gas Commission was established in August 2003, and is also a platform for engagement between the two countries; triggered by the potential of natural gas from the Kudu Field in Namibia.

    (2) Under the approved Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) 2010, the envisaged new electricity generation capacity is shared as follows: nuclear ~23%; coal ~15%; open-cycle gas turbines (OCGTs) ~9%; imported gas ~6%; and hydro power 6%. Therefore the IRP 2010 targets the contribution of gas to new electricity generation at 15% in total.

    Reply received: October 2012


    Mrs M Wenger (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) Whether construction of (a) a test smelter and (b) two induction smelters for which the Nuclear Energy Corporation of South Africa (Necsa) received environmental authorisation in 2007 (details furnished) has commenced; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case;

    (2) Whether the (a) test smelter and (b) two induction smelters have been completed; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW3209E


    (1) The environmental authorisation was for "installation and operation of a test smelter and subsequent construction and operation of two induction smelters". Installation of the test smelter has been completed. Necsa is in the process of licensing for the construction and operation of the two induction smelters.

    (2)(a) Test smelter completed. Planned for operation in 2013 after obtaining the nuclear installation license for induction smelters.

    (2)(b) Two induction smelters are not completed. A public hearing that was advertised by the National Nuclear Regulator (NNR) for the nuclear installation license application took place on 11 October 2012, Royal Elephant Hotel Conference Centre (Bondev House), Centurion, 9:00 to 16:30.

    Reply received: October 2012

    QUESTION 2562:

    2562. Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (a) What type of rigs does PetroSA use at its exploration sites, (b) how many rigs does PetroSA (i) own and (ii) hire and (c) for each hired rig (i) how much is the annual rental and (ii) what is the duration of the rental period? NW3169E


    (a) Semi-submersibles and, occasionally, drill ships.
    (b) (i) None.
    (ii) One rig at a time, when necessary.
    (c) (i) It ranges between $100 000 and $300 000 per day, plus the cost of drilling services of equivalent value range.
    (ii) This depends on the drilling operation in question. There is no drilling operation being undertaken by PetroSA at present.

    Reply received: October 2012


    Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    With reference to her reply to question 1827 on 3 September 2012, (a) who was seconded from PetroSA to assist the Strategic Fuel Fund (SFF) and (b) what was the (i) duration of the assistance and (ii) terms of reference?


    (a) It is not normal practice to disclose names of personnel other than accounting officers.

    (b) (i) The duration was until a permanent person was appointed.

    (ii)The person was there to oversee operations whilst a permanent person was being sought.

    Reply received: October 2012

    QUESTION 2488

    2488. Mrs J F Terblanche (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) Whether (a) her Ministry, (b) her department and (c) any entity reporting to her plan to host end-of year parties; if not, in each case, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each case, (I) for how many persons and (ii) at what cost;

    (2) whether the cost of the specified end-of-year parties has been budgeted for in the current financial year; if not, from where will the funding be sourced; if so, (a) what amount has been budgeted and
    (b) from which part of the budget will it be incurred? NW3094E


    1 © Entity

    To host year end function

    (i) Number of people to attend

    (ii) Estimated cost

    2(a) Amount budgeted

    (b) Source of Funds

    Ministry (Department of Energy






    Department of Energy

    Yes, the Department will host an end of year staff engagement an information session, this engagement is aimed at taking stock of Department's achievements and is also a platform for the Minister, and Deputy Minister and the Director-General to express gratitude to the dedicated staff for their commitments in meeting the department objectives. This event is also used as a team building exercise

    400 Department of Energy Officials


    R80 000

    Internal stakeholder engagement

    Petro SA


    3000 (including partners)



    Staff welfare



    150 (including partners)


    R180 000

    Staff welfare

    CEF and other smaller subsidiaries


    380 (including some partners)


    R382 000

    Staff welfare


    NECSA management intends to engage employees to whether the funds can be utilised towards funding the cash flow constraints.


    R400 000

    NECSA however, does not intend spending amount above the profit earned on fuel sales.

    Proceeds of Fuel Sales


    Lunch for all staff


    R3 500

    4 000

    Administrative and General Costs




    292 000

    R342 440

    Communication and Stakeholder management




    60 500

    R60 500

    Employee wellness programme

    Reply received: October 2012

    QUESTION 2449

    2449. Mr J F Smalle (DA)to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Whether any Electricity Distribution Industry (EDI) Holdings' employees laid charges against (a) her department and (b) (EDI) Holdings at the (i) Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) and (ii) Labour Court as a result of the company's disbandment; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details? NW3049E


    (a), (b) Yes, there were unfair dismissal claims Instituted against ED1 Holdings and the Department by the erstwhile employees of ED1 Holdings who believed that the failure to extend their contracts of employment beyond 31 March 20ll(being the date on which ail contracts, save for two, were due to terminate by effluxion of time), amounted to an unfair dismissal.

    (i) The claims were heard before the CCMA and an award made in favour of 30 employees, whose contracts had not been formally reduced to writing when they expired (in respect of whom the CCMA found that retrenchment procedures should have been followed), whilst the claims by the remaining 60 employees were dismissed by the CCMA (in respect of whom the CCMA found they had not been unfairly dismissed, but that their employment had terminated naturally when their respective contracts of employment came to an end).

    (ii) The 60 employees who were unsuccessful before the CCMA instituted a review against the ruling of the CCMA refusing them compensation. ED1 Holdings also Instituted a review against the ruling of the CCMA awarding compensation to the 30 employees. These proceedings remain pending before the Labour Court.

    Prior to the closure of ED1 Holdings, the board of directors of EDI Holdings decided, despite legal advice that the employees were not entitled to any termination or retrenchment or severance benefits, to make ex gratia payments of 6 months' salary lo all employees of ED1 Holdings subject to the approval of the Minister. These amounted to approximately R29rn. The Minister declined her consent as she believed there was no legal basis for the payments and that the amounts were in any event extra-ordinarily high, The employees have now instituted another application before the Labour Court to order ED1 Holdings to make the ex gratia payments on !he basis that the consent of the Minister was not necessary before the board could make such payments. This application is king opposed by ED1 Holdings.

    Numerous attempts have been made to settle all the above litigation, but to date no agreement could be reached with the employees.

    Reply received: October 2012

    QUESTION 2448

    2448. Mrs J F Terblanche (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) Whether (a) her Ministry, (b) her department and (c) any entity reporting to her plan to host end-of year parties; if not, in each case, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each case, (I) for how many persons and (ii) at what cost;

    (2) whether the cost of the specified end-of-year parties has been budgeted for in the current financial year; if not, from where will the funding be sourced; if so, (a) what amount has been budgeted and (b) from which part of the budget will it be incurred? NW3094E


    See attachment:

    Reply received: October 2012

    QUESTION 2447

    2447. Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    What (a) number of electricity interruptions have occurred in the 201 1-12 financial year in each specified (i) municipality, (ii) district and (iii) metro, (b) was the duration of the interruption in each case and (c) was the culminative loss in energy supply to the grid? NW3047E

    The Department of Energy received this question, reviewed it content against its mandate and has determined that the most appropriate respondent should be the Department of Public Enterprise (Eskom) and COGTA (Municipalities) as entities licensed to operate the grids.

    Reply received: October 2012

    QUESTION 2386

    2386. Mr N J J van R Koornhof (Cope) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Whether PetroSA intends to import liquefied natural gas (LNG); if not, why not; if so, which loading ports have been identified? NW2978E


    Yes. PetroSA does intend to import Liquefied Natural Gas ("LNG"), subject to the outcome of a Feasibility & Front-End Engineering and Design ("FEED") study into technical and commercial viability of importing LNG into Mossel Bay, which is currently underway.

    Mossel Bay would of necessity be the ideal location for an LNG facility, due to its proximity to PetroSA's Gas to Liquids Refinery (GTLR).

    Reply received: October 2012

    QUESTION 2299

    2299. Mr A Watson (DA) ta ask the Minister ofEnergy:

    (a)What steps has she taken to give effect to the performance agreement that she signed with the President in 2030, {b) what outcomes have been measured and (c) what follow-up has she taken with ward to each specific outcome? NW2883E


    (a) The Department's 2021/12 MTEF Strategic objectives are aligned to the relevant government outcomes.

    (b) Outcome 6 and 10 signed with the President. Additional supporting outcomes signed during the year: outcomes: 2,4,7,8,9

    (c) Refer to (a) above. The Departments' Strategic Objectives {in the Strategic Plan) are cascaded to the Annual Performance Plan (as predetermined objectives) and further to the Business Plans. The Departments' quarterly performance against predetermine. Objectives is reported to the Minister and later consolidated and published in the Annual Report. The Minister further holds periodic meetings with the DG and heads of branches on the subject matter.

    Reply received: October 2012

    QUESTION 2264

    2264. Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    What total quantities of (a) petrol, (b) diesel and (c) jet fuel were (i) imported and (ii) refined (aa) in the (aaa) 2009-10, (bbb) 2012-11 and (ccc) 2011-12 financial years (bb) since 1 April 2012? NW2843E

    (a) Petrol (i) Imported (aa)



    (aaa) April 2009-March 2010


    (bbb) April 2010-March 2011


    (ccc) April 2011-March 2012


    (bb) April 2012-June 2012


    Quantity is in litres
    (b) Diesel (i) Imported (aa)



    (aaa) April 2009-March 2010


    (bbb) April 2010-March 2011


    (ccc) April 2011-March 2012


    (bb) April 2012-June 2012


    Quantity is in litres
    © Jet fuel (i) Imported (aa)



    (aaa) April 2009-March 2010


    (bbb) April 2010-March 2011


    (ccc) April 2011-March 2012


    (bb) April 2012-June 2012


    Quantity is in litres

    (a) Petrol (ii) Refined



    (aaa) April 2009-March 2012


    (bbb) April 2010-March 2011


    (ccc) April 2011-March 2012


    (bb) April 2012


    (b) Diesel (ii) Refined



    (aaa) April 2009-March 2010


    (bbb) April 2010-March 2011


    (ccc) April 2011-March 2012


    (bb) April 2012


    © Jet fuel (ii) Refined



    (aaa) April 2009-March 2010


    (bbb) April 2010-March 2011


    (ccc) April 2011-March 2012


    (bb) April 2012


    Reply received: September 2012


    2258. Mr D J Maynier (DA) to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry:

    (1) Whether his department has met with representatives of the Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of Fraud, Corruption, Impropriety or Irregularity into the Strategic Defence Procurement Package; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each specified meeting (a) who represented (i) his department and (ii) the commission, (b) when did the meeting take place and (c) what was the purpose of the meeting;

    (2) Whether his department has handed over any documents to assist the commission in its inquiry into the arms deal; if not, why not, in each case; if so, in each specified case, (a) when were the documents handed to the commission, (b) which documents were handed to the commission and (c) how many documents were handed to the commission;

    (3) Whether hewill make a statement on the matter?NW2837E


    (1) The dti has not met with reprentatives of the Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of Fraud, Corruption, Impropriety or Irregularity into the Strategic Defence Procurement Package, because the commission has not requested a meeting to date.

    (2) The commission has however written to DTI to request relevant documents to its mandate. These documents are being compiled for onward transmission to the commission.

    Reply received: October 2012

    QUESTION 2219

    2219. Mr S J Njikelana (ANC) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Whether she has found the rolling out of free basic electricity (a) in rural areas and (b) to (i) the poor, (ii) women and (iii) child-headed households has met the required terms of reference; if not, why not, in each case; if so, what are the relevant details? NW 2786E


    (a), (b),(i),(ii),(iii) No, there is a general challenge of monitoring Free Basic Electricity (FBE) on the ground as it is difficult to establish accurate figures the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. CoGTA has reported that they are undergoing structural change to integrate resources to monitor FBS. Presently, it is difficult to separate The estimated statistics of the beneficiaries as woman or child-headed households, but in genera! these have been referred to as indigent households. The estimated national implementation of Free Basic Electricity/Free Basic Alternative Energy (FBAE) is estimated at 70% lo ail the qualifying indigents as there are diverse numbers of challenges, The customers have to re-apply annually to their local municipality to be classified as indigent, and hence these statistics are not always up to date.

    From the few years of implementation of FBE, it is clear that it serve as a tool to address inequality and to help the poor to gain access to modern energy services Rural households tend to use a number of different fuels to meet their energy needs, including biomass, paraffin and electricity to basically provide for cooking, basic lighting, access to a black-and-white TV and a small radio.

    There are other programmes presently complementing FBE in the Energy Sector as further measures introduced to address affordability and protecting the poor and they are:

  • implementation of inclining Block Tariff (IBTs). Even though other Municipalities are currently experiencing challenges with regards to the implementation. Provision of free 50kWh of grid electricity per month to all households with concomitant blocked or stepped tariffs for electricity consumption beyond 50kWh to mitigate the cost implication of the free basic electricity provided.
  • Facilitating access to electricity through government subsidised electrification (>5,5 million connections made);
  • Free connections provided to municipality and Eskom low consumption residential customers; and
  • Lower price increases applied to low consumption domestic customers (5-10% vs general increase of up to 26%).
  • Reply received: October 2012

    QUESTION 2162

    2162. Mr TD Lee (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Whether (a) her department or (b) any entity reporting toher makes use of private security firms; if so, in each case, (i)which firms and {ii}what is the (aa) purpose, (bb) value and (cc) duration of each specified contract? (b) any entity reporting to her makes use of private security firms; if so, in each case, (i) which firms and (i) what is the [aa) purpose, (bb) value and (cc)duration of each specified contract? NW2685E


    (a) Yes the Department of Energy makes use of one private security firm at its new head office premises in 192Visagie Street in Pretoria, (i] MCC Security and Projects. (aa) KO secure the two main gates and the Guard House, bb) the contract is valued at R222 345.60 (inclusive of VAT), and (cc)the duration is for the period 23 July 2012 to 31 December2012

    (b) as detailed below;


    (i) Name of Security Company

    (ii) (aa)

    (cc) Value

    Duration of Contract


    Enforce Security Services (Pty) Ltd

    Fidelity Security Services

    Guarding service around premises

    1.4million per month (Mossel Bay & Cape Town)

    70 000 per month

    36 Months

    SFF Association

    Venus Africa Security (Pty) Ltd

    Guarding services around premises

    110 943 per month

    Month to month

    African Exploration Mining and Finance Corporation (Pty) Ltd


    Guarding services around premises

    128 840 per month

    36 Month

    Petroleum Agency SA


    Guarding services around premises

    R32 718 per month

    Month to month

    Total for the CEF group

    R1 742 501 per month


    Protea Coin Security

    Supplementing guarding services specifically to provide flexible security services

    R393 443.93 per month

    Six month contract (February 2012- August 2012)


    R137 349.50 per month

    36 months


    Marshal Nights Security

    To safe guard the NERSA premises and contents.

    R752 400.00

    24 months


    SANEDI does not use private security firms.

    Reply received: October 2012

    QUESTION 2153

    2153. Mr L W Greyling (ID) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) With reference to her reply to question 1595 on 18 July 2012, (a) in respect of each specified year, which traffic rule was violated and (b) what was the speed of the vehicle in the case of speeding fines incurred;


    (2) whether the traffic fines incurred have been paid; if not, why not; if so, (a) by whom and (b) when? NW2674E

    The National Road Traffic Act, No. 93 of 1996 (the Act) is clear regarding the transgression of traffic laws. Section 60 of the Act provides that certain drivers may exceed the general speed limit. These include "the driver of a fire-fighting vehicle, a rescue vehicle or an ambulance who drives such vehicle in the carrying out of his or her duties, a traffic officer who drives a vehicle in the carrying out of his or her duties or any person driving a vehicle while engaged in civil protection ..." This section applies provided that the person exempt drives the vehicle concerned with due regard to the safety of other road users. In addition, the vehicle must be fitted with a siren and the siren and/or identification lamps shall be in operation while speeding.

    Ministers are driven by members of the special protection unit (SPU) while these members are engaged in their duties of civil protection, As a result, while on duty the members of the special protection unit are protected by the legislative dispensation as outlined in s.60 of the Act. Therefore, if a Minister's vehicle gets a speeding fine whilst being driven by a person conducting his/her civil protection duties and after such a person has complied with the legislative requirements of exercising safety and using a siren, such a fine will be set aside.

    If in the conduct of their duties, it is found that a person engaged in civil protection exceeds the speed limit without due course, such actions must be reported and shall be investigated.

    Reply received: September 2012

    QUESTION 2117
    2117. Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) Whether PetroSA has a mandate to import crude oil; if not, how was this conclusion reached; if so, what are the relevant details:

    (2) whether PetroSA imported any crude oil in the past three financial years for which information is available; If not, why not; If so, in each financial year, (a) how many barrels, (b) from where was it imported, (c) for which purpose, (d) at what cost and (e) at which facilities was the crude oil stored?

    (I)Yes. This has always been part of their mandate from inception
    (2) No. They did not as there was no reason for them to do so.

    Reply received: September 2012

    QUESTION 2116
    2116. Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) How much does PetroSA charge for the storage of crude oil per barrel;

    (2) whether the price charged per barrel are in line with international average prices per barrel; if not, why not; if so, how was this conclusion reached;

    (3)(a) which crude oil storage facilities are managed by PetroSA and (b) what are their holding capacities;

    (4) how much crude oil has been stored at PetroSA storage facilities (a) in the (i) 2009-10, (ii) 2010-11 and (iii) 2011-12 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2012? NW2635E


    (1) PetroSA does not own oil storage facilities.
    (2) Not applicable.
    (3) Not applicable,
    (4) Not applicable.

    Reply received: October 2012

    QUESTION 2110

    2110. Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    ( 1 Whether a public tender has been issued for he management of the Saldanha oil storage facility; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;

    (2) whether any of the crude oil storage reservoirs at the Saldanha facility are being leased to any third patties; if not, why not; if so, in each case, (a) to which company, (b) at what cost and (c) for what lease period? NW2629E


    (I)There is no reason for Issuing a public tender for the management of the Saldanha Oil Storage Facility. This facility is managed by SFF, which is a subsidiary of CEF (SOC) Ltd.

    (2) Yes. Crude oil storage tanks at Saldanha are leased to third parties if not used by SFF. (a) The nature of contractual engagements that SFF undertakes with entities that rent storage space in Saldanha does not permit SFF to divulge Information relating to these contractual engagements without the permission of the contracting entity or due legal process having been followed, specifically, PAIA.

    (b) Revealing this cost would compromise SFF's commercial negotiations for storage tariffs.

    (c) The periods vary per contract.

    Reply received: September 2012

    QUESTION 2095
    Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    1) What is the percentage aggregate for each municipal active energy charge (a) above and (b) below the Eskom mega-flex rate on (i) 11 kW, (ii) 22 kW, (iii) 33 kW, (iv) 44 kW and (v) 66 kW per 300 km for the 2011-2012 financial year;

    2) What is the percentage aggregate for each municipality energy demand-side charge (a) above and (b) below the Eskom mega-flex rate? NW2575E


    1) Comparison with the Eskom Megaflex tariff (Transmission Zone >300and S 500km, < 500V) to 20 municipalities for the 201 1/12 and 2012113 financial years, yields the following:

    Active energy charges:

    a) For the high demand peak energy charges, the difference between the municipal rates and Eskom rates range from .69% (i.e. below the Megaflex rates) to 63%.

    b) For the low demand peak energy charges, the difference between the municipal rates and Eskom rates range from -19% (i.e, below the Megaflex rates) to 170%.

    2) Demand side charges:
    a) With regards to the demand charges, this ranges from -8% (i.e. below b e Eskom rates) to 422%,

    Reply received: September 2012

    QUESTION 2044
    2044. Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) (a) How many power stations are in South Africa, (b) what are their names, (c) where are they located, (d) what are the outputs and (e) how many turbines are operational at each power station;

    (2) with reference to each power station, (a) how many times were turbines tripped (i) in the (aa) 2009-10, (bb) 2010-11 and (cc) 2011-12 financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2012 and (b) what was the total amount of kilowatt hours lost? NW2523E


    The Department of Energy received the question, reviewed its content against its mandate and has determined that the most appropriate respondent should be the Department of Public Enterprises.

    Reply received: August 2012

    QUESTION 1960

    1960. Mr M Mnqasela (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Whether any entity reporting to her has budgeted for (a) financial donations or (b) sponsorships in the (i) 2009-10, (ii) 2010-11 and (iii) 2011-12 and (iv) 2012-13 financial years; if not, why not; if so, in each case, what amount was (aa) budgeted and (bb) spent? NW2349














    Entity was under a financial strain due

    to preparations for relocation to an

    alternative office space.

    Entity was under a financial strain

    due to preparations for relocation

    to an alternative office space.

    Entity was under a financial strain

    due to preparations for relocation

    to an alternative office space.

    R 300,000.00

    R 100,000.00






















































    Pelchem Group




















    NTP Group


















    Reply received: September 2012

    QUESTION 1945

    1945. Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (a) How will PetroSA fund its new gas venture Project Ikhwezi, (b) what will be the total investment into this venture upon completion and (c) how many direct jobs will be created by this venture? NW2334E


    (a) From PetroSA's balance.

    (b) The current budgeted figure is R10 billion.

    (c) The project will create temporary jobs during construction and drilling. The project is intended to provide feedstock which will prolong the life of the GTL refinery, and maintain existing jobs at the GTL refinery. This will also assist to enhance economic activity in Mossel Bay.

    Reply received: August 2012

    QUESTION 1942
    Mr J F Smalle (BA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) Whether PetroSA was involved in any exploration prospecting activities (a) during the (i) 2009-10, (ii) 2010-11 and (iii) 2011-12 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2012 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if not, why not; if so, (aa) when and (bb) for what resources and (cc) what was the (aaa) total financial cost and (bbb) outcome of each exploration prospecting activity;

    (2) Whether PetroSA conducted any of these exploration prospecting activities in partnership with another party; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW2331E


    (1) Yes for all the years indicated in the question, PetroSA was involved in a number of exploration activities. The details for each Financial year appear in the Table below,

    Expenditure on exploration and appraisal activities for the periods requested in ZAR (millions).







    R 1 192.72

    R 435.18

    R 433.03

    R 47.87

    (bbb) The outcome for each exploration effort cannot be disclosed as this is commercially sensitive information and PetroSA is competing in the Petroleum Sector with other players.

    (2) In some instance PetroSA was conducting this activity on its own and in others if had partners.

    Reply received: August 2012

    QUESTION 1904

    Mr J F Smalle (BA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) Whether PetroSA was involved in any exploration prospecting activities (a) during the (i) 2009-10, (ii) 2010-11 and (iii) 2011-12 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2012 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if not, why not; if so, (aa) when and (bb) for what resources and (cc) what was the (aaa) total financial cost and (bbb) outcome of each exploration prospecting activity;

    (2) Whether PetroSA conducted any of these exploration prospecting activities in partnership with another party; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW2331E


    (If Yes for all the years indicated in the question, PetroSA was involved in a number of exploration activities. The details for each Financial year appear in the Table below,

    Expenditure on exploration and appraisal activities for the periods requested in ZAR (millions).







    R 1192.72

    R 435.18

    R 433.03

    R 47.87

    (bbb) The outcome for each exploration effort cannot be disclosed as this is commercially sensitive information and PetroSA is competing in the Petroleum Sector with other players.

    (2) In some instance PetroSA was conducting this activity on its own and in others if had partners.

    Reply received: October 2012


    Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) How many employees did Electricity Distribution Industry (EDI) Holdings employ at the stage when

    the company was disbanded;

    (2) whether any personnel employed by EDI Holdings were offered (a) retrenchment packages, or (b) transfers to (i) her department, or (ii) any of its entities;, if not, what assistance was provided to employees if so, in each case, how many (aa) received retrenchment packages, and (bb) were transferred;

    (3) Whether the books of EDI Holdings have been closed, if not, why not; if so, how does the balance sheet reflect (a) at the time of disbandment


    (1) 96 employees were employed by Electricity Industry Distribution Industry (EDI) Holdings at the stage when the company was disbanded;

    (2) (a) No personnel employed by EDI Holdings were offered retrenchment packages nor (b)transfers to (i)her department; nor (ii) any of its entities; EDI Holdings employees were given preference/shortlisted for vacancies within the Department of Energy where they indicated interest and had appropriate qualification. A total number of 15 employees were employed, however not every one of them are still with the department, (aa) no employees received retrenchment packages and (bb) no employees from EDI Holdings were transferred those that were employed were employed via normal selection process.

    (3) No, the books of EDI Holdings have not been closed due to litigation matters from consultants who are claiming for damages for loss of income, settlements of other debts and former employees also registered an unfair dismissal claim with the CCMA and the Labour Court. The Labour Court proceedings are still on (a) at the time of the disbandment the total amount of assts was R466,3 million.

    Reply received: August 2012

    QUESTION 1829

    1829. Mr J F Smalle (DA)to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (I) Whether her department has developed a comprehensive business plan with regard to South Africa's bitumen requirements; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;

    (2) whether the Government has the infrastructure for the (a) storage and (b) transportation of bitumen; if not, how will her department deal with this issue; if so, (i) which pipelines are bitumen compatible and (ii) where are the bitumen storage facilities Iocated;

    (3) whether the Government has the infrastructure to increase bitumen production; if not, how will her department deal with this issue; if so, what are the relevant details;

    (4) whether the Government imports bitumen; if not, why not; if so, (a) from where and (b) at what cost;

    (5)whether the sufficient supply chain management of bitumen are in place to complement the National infrastructure Build Programme; if not, how will her department deal with this issue; if so, what are the relevant details? NW2221E


    The Department of Energy received the question, reviewed its content against its mandate and has determined that the most appropriate respondents should be the Department of Transport and the Department of Trade and Industry.

    Reply received: September 2012

    QUESTION 1828

    1828. Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) (a) How many crude oil reservoir tanks are at (i) Milnerton, (ii) Saldanha and (iii) the Port of Durban, (b) what are their capacities and (c) who currently manages these facilities;

    (2) Whether the reservoir tanks at these facilities are currently being utilised; if not, why not; if so, at each facility (i) by whom and (ii) how much crude oil is currently stored;

    (3) whether the blending of crude oil takes place at these facilities; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


    (1) (a) (i) There are 39 tanks in Milnerton.

    (ii) There are six tanks in Saldanha

    (iii) There are crude oil reservoir tanks in Port of Durban other than tanks used for operational purposes by oil companies.

    (b) (i) Each tank has a total storage capacity of 200 000 barrels.

    (ii) Each tank has a total storage capacity of 7.1 million m3.

    (iii) As at 1 (a) (iii)

    (c) The facilities in Milnerton and Saldanha are managed by the government agency, Strategic Fuel Fund.

    (2) (i) The tanks in Milnerton are not utilised at the present moment.

    The tanks in Saldanha are used by Chevron. The Strategic Fuel Fund and others are leased to various international companies and PetroSA.

    Refer to 1 (a) (iii)

    (ii) The levels of crude oil vary depending on the activities of Chevron and the other companies.

    (3) Milnerton: There has been no need to blend.

    Saldanha: Blending takes place depending on the needs of the various users of the tanks

    Port of Durban: Not applicable as indicated at 1 (a) (iii).

    Reply received: September 2012

    QUESTION 1827

    1827. Mr J F Smalie (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (I) Whether any members of the executive management of the Strategic Fuel Fund (SFF) have tendered their resignations since 1 April 2012; if not, how was this conclusion reached; if so, (a) who resigned and (b) what were (i) their titles and (ii) the reasons for the resignations;

    (2) whether her department intends implementing any measures to minimise the impact these resignations might have on the integrity of the SFF; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;

    (3) whether her department has started the process of filling the vacancies lefl by these resignations; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW2219E


    (I) Yes.

    (a) The following managers resigned from 31s' March 2012; Mr. Arthur Martin and Mr. Piet Coetzee.

    (b) (i) Mr. Martin was the Rental Manager and Mr. Coetzee was the Acting General Manager ( GM) commercial.(ii) To pursue other personal interests.

    (2) Yes, as an interim measure a person was seconded from PetroSA to manage the portfolio before appointments were made.

    (3) Yes SFF has filled the vacancies. The General Manager Commercial position has been filled. In addition, a commercial logistics coordinator has been appointed.

    Reply received: August 2012

    QUESTION 1807

    1807. Mr L W Greyling (ID) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (I) Whether highly enriched uranium (HEU) is currently being stored at Pelindaba; if not, why not; if so, (a) how much and (b) what is it being used for;

    (2) whether Pelindaba obtained authorisation from the National Nuclear Regulator to store highly enriched uranium (HEU) on site; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW2199E


    Details regarding the uranium stockpiles is classified and therefore cannot be disclosed publicly.

    Reply received: August 2012

    QUESTION 1802

    1802 , Mr L W Greyling (ID) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Whether the SA Nuclear Energy Corporation (NECSA) made any payments to a certain company (name furnished) (a) in (i) 2009-10, (ii) 2010-11 and (iii) 2011-12 and (b) since 1 April 2012; if not, how was this conclusion reached; if so, (aa) how much was paid and (bb)(aaa) when and (bbb) why was each payment made? NW2193E


    Details of transactions between Necsa and particular companies are commercially sensitive and can therefore not be disclosed publically.

    Reply received: August 2012

    QUESTION 1776

    1776. Mrs PC Duncan (DA)

    1) Whether (a) her department and (b) all entities reporting to her make payment to (i) suppliers and (ii) service providers within the 30 day period as specified by the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Act 1 of 1999; if not in each case, (aa) how many service providers are awaiting payment, (bb) what is the monetary value of outstanding payments ad (cc) how is payment overdue.

    2) Whether (a) her department and (b) all entities reporting to her are liable for any interest charged on overdue payments in any of the cases mentioned; if not, what is the position in this regard: if so, in each case, what is the (i)p percentage and (ii) monetary value of interest charged; 3) Whether (a) her department and (b) all entities reporting to her have negotiated revised payment schedules with each of the service providers mentioned; if not, why not; if so, in each case, what are the relevant details;

    4) What are the reasons for (a) her department and (b) all entities reporting to her not making payment within 30days as specified by the PFMA;

    5) Whether (a) her department and (b) all entities reporting to her have Implemented any measures to (i) ensure full compliance with the PFMA and (ii) facilitate immediate payment for overdue accounts; If not, why not; if so, in each case, what are the relevant details?


    1(a) (i) Suppliers




    Van Schaik Bookstore and

    Government Printers

    R9 756.37

    33 days

    (ii) Service Providers





    R 19 326. 54

    33 days

    Rafiki Training

    R 7 182.00

    34 days

    Experian SA

    R 670.70

    34 days

    Reflex Solutions

    R 82 080.00

    35 days


    R 2 693. 25

    37 days

    CEOS Technology

    R 466 573.82

    45 days

    Human Communication

    R 4 670. 41

    32 days


    R 28 422. 97

    41 days


    R 9 850. 71

    40 days

    Care Way Group

    R 12 373. 56

    31 days

    1 (b)


    (b)(i)(ii)The CEF Group of companies has a policy to pay all suppliers within 30 specific period. Notwithstanding this policy, there are some suppliers whose invoices are outstanding for periods longer than 30 days. This is normally the result of the invoices being under query, invalid invoices received, or suppliers' to provide appropriate banking details for the companies to process payments. In all instances, these are followed up on an ongoing basis and the group companies are in constant contact with the supplies to resolve any outstanding issues.


    In Section 8 of the Treasury Regulation no: 8.2.3

    Unless determined otherwise in a contract or agreement, all payment due to creditors must settled within 30 days from the recipient of an invoice or in the case of civil claims, from the date of settlement or court judgement, (Section 38(1)(f) and 79(4)(b) of the PFMA)

    Certain creditors payments were however withheld at 31 March 2012 due to financial constraints experienced by Necsa. All of the creditors withheld at 31 March 2012 were however settled without attraction any interest


    (b)(i) & (ii) Payment is made between 30 to 59 days

    (aa) As at the 31 March 2012, three service providers were awaiting payment

    (bb) As at 31 March 2012, an amount of R 107 961 was outstanding longer than 30 days.

    The reason for this was that the cheques that were paid to the service providers were lost by the financial institution. NERSA had to wait for the cheques to be cancelled before new cheques could be issued. The corrective measure taken by NERSA is the implementation of an Electronic Fund Transfer system,

    (cc) On average, payments were outstanding for 56 days.


    (b)(i) & (ii) The national Nuclear Regulator did not pay one service provider within 30 days as at 2011/12 financial year.

    (aa) As at 31 March 2012, one service provider was awaiting payment

    (bb) the amount outstanding is R 116 870. 00

    (cc) The payment was 90 days overdue


    (B)(i) & (ii) Yes, in most instances unless there are circumstances the company does not have control over.

    (aa) two service providers awaiting payment

    (bb) R 60 000. 00 and R 15 250. 00

    (cc) two months and 1.5 month.

    2 (a) No interest was charged or paid on the late payments.



    No interest has been levied on outstanding amounts as these are the result of various reasons as indicated above.


    Not applicable


    (i) 2.5%

    (ii) R356


    No interest charged.


    Interest is not applicable


    No detailed revised schedules have been negotiated, but the Group entities closely with the service providers to resolve any outstanding issues and facilitate payment at the earliest possible date.


    Not applicable


    As the reason for the payment of the invoice was the fact that the financial institution lost the cheques paid to the service providers, and the payments to these serviceproviders were made in full the moment that the cheques were cancelled, there was noneed to negotiate revised payment terms,


    The amount was negotiated for settlement on the finalization of the deal.


    It was not necessary.

    3 (a) No revised payment schedules were negotiated as this was not necessary both in terms of the timing of the payments and the amounts paid.


    4 (a) The majority of the late payments occurred at the beginning of the financial year , and this was due to the close of the financial systems for year end.



    this in normally the result of the invoice being under query, invalid invoices received, or suppliers' failure to provide appropriate banking details for the companies to process payments


    Not applicable


    The cheques that were deposited in the service providers' account were lost by the financial institution.


    The invoice was issued prematurely as settlement thereof was dependent upon the finalization of the registration process for the building that was being procure.


    In terms of the agreement the balance will be paid upon completion of the deliverable.


    The various group entities liaised with individual suppliers where appropriate to resolve outstanding issues and facilitate payment as soon as possible. There are procedures in place to ensure payments within 30 days, to the extent possible.


    I and ii) Necsa did not breach the PFMA requirement


    (i) Necessary measures were implemented.

    (ii) Payments were done after the cheques were stopped.


    The Nuclear Regulator keeps an invoice register as which is reviewed by the responsible Executive monthly. This ensures tracking and follow-through of unpaid invoice up to settlement.


    (i) The are policies and procedure in place to ensure full compliance with PFMA.

    (ii) There are no overdue accounts.

    5 (a) (i) A memo has been sent out to all Departmental staff reminding them of the requirement to effect within 30 days as per NT instruction Note 34. (ii)A manual tracking and expediting system is currently in operation.

    Reply received: September 2012

    QUESTION 1754
    Mrs N W A Michael (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    1) Whether any municipalities have applied to the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) in the (a) 2009 -10; (b) 2010 - 11 and (c) 2011 - 12 financial years to be allowed to charge more than the stipulated 11,03% municipal surcharge for electricity purchased from Eskom, if not, what is the position in this regard, if so, (i) which municipalities and (ii) what are the relevant details of the applications in each specified case;

    2) Whether Nersa has penalised any municipality for not conforming to the conditions under which a higher surcharge than 11,03% was applied, if not, why not, if so, what are the relevant details? NW2145E


    1) The 11.03% is a guideline increase that NERSA provides to the municipalities for the year 2012-13, it is not a surcharge as defined in the Municipal Finance Management Act. The guideline increase for the financial year 2010-11 was 20.38%.

    There was no guideline increase issued by NERSA in 2009-10 because the Interim application by Eskom was only submitted in June 2009 and municipalities applied for the implementation of the 34% that Eskom had applied for.

    i) Table 1 shows the implementation of the guideline increases for the financial years 2011/12 and 2012/13.



    Guideline % increase



    Number of Licensees that applied for increases



    Number of licensees that applied late



    Number of licensees that applied for above the guideline



    Number of licensees that did not applied for increases



    Table 1: Number of municipalities that applied for guidelines increases, above guidelines increases, late applications and those that did not apply for the financial years 2011-12 and 2012-13

    See attachment
    : List of Municipalities that applied

    Reply received: July 2012

    Question 1702

    Mr. J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    What is the total storage capacity of PetroSA for storing (a) crude, (b) diesel and (c) petroleum? NW2056E


    The total capacity to store crude oil and petroleum products at PetroSA is as follows:

    (a) Crude: 7.5 million barrels

    (b) Diesel: 61,800 m3

    (c) Petrol : 62,400 m3

    Reply received: July 2012

    Question: 1672

    1672. Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Whether she has identified a strategy to align the oil and gas facilities at Milnerton, Saldanha and the Port of Durban into an integrated system complementing each facility in respect of (a) importation, (b) exportation, (c) storage, (d) refining and (e) distribution of liquid fuel products; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW1963E


    The Department of Energy is currently developing the 20 Year Liquid Fuels Infrastructure Road Map, which will enable the Department to devise a strategy that will ensure security of supply, identify bottlenecks within the liquid fuels value chain and address challenges related to infrastructure.

    Reply received: July 2012

    Question: 1671

    Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Whether she has found that any of the oil and gas facilities at (a) Milnerton, (b) Saldanha and (c) the Port of Durban (i) are in need of upgrades and (ii) have been earmarked for expansion; if not, how was this conclusion reached; if so, what are the relevant details in each case? NW1962E


    (a) For the facilities owned by the Strategic Fuel Fund (SFF) at Milnerton, SFF is constantly reviewing the possibilities of better utilizing the storage tanks. These are contained in the CEF Corporate Plans.

    (b) At Saldanha, there are plans to:

    (i) upgrade the management of the facilities;

    (ii) There are no plans for expansion at this stage.

    (c) At the port of Durban, the need to:

    (i) Upgrade; and/or

    (ii) Expand will be informed by the 20 year Liquid Fuels Infrastructure Road Map currently being developed.

    Reply received: July 2012

    Question 1666

    Mr L W Greyling (ID) to ask the Minister of Energy

    Whether the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) conducted any investigation into the accident at the Duvha Power Station last year; if not, why not; if so, when will the report be tabled in the National Assembly


    The Department of Energy received the question, reviewed its content against its mandate and has determined that the most appropriate respondent should be the Department of Public Enterprises.

    Reply received: July 2012

    Question 1635

    Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) How many (a) berths and (b) pipelines service the oil and gas facilities at (i) Milnerton, (ii) Saldanha and (iii) the Port of Durban and (c) what is the capacity in each case;

    (2) whether the (a) berths and (b) pipelines servicing the facilities at (i) Milnerton and (ii) Saldanha are fully operational; if not, why not; if so,

    (3) whether the (a) berths and (b) pipelines servicing the facilities at (i) Milnerton and (ii) Saldanha are compatible to (aa) import and (bb) export liquid fuel; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;

    (4) whether she has considered to upgrade the infrastructure at the Port of Durban to make it compatible to (a) import and (b) export liquid fuel; if not, how was the conclusion reached; if so,

    (5) whether such an upgrade would increase the commercial viability of the Port of Durban with regard to the oil and gas industry; if not, how was this conclusion reached; if so, what are the relevant details? NW1961E


    (1) Milnerton: (a) One berth for crude oil (b) One oil pipeline (c) 450 tons per annum

    Saldanha: (a) One berth (b) One oil pipeline (c) 25 million tons per annum

    Port of Durban: (a) Eight berths (b) Two pipelines from the Single Buoy Mooring (c) 5,000 tons per hour

    (2) Milnerton: Fully operational

    Saldanha: Fully operational

    Port of Durban: Currently berth 2 and 5 are being upgraded and therefore out of commission.

    Berth 1, 4,6,7,8 and 9 are fully operational.

    (3) Berths in Milnerton, Saldanha and Port of Durban are all used for both imports and exports of liquid fuels.

    (4) As stated above, Berths 2 and 5 are being upgraded by Transnet.

    (5) The upgrade will increase the commercial viability of the Port of Durban.

    Reply received: July 2012

    Question: 1619

    Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Whether she intends to introduce the (a) Petroleum Products Second Amendment Bill, (b) Gas Amendment Bill, (c) Electricity Regulation Amendment Bill and (d) National Energy Regulator Amendment Bill as announced in her budget speech on 26 May 2011; if not, why not, in each case; if so, when, in each case? NW1848E



    (a) The Petroleum Products Amendment Bill will be introduced during the fourth quarter of the 2012/13 financial year.

    (b) The Gas Amendment Bill will be introduced during the third quarter of the 2012/13 financial year.

    (c) The Electricity Regulation Second Amendment Bill will be introduced during the third quarter of the 2012/13.

    (d) The Electricity Regulation Second Amendment Bill and the National Energy Regulator Amendment Bill the third quarter of the 2012/13.

    Reply received: July 2012

    QUESTION 1618

    Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Whether her department has finalised the Petroleum and Liquid Fuels Charter Audit that she announced in November 2010; if not, why not; if so, (a) when, (b) what were the findings and (c) where was it published? NW1847E


    Please refer to the response to Question 1413

    Reply received: July 2012

    QUESTION 1595

    Mr J J van der Linde (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Whether any traffic fines were incurred with regard to any of her official vehicles in the (a) 2009-10, (b) 2010-11 and (c) 2011-12 financial years; if so, what (i) amount in fines was incurred in respect of each specified vehicle in each specified financial year and (ii) are the further relevant details in each case? NW1924E


    The Minister is driven to and from official engagements by the South African Police Services' VIP Protection Unit and the following traffic fines were incurred by the unit's members in the execution on duty:


    PERIOD: 2010-2011


    Total amount


    R 1,500.00


    R 1,500.00


    R 200.00


    R 1,250.00


    R 3,000.00


    R 500.00


    R 3,000.00


    PERIOD: 2011-2012


    Total amount


    R 3,750.00


    R 3,000.00


    R 4,500.00


    R 4,500.00


    R 100.00


    R 900.00


    R 4,500.00


    R 900.00


    R 1,500.00


    R 4,500.00


    PERIOD: 2011-2012


    Total amount


    R 300.00

    Reply received: June 2012


    Mr G S Radebe (ANC) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    What are the relevant details of her department's plan to promote co-generation of electricity? NW1781E


    In March 2012, the Department issued a request for information (RFI) on potential developers of Co-Generation, Coal, Natural Gas and Imported Hydro, in order to ascertain what is available in the South African market. The Department is currently busy with a process of initiating a procurement process to procure co-generators in line with the medium term risk mitigation plan, as stipulated in the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP2010).

    Reply received: July 2012

    QUESTION 1505

    Mrs N F Mathibela (ANC) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Which areas of focus has her department identified for inclusion in the programmes of the Revised Strategic Plan 2012-2015? NW1780E

    Reply: The Department of Energy did not change their main areas of focus in the programmes of the Revised Strategic Plan 2011/12-2015/6. The 2011/12-2015/6 Strategic Plan was revised in terms of –

    · Further adaptation to Government's Outcomes Based Approach;

    · Improved compliance with the requirements of the Framework for Strategic Plans and Annual Performance Plans;

    · Illustrating the alignment of the Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals with the Delivery Agreements signed by the Minister;

    · Listing the existing Strategic Objectives/Outputs that were not provided for in the original Strategic Plan; and

    · Improving the Objective Statements to be more specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound (SMART).

    The Revised Strategic Plan, therefore, still focuses on the following main areas of focus:

    · Efficient and diverse energy mix for universal access within a transformed energy sector.

    · Energy supply is secure and demand is well managed.

    · Improved energy regulation and competition.

    · An efficient, competitive and responsive energy infrastructure network.

    · Environmental assets and natural resources protected and continually enhanced by cleaner energy technologies.

    · Mitigation against, and adaptation to, the impacts of climate change.

    Reply received: June 2012

    QUESTION 1502

    Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) Whether South Africa holds a strategic crude oil stock; if not, why not; if so, (a) how much and (b) where is it stored;

    (2) whether the strategic crude oil stock is blended crude for domestic consumption; if not, why not? NW1693E


    (1) South Africa does hold strategic crude oil stocks; (a) of plus minus 11million barrels (b) at a secure crude oil storage facility;

    (2) The strategic crude oil stocks are of a blend / grade that would be usable for domestic consumption.

    Reply received: June 2012

    Question 1501

    Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) Whether her department has developed a comprehensive business plan in respect of South Africa's liquid petroleum gas (LPG) requirements; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;

    (2) Whether her department has identified measures to ensure a safe and affordable supply of LPG; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW1692E


    (1) The Department of Energy is currently in the process of developing a comprehensive LPG Expansion Strategy which seeks to provide a framework for the expansion of the use of LPG in South Africa with a special emphasis on the household sector. This Strategy will highlight strategic options that could be adopted for the orderly development of the LPG industry in South Africa to make LPG an energy carrier of choice for thermal applications;

    (2) With regard to the safety aspects of LPG, there are already legislative measures in place that regulate the safe handling of LPG through the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 58 of 1993) (OHSA). This Act, which is administered by the Department of Labour, provides for the promulgation of various regulations to ensure safe handling and storage of LPG. Furthermore, the Department of Energy has collaborated with the South African Petroleum Industry Association (SAPIA), the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Safety Association of Southern Africa (LPGSASA) and associations of fuel retailers in embarking on an awareness campaign to request LPG users to fill up their cylinders well on time before the winter season. The campaign includes the safe use and handling of LPG.

    With regard to the pricing of LPG, the Department of Energy commenced with the regulation of the maximum retail price of LPG supplied to households in July 2010. The Department of Energy is currently reviewing the Maximum Refinery Gate Price of LPG and the Working Rules for appropriate pricing of LPG, noting that increased consumption of LPG would only be met through imports.

    Lastly, the Department is working together with Transnet to facilitate investments in the LPG import facilities in the medium- to long-term.

    Reply received: June 2012

    Question 1493

    Mr M G P Lekota (Cope) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Whether any new carbon sinks are being created parallel with the building of the Kusile and Medupi coal-fired power stations to help offset their future carbon emissions in order that South Africa meets its carbon emission commitments in terms of the Kyoto Protocol and other international agreements; if not, why not; if so, (a) in which localities, (b) by whom, (c) of what type and (d) at what cost? NW1772E


    Eskom itself has not created new carbon sinks parallel with the building of Kusile and Medupi coal fired power stations. Parallel to Eskom, Independent Power Producers (IPP) are responsible for introducing about 2400MW of renewable energy generators into the grid. It does not view emissions reductions on a project by project basis, but does so holistically for the whole organisation. There is a comprehensive strategy in place, outlined in the Integrated Resource Plan, to reduce relative emissions in the short to medium term and reduce absolute emissions in the long term (which goes beyond offsetting). The table below provides details on the short to medium term strategy.

    (a), (b), (c), and (d)






    All Eskom facilities in the country


    Energy Efficiency

    R105 m over the last 2 years

    Already in place

    Megawatt Park


    Solar PV

    Commercial process

    Already in place

    Lethabo and Kendal Coal fired power stations


    Solar PV

    Commercial process

    Already in place

    All coal fired power stations


    Solar PV; Solar augmentation; co-firing with biomass

    Commercial process

    In process of being developed/ researched



    100MW wind facility

    Commercial process




    100 MW CSP facility

    Commercial process


    Eastern Cape, Western Cape, Northern Cape, Free State


    2400MW of wind and solar facilities


    To reach financial close in 2013

    Reply received: June 2012

    Question 1461

    Mr D J Stubbe (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) When was the current Director-General of her department appointed?

    (2) Whether the Director-General was appointed in (a) a permanent or (b) an acting capacity? NW1738E

    REPLY: (1) The current Director-General, Ms N Magubane is appointed on a 5 year contract as from

    1st December 2009

    (2) She is appointed (a) on a permanent basis with effect from 1 December 2009 (b) she was

    appointed in an acting capacity from 22 July 2009 until 30 November 2009.

    Reply received: June 2012

    QUESTION 1413

    Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Whether her department has reviewed the Liquid Fuels Charter that expired in 2010; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the relevant details and (b) when will it be tabled? NW1610E


    No the review of the liquid fuel Charter has not been done yet, however the department commissioned an audit of compliance by Oil Companies with the Liquid Fuels Charter. The audit report was tabled on 25 April 2012 to Cabinet. The audit outcomes are the precursor to the baseline information required for the charter review process.

    The scope of audit amongst others entailed;

    · A comprehensive Audit on the level of compliance with the Petroleum and Liquid Fuels industry.

    · Impact assessment for all oil companies who are signatories to the South African Petroleum and Liquid Fuels Charter.

    · Proposed recommendations to the department regarding short, medium and long term goals for the Petroleum and liquid fuels industry in meeting the objectives, and addressing challenges, of the Charter.

    Reply received: July 2012

    QUESTION 1412

    Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Whether any petroleum products on the pipeline from Durban to Pietermaritzburg were lost from the (a) new and (b)old pipeline in the 2011-12 financial year: if not, how was this conclusion reached; if so, (i) what are the reasons and (ii) how much fuel was lost? NW1609E


    According to the operator of balk the new and old pipelines, within Transnet Pipelines, there were no petroleum products that were lost between Durban and Pietermaritzburg from (a) the New Multi Product Pipeline (NMPP) and (b) tile old pipeline [the Durban-to Johannesburg Pipeline (DJP)] during the 2011/12 financial year.

    Reply received: June 2012

    Question 1411

    Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) How many turbines are there at the Matla Power Station in Mpumalanga;

    (2) whether any of the turbines are tripped from time to time; if not, why not; if so, (a)(i) how often and (ii) why are they tripped and (b) what are the (i) policies and (ii) processes regulating the tripping of turbines? NW1608E


    1) Matla Power Station has six (6) units with one main turbine per unit.

    2) (a) (i) During the 2011/12 financial year, Matla experienced 29 unit trips while connected to the grid. Of the 29 unit trips, 9 were initiated by the turbine protection system.

    (ii) Trips may be initiated from the boiler or the turbine and occur either automatically or by manual intervention. Turbines are tripped via plant protection systems or by the operator to ensure people safety and prevent plant damage.

    2) (b)(i) and (ii)

    The tripping of turbines is governed by a turbine protection standard which is based on the original equipment manufacturer's recommendations and international best practices. The standard provides the minimum requirements for protections to trip turbines during operation to ensure people and plant safety. These protections are tested on a predetermined frequency to ensure that systems are fully operational.

    Reply received: June 2012

    Question 1409

    Mr L S Ngonyama (Cope) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Whether her department intends to take any steps to separate the functions and responsibilities of electricity (a) generation and (b) distribution so that they do not reside in one entity; if not, why not; if so, (i) what steps, (ii) when and (iii) how will the process of separation be undertaken? NW1595E



    Yes, the Energy White Paper provides a framework for the restructuring of the electricity sector. It clearly indicates that there must be separation between transmission, distribution and electricity generation. The department intends to implement the objectives of the white paper in a phased-in manner. The establishment of Independent System and Market Operator (ISMO) is the start of a process that will pave the way for the restructuring of the electricity sector. However, it is important that such restructuring takes into account the risks thereof, especially in an environment where security of supply might be compromised. Accordingly, the phased approach to restructuring has been adopted.

    Reply received: June 2012

    Question 1378

    Mrs N W A Michael (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    1) Whether adequate stock levels of electricity meters are kept countrywide; if not, why not; if so, what are the current stock levels in each province;

    2) What is the average (a) life span of an electricity meter and (b) processing time for an application to have a new electricity meter installed? NW1627E


    The Department of Energy received the question, reviewed its contents against its mandate and has determined that that most appropriate respondent should be the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs.

    Reply received: June 2012

    Question: 1369

    Mr M Swart (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) What is the estimated remaining lifespan of gas reserves in the Bredasdorp basin;

    (2) whether additional exploration is being undertaken to augment the current reserves; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW1617E


    (1) The remaining lifespan of gas reserves in the Bredasdorp basin is 8 years, the reserves are available until 2020.

    Further exploration is being pursued aggressively in the Bredasdorp basin. Following processing and interpretation of the data obtained during the seismic survey, well drilling will be progressed within the next five years.

    Reply received: June 2012

    Question 1361

    Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    Whether, with reference to her reply to question 630 on 10 April 2012, she intends commissioning a study to determine the amounts that municipalities actually spend on maintaining grid systems; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW1605E


    The study has been done already by National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA).

    Reply received: June 2012

    QUESTION 1353

    Mr M G P Lekota (Cope) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) Whether her department has been (a) reducing the importation of refined petrol, diesel and other liquid fuels and (b) increasing the local production thereof in the period 1 May 2009 to 1 May 2012; if not, (i) what was the level of importation on a monthly basis and (ii) at what cost; if so, what are the relevant details;

    (2) to what extent has South Africa been able to reduce its dependence on foreign refineries for its liquid fuels requirement? NW1596E

    Reply (1)

    (a) The Department of Energy does not import refined petroleum products. The importation of products is done by individual oil companies with the approval of the International Trade Administration Commission (ITAC) at the recommendation of the Department of Energy.

    (b) The South African refineries are currently operating at 80%-90% of their capacity. However even if they were operating at optimal levels, they will still not be able to meet local demand for petroleum demand, which has exceeded domestic supply.

    (i) and (ii) Only annual data could be furnished and is as indicated in the table below:







    Rand Value


    Rand Value


    Rand Value


    Rand Value



















    Jet Fuel


















    M=million; bn=billion; kg=kilogram;

    Petrol, diesel and jet fuel are in litres and LPG is in kilograms. The 2012 figures are until 04 April 2012.

    Reply (2)

    As can be seen in the above table, the importation or petroleum products to South Africa are increasing annually. The country is a net importer and therefore relies on foreign refineries to meet local demand. The development of the Mthombo Project, PetroSA's new oil refinery initiative, is aimed, among other things, to reduce reliance on foreign refineries to meet local demand.

    Reply received: June 2012

    Question 1343

    Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) Whether her department has (a) consulted or (b) employed specialists in the liquid fuels industry with regard to the demands in the (i) supply, (ii) storage, (iii) production, (iv) distribution, (v) security and (vi) infrastructure upgrades and development; if not, how is her department dealing with these issues; if so; in each case, (aa) who was consulted/appointed, (bb) what are their (aaa) credentials, (bbb) expected deliverables, (ccc) positions and (ddd) salaries or fees;

    (2) Whether the department has contracted the services of specialist consultancy firms within the liquid fuels industry; if not, why not; if so,

    (3) Whether an open tender process was followed; if not, how were they (a) sourced and (b) contracted; if so, (i) (aa) when and (bb) where was the invitation to tender published, (ii) (aa) who were the shortlisted companies and (bb) what was the monetary bidding value in each case and (iii) what is the current monetary value of each contract? NW1493E


    A. From a conventional liquid fuels perspective:

    (1) The Department has neither consulted nor employed specialists in the liquid fuels industry with regard to the demands in the areas mentioned above; however, it contracted the services of a consulting company within the liquid fuels industry to develop a 20 Year Liquid Fuels Infrastructure Roadmap which will cover all areas of concern mentioned above; i.e. from (i) to (vi);

    Institute for Petroleum Strategy and Research (IPSR)

    (aaa) Credentials: IPSR is an autonomous non-government research institute, which has been in existence since 1995. The project team members have extensive and detailed knowledge of the oil industry, in particular international experience in refining and supply of liquid fuels. The team comprises of refiners, economists, logistics and supply experts, modelling experts, data experts and chartered Accountant. Furthermore, they are familiar with all relevant legislation and policies and have written extensively on the subject of security of supply in South Africa.

    (bbb) Expected deliverable: A 20-year liquid fuels infrastructure roadmap / plan (including the refinery audit report).

    (ccc) The companies were awarded the contract and determined the salaries within their internal frameworks that are not known to the Department.

    (ddd) The company, Institute for Petroleum Strategy and Research (IPSR), was awarded a tender at R4, 559,256.00.

    Dynamic Energy Consulting

    (aaa) Credentials: The project leader, Mr. Dayal Raksha, worked as a senior refinery economist, project leader manufacturing, optimization specialist in logistics and design engineer at Engen Refinery. He also participated in the Department of Energy's Energy Security Masterplan (ESMP) and contributed to other policy discussion for a.

    (bbb) Expected deliverable: A model to determine the bio-ethanol blending value

    (ccc) The companies were awarded the contract and determined the salaries within their internal frameworks that are not known to the Department.

    (ddd) The company, Dynamic Energy Consulting, was awarded a tender at R2,500,000.00.

    INFINERGY (Mr. Brain Tait)

    (aaa) Credentials: The project leader worked as a business development Manager involved in chemicals, fuel and renewable energy (including bio-fuels and biomass) projects at SASOL for 14 years. He also has experience in low carbon energy initiatives and trading.

    (bbb) Expected deliverable: The break-even price for bio-ethanol and bio-diesel manufacturing

    (ccc) The companies were awarded the contract and determined the salaries within their internal frameworks that are not known to the Department.

    (ddd) The company, Infinergy, was awarded a tender at R540,000.00.

    (2) As mentioned in (1) above, the Department contracted the services of a consulting company, called the Institute for Petroleum Strategy and Research (IPSR), to develop a 20 Year Liquid Fuels Infrastructure Roadmap; and

    (3) (i) An open tender process was followed and the tender was published in the State Tender Bulletin on 15 October 2010.

    (ii) The shortlisted entities are as shown below:

    · SJS Energy;

    · Pricewaterhouse Coopers;

    · Electronic Trading Projects;

    · Saha International, KPMG;

    · PFC Energy;

    · Institute for Petroleum Strategy and Research; and

    · The range was between R4,9m and R36,6m.

    (iii) The current monetary value of the awarded contract is R4,5m.

    B. From a conventional liquid fuels perspective:

    (1) The Department has neither consulted nor employed specialists in the liquid fuels industry with regard to the demands in the areas mentioned above in respect of bio-fuels. However, it has contracted the services of consulting companies to deal with bio-fuels specific projects that are relevant to the highlighted areas of concern.

    (2) INFINERGY and Dynamic Energy Consulting companies were contracted to conclude investigations into the break-even (manufacturing) prices of bio-diesel and bio-ethanol and to determine the blending value of bio-ethanol when blended with petrol, respectively;

    (3) (i) An open tender process was followed and the tender was published in the State Tender Bulletin in November 2010.

    (ii) The shortlisted entities are as shown below:

    · R and T Mukwevho Accounts;

    · Electrinic Trading Projects;

    · Infinergy;

    · Hym Management; and

    · One Source Holding.

    · The range was between R 540,000 and R3.9m.

    (iii) The current monetary value of the awarded contract is R540, 000.00.

    For the determination of the bio-ethanol blending value:

    The shortlisted entities are as shown below:

    · Dynamic Energy Consulting;

    · Lurgi (Pty) Ltd; and

    · Electronic Trading Projects.

    (iii) The current monetary value of the awarded contract is R2, 500,000.00 and it was awarded to Dynamic Energy Consulting.

    Reply received: June 2012

    Question: 1272

    Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) Whether any concessions have been awarded for rolling out solar heating systems; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the names of the concessionaires, (b) what is the duration of the maintenance contracts and (c) which areas will be serviced;

    (2) whether any of the concessionaires have failed in delivering on their agreements; if not, how was this conclusion reached; if so, which concessionaires;

    (3) whether her department has taken any steps against concessionaires failing to deliver on their agreements; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;

    (4) what (a) reporting mechanisms are being used to manage maintenance and (b) is the cost per unit paid by local authorities from the electricity grant? NW1471


    1) Yes, the department has entered into 4 concessions with the following and KfW .

    a) Nuon RAPS Utility (Pty) Ltd t/a NuRa;

    K E S (Pty) LTD – Kwazulu Energy services ( though the KfW programme); and

    Solar Vision Pty, Ltd.

    b) Capital funding for 1 year and 20 years for operational maintenance, which is the lifespan of the installed system.

    c) The Provinces serviced are Limpopo, Eastern Cape and KwaZulu Natal

    2) No, Ilitha was initially awarded the tender but due to failure to obtain the 20% portion of funding for the project, the department was not able to continue with the agreement.

    3) None of the concessionaires failed to deliver on their agreement.

    4) a) The agreement between the concessionaire and the department specify that quarterly reports are to be submitted to the department on the overall project, including the maintenance carried out on the installed system.

    b) The municipality pays a free basic electricity portion to the concessionaire, which is different for each municipality.

    Reply received: June 2012

    QUESTION 1249

    Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) Whether PetroSA has purchased any diesel for Eskom from India in the 2011-12 financial year; if not, why not; if so, (a) on what date, (b) at what cost, (c) what volume and (d) for what purpose;

    (2) (a) when did the tanker transporting the diesel arrive in South African territorial waters and (b)(i) when and (ii) at what port was the diesel discharged;

    (3) what were the costs of (a) transportation, (b) discharge, (c) custom duties, (d) berthing fees and (e) storage of the diesel? NW1379E


    The information required is commercially sensitive

    Reply received: May 2012

    QUESTION 1229

    Mrs M Wenger (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    What amount has her department spent on (a) catering and (b) entertainment (i) in the (aa) 2009-10, (bb) 2010-11 and (cc) 2011-12 financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2012? NW1426E


    The Department of Energy became effective on 1 April 2010, and figures can thus only be provided for the 2010-11 and 2011-12 financial years, and for April 2012.

    Expense Item

    (aa) 2009-10

    (bb) 2010-11

    (cc) 2011-12

    (ii) April 2012

    (a) Catering


    R 1 453 000

    R 1 623 000

    R 28 102

    (b) Entertainment


    R 83 000

    R 119 000

    R2 460

    Reply received: May 2012

    QUESTION 1226

    Mrs M Wenger (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    What amount has her department spent on (a) catering and (b) entertainment (i) in the (aa) 2009-10, (bb) 2010-11 and (cc) 2011-12 financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2012? NW1426E


    The Department of Energy became effective on 1 April 2010, and figures can thus only be provided for the 2010-11 and 2011-12 financial years, and for April 2012.

    Expense Item

    (aa) 2009-10

    (bb) 2010-11

    (cc) 2011-12

    (ii) April 2012

    (a) Catering


    R 1 453 000

    R 1 623 000

    R 28 102

    (b) Entertainment


    R 83 000

    R 119 000

    R2 460

    Reply received: May 2012

    Question 1183

    Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) Whether Mossgas has submitted its planned shutdown schedule for its refineries for the (a) 2012-13 and (b) future financial years; if not, why not; if so, what are the scheduled shutdowns;

    (2) whether her department has identified measures to address possible shortages of (a) liquid petroleum gas and (b) fuel after the planned shutdowns; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?? NW1378E

    Reply 1:

    1. There is currently no oil company called Mossgas that is operating in the South African petroleum sector. PetroSA, which is our national oil company, was formed in July 2000 out of a merger of the business of Mossgas and Soekor to effectively develop and exploit the crude oil and gaseous hydrocarbon resources of South Africa. It operates one refinery in Mossel Bay.

    (a) According to the current shutdown schedule, PetroSA does not have any planned shutdown for the 2012/13 financial year.

    (b) Based on the information provided by PetroSA, it will have an eight-day total shutdown in April 2013, which means that there will be no production during this period. In October 2013, PetroSA will also have a total shutdown of 29 days for maintenance purposes.

    2. (a) South Africa is confronted by the fact that it does not have sufficient domestic production of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) due to increased demand. Hence, solutions must emanate from both the supply side and demand side management of LPG. On the demand management, the Department of Energy has collaborated with the South African Petroleum Industry Association (SAPIA), the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Safety Association of Southern Africa (LPGASASA) and associations of fuel retailers in embarking on an awareness campaign to request LPG users to fill up their cylinders well on time before the winter season. The campaign also includes the safe use and handling of LPG. On the supply management side, the LPG suppliers have assured the Department that they will be importing LPG and the relevant import documents have been approved by International Trade Administration Commission (ITAC) at the recommendation of the Department of Energy. In this regard, the Department is monitoring the arrival schedule of the LPG.

    (b) As alluded to above, oil companies are expected to accumulate sufficient fuel stocks before shutdowns and will also import products for delivery during the shutdowns in order to meet their supply requirements. The Department of Energy closely monitors the supply situation of fuel through supply management meetings with industry players and the monthly review of shutdown schedules as well as consultations thereon.

    Reply received: May 2012

    Question: 1152

    Mr. JF Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) Whether PetroSA holds anyrights to the exploitation of shale gas basins; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;

    (2) whether PetroSA is a shareholder in and/or partner of any company holding rights to the exploitation of shale gas basins; if not; why not; if so, (i) which companies and (ii) what are the details with regard to (aa) the size of shareholdings and (bb) partnership agreements;

    (3) what (a) are the reserve estimates per cubic meter and (b) estimated lifespan of the shale gas basins PetroSA has rights on?


    (1) No. PetroSA does not hold any rights to the exploration of shale gas basins. There is a moratorium on the granting of rights for shale gas exploration.

    (2) PetroSA is not a shareholder and is also not a partner in any company holding rights to the exploitation of shale gas basins. (i) N/A, (ii) N/A, (aa) N/A, (bb) N/A.

    (3) Refer to (1) and (2) above.

    Reply received: May 2012

    Question 1136

    Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) (a) What is the total monthly weight of coal being used by Eskom for electricity generation, (b) how much of this coal is being transported by (i) rail and (ii) road and (c) what is the average tare of trucks used for the transportation of coal;

    (2) Whether the transporting of coal is outsourced; if not, why not; if so,

    (3) Whether the appointments of transport companies follow an open tender process; if not, why not; if so, (a) how many suppliers are currently contracted, (b) what is the (i) monetary value and (ii) duration of each contract and (c) how many companies are Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment compliant? NW1240E


    (1) During the2011/2012 financial year 125.21 million tonnes of coal was used by Eskom for electricity generation, (b) Coal transported by (i) rail was 8.5 million tonnes and (ii) 35.5 million tonnes was transported by road and (c) the average tare of a typical tipper truck is 25 tonnes. The monthly purchases equate to approximately 10 million tonnes per month, of which 2.8 million tonnes was transported by road, and 700k tonnes by rail during the 2011/2012FY.

    (2) Yes, road haulage is outsourced.

    (3) The appointment of transport companies did not follow an open tender process, but a prequalification process in line with Eskom's procurement supply chain management procedure 32-188 was followed. The choice of a pre-qualification process was in line with Eskom's Road to Rail Migration strategy. It was deemed appropriate to restrict appointments to existing companies with a solid track record within Eskom, than to widen the process given that road was now being significantly reduced as a mode of coal transport into the future. Eskom's Internal Audit provided an assurance role for the "pre-qualification" process by conducting a due diligence review to ascertain that there was fairness, transparency, equity and cost effectiveness in the award process, (a) There are currently 66 coal transport companies contracted within Eskom, (b) the current monetary value is (i) R6.8 billion over the duration of the contract, (ii) All current contracts were initiated on 1 November 2010 and will expire on 31 March 2014, with a total duration of 41 months. All 66 companies are BBBEE compliant and the status of these companies expressed as a percentage is as follows:

    · Level 1 - 12%

    · Level 2 - 16%

    · Level 3 - 54%

    · Level 4 - 14%

    · Level 5 - 2%

    · Level 7 - 2 %

    Reply received: MayQuestion: 1092

    Ms AM Dreyer (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) (a) What are the OJ yearly rental and Oil floor space of the (aa) current and (bb) previous premises occupied by the Department of Energy head office and (b) when (I) was the current building occupied and Oil does the current lease expire;

    (2) whether the Department of Energy publicly invited tenders prior to the leasing of the current premises; if not, why not; if so, (a) when, (b) where was it published and (c) which (i) companies and (ii) properties were short listed;

    (3) what was the (a) floor space and (b) annual rental offered by each short listed (i) company and (ii)property?


    1. (a) (/) R16, 032, 316 p.a excluding municipal services costs (ii) (aa) 9038m2

    (bb) There were no previous premises specifically occupied by DoE as the Department was non-existent prior to the split of DME. (b) (i) 01 October 2009 and April 2010 (ii) DoE does not have a Lease with the current Landlord.

    (2) Tender processes were dealt with by the then DME, whereby after the split, DMR became the

    hosting Department and the later department is the relevant Department 10 respond 10 this question including question 3 appropriately.

    (3) This question will be appropriately responded 10 by the DMR as they were responsible for

    procurement of the current premises. 2012

    Reply received: May 2012

    Question: 1055

    Mr. J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) Whether any power plants are using gas for the generation of electricity; if not, why not; if so, which power plants;

    (2) What is (a) the cost of gas per cubic meter purchased for electricity generation and (b) the unit cost of electricity being generated through gas turbines?


    1) No, there are no power plants using natural gas for the generation of electricity. This is due to the unavailability of sufficient natural gas supplies and the lack of natural gas pipeline infrastructure in South Africa.

    2) Please refer to (a) above

    Reply received: May 2012

    Question: 1052

    Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    How much of South African gas is used for (a) local consumption and (b) export? NW1236E







    LPG Local Consumption in Kg






    631, 552, 010

    LPG Exports in Kg






    1, 759, 961

    Answer: (a) Based on the 2007 to 2010 figures, on average 631, 552, 010 kg of LPG are consumed in the local market every year. (b) Based on the 2007 to 2011 figures, on average 1,751,961 kg of LPG are exported every year.

    Reply received: May 2012

    QUESTION NO. 1022

    Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (1) Whether any reports on radioactive materials at Koeberg are carried out; if not, why not; if so, when was the last report published;

    (2) What is the current state of radioactive materials on site at Koeberg? NW1 IGOE

    (I) Background

    The regulation of radioactive materials at Koeberg nuclear power station is performed by the National Nuclear Regulator in terms of the requirements of the National Nuclear Regulator Act and by the Department of Energy in terms of the Nuclear Energy Act. Eskom reports on a quarterly basis to the National Nuclear Regulator on the status of radioactive materials at Koeberg, The most recent report to the National Nuclear Regulator is dated 26 April 2012.

    Eskom also reports on an annual basis to the National Nuclear Regulator on the inventory at Koeberg of purchased sealed radioactive sources, used for example in calibration equipment and monitoring instrumentation. The most recent report to the National Nuclear Regulator was in January 2012. These purchased sealed radioactive sources are also registered with the Department of Health: Directorate of Radiation Control.

    Eskom further reports the inventory of new and used nuclear fuel and its location at Koeberg (i.e. in the nuclear reactors or in new or used fuel storage) to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) via the department, every time there is a change in inventory (as a result of new fuel being delivered to the Koeberg site) or a change in location (as a result of fuel being moved between the reactor and the storage areas at Koeberg). The most recent report is dated 30 April 2012.

    Eskom publishes in its Annual Report the volume of low and intermediate level radioactive waste generated each year and the volume transported to Vaalputs (the National Radioactive Waste Disposal Repository) and the number of used nuclear fuel elements produced each year. The most recent report is the 2010/11 Annual Report. The 2011112 Annual Report is currently in preparation and is expected to be published in June 2012.

    (2) The current (30 April 2012) inventory of radioactive materials at Koeberg is as follows:


    Volume (m³)

    New nuclear fuel elements



    Used nuclear fuel elements



    Metal drums containing Low Level Waste



    Concrete containers containing Intermediate Level Waste



    Purchased sealed radioactive sources



    Reply received: May 2012

    QUESTION NO. 983

    Mr J F Smalle (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    (I) (a) How many and (b) which companies are registered licensed to handle radioactive materials;

    (2) Whether these companies have to declare possession of radioactive materials to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); if not, why not; if so, how many of these companies (a) have complied with these requirements and (b) have failed to comply with these requirements;

    (3) Whether any action has been taken against any companies which have failed to declare possession of such radioactive materials to the IAEA; if not, why not; if so, what actions?


    1. (a) There are 62 companies which had been issued with authorisation to acquire, possess, use and transport nuclear material and nuclear related equipment.

    Here are the tables:

    Reply received: May 2012

    QUESTION 981

    Dr PJ Rable (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    With reference to her reply to the question 1567 on 19 July 2011, how many solar water heaters (SWHs) were in installed in her 2010/11 financial year under the Government's target? NW1157E


    As part of governments rollout of solar water heaters programme, 116 000 units were installed in the 2010/11 financial year.

    Reply received: May 2012

    QUESTION 971

    Mr J F Smallo (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:

    1 (a)(i) How many and (ii) which power stations operate on diesel fuel and (b) what is the reason for operating power station with diesel

    2 (a) where does Eskom receive its supply of diesel fuel from (b) what is the cost of diesel per litre, (c) how many litres of diesel does each plant require and (d) what is the unit per cost of electricity at these plant? NW1147E


    The Department of Energy received the question, reviewed its contents against its mandate and has determined that the most appropriate respondent should be the Department of Public Enterprise