Questions & Replies: Questions & Replies No 1076 to 1100
Mrs M Wenger (DA) to ask the Minister of Health:
(1) Whether any amount was (a) budgeted for and (b) spent (i) in the (aa) 2007-08 and (bb) 2008-09 financial years and (ii) during the period 1 April 2009 up to the latest specified date for which information is available on his department's mini drug master plan; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
(2) what amount has been allocated to his department's mini drug master plan for the 2010-11 financial year?
(1) The Health Sector Mini Drug Master Plan is currently being finalised and will be adopted by the National Health Council within this financial year as reflected in the Strategic Plan for the National Department of Health 2010/11-2012/13.
However, during the years in question (2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10) the health sector has implemented the activities prescribed by the National Drug Master Plan both at national and provincial levels. These include among others, public health education and awareness at all health care points, rendering treatment at primary and secondary levels of care, rehabilitation for co-morbid addiction and mental disorders, prevention programme for foetal alcohol syndrome, administration of the tobacco control legislation, regulation of access to precursor chemicals, regulation of over-the-counter medicines, regulation and control of complementary medicines, regulations relating to warning labels/health messages on alcoholic beverage containers and research on the nature and extent of substance abuse.
The activities that are being implemented are integrated in different programmes of the National and Provincial Departments of Health budget structures. Through the equitable share, Provincial Departments of Health are funded for provision of health services. At the national level, funds are utilised for coordination, development of policies, systems and administration of legislation. Substance abuse prevention and treatment programmes are integrated into primary health care and general health services in line with national policy on integrated health services. In this regard it is difficult to quantify the exact spending on these activities.
(2) Substance abuse prevention and treatment programmes are integrated in the provincial and national health budgets as discussed above.
QUESTION 1077DATE OF PUBLICATION: Tuesday, 30 March 2010
INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER NO 9 of 2010Mrs M Wenger (DA) to ask the Minister of Home Affairs:
(1) Whether any amount was (a) budgeted for and (b) spent (i) in the (aa) 2007-08 and (bb) 2008-09 financial years and (ii) during the period 1 April 2009 up to the latest specified date for which information is available on her Department's mini drug master plan; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
(2) what amount has been allocated to her Department's mini drug master plan for the 2010/11 financial year?
(1) The Department of Home Affairs does not, at this stage, have a mini drug master plan.
(2) Not applicable.
Mr SJ Masango (DA) to ask Minister of Correctional Services:
(1) Whether any amount was (a) budgeted for and (b) spent (i) in the (aa) 2007-08 and (bb) 2008-09 financial years and (ii) during the period 1 April 2009 up to the latest specified date for which information is available on her department's mini drug master plan; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
(2) What amount has been allocated to her department's mini drug master plan for the 2010-11 financial year? NW1227E
(1) (a), (b) (i) (aa) and (bb)
No amount was budgeted for the Mini Drug Master Plan
(ii) During the period 1 April 2009 to January 2010 the following information is available on Correctional Services Mini Drug Master Plan;
- Actions taken by the department in reducing the availability of drugs in the correctional centres through regular searches and strict access control system
- Action taken against officials with regard to substance abuse and related misconduct
- Drug awareness programmes conducted for inmates and officials
- Provision of care and support to inmates and officials with drug related problems
(2) No budget has been allocated for Mini Drug Master Plan for the financial year 2010-11.
Mr S J Masango (DA) to ask the Minister of Health:
(1) Whether the Medicines Control Council (MCC) has (a) budgeted for and (b) spent any amount on their mini drug master plan (i) in the (aa) 2007-08 and (bb) 2008-09 financial years and (ii) during the period 1 April 2009 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
(2) what amount has been allocated by the MCC for their mini drug master plan for the 2010-11 financial year?
(1) and (2) The MCC does not have a specific budget for the mini drug master plan. All work relating to the control of substance abuse and rescheduling of potential substance of abuse and their precursors are carried out within the general budget of the MCC as part of its statutory functions.
1080. Mr M Swart (DA) to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development:
(1) Whether any amount was (a) budgeted for and (b) spent (i) in the (aa) 2007-08 and (bb) 2008-09 financial years and (ii) during the period 1 April 2009 up to the latest specified date for which information is available on his department's mini drug master plan; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
(2) what amount has been allocated to his department's mini drug master plan for the 2010-11 financial year?
REPLY:-(1) (a) No specific amount was allocated for the implementation of my Department's Mini-Drug Master Plan (MDMP) except for the internal Employee Assistance Programme (EAP).
(b) No specific amount was spent on the MDMP for the periods (i)(aa) 2007-08 and (bb) 2008-09 (ii) 2009-10.
The amount spent for the internal 'alcohol and drug abuse programme', used by EAP for the 2008-09 and 2009-10 financial years was R127 965.00.
The MDMP is mainstreamed and implemented throughout the various functions of the Department, including the Chief Director: Promotion of the Rights of Vulnerable Groups. This Chief Directorate also represents the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development in the Central Drug Authority (CDA). The MDMP is also mainstreamed into the activities of the Regional Offices who participate in the local committees of the CDA.
(2) No specific budget has been allocated to the MDMP within the current MTSF.
However, the proposed budget for the MDMP is R1 200 000.00. An additional amount of R120 000.00 is budgeted for the EAP. The activities of the MDMP will be linked to the Trafficking in Persons plan. The Budget is aimed at establishing human resource capacity, co-ordination, and review of the MDMP for the current MTSF cycle, a communication strategy for 2010-2012 and for disaggregation of data through the e-scheduler system (an information management system of the DOJ&CD).
1083. Mrs J D Kilian (Cope) to ask the Minister of Communications:
(1) (a) When was the organisational structure of his department approved, (b) what is the total number of (i) posts and (ii) employees, (c) what is the total number of employees in the (i) top and (ii) senior management levels, (d) what does the total salary bill amount to for (i) top management, (ii) senior management and (iii) other positions in his department, (e) what is the total number of employees working in (i) the top structure and (ii) each of the six sub-directorates and (f) what was the total cost of (i) employee benefits and (ii) consultants in each of the six sub-directorates;
(2) whether the expenditure on employee benefits could be justified against the needs for service delivery; if so, what are the relevant details?
(1) (a) March 2008
(b)(i) The DoC is undertaking an institutional review which will have an impact on the organizational structure and number of employees. Once this is complete we will be able to give an answer.
(ii) 303
(c) The total number of employees in the:-
(i) Top:5 Employees
(ii) Senior Management Levels: 80 Employees
(d) The total salary bill for employees amount to {for}
(i) Top Management:
Information extracted from Vulindlela System – Calculations as at January 2010.
Amounts to = R 4.335 million
(ii) Senior Management:
Information extracted from Vulindlela System calculations as at January 2010. Salary Bill
Amounts to = R 40, 132 million
(iii) Other positions in this department:
Information extracted from Vulindlela System calculations as at January 2010. Salary Bill for employees on Salary level 1-12.
Amounts to = R53,196 million
(e)The total number of employees working in:-
(i) The Top Structure:-
Ministry - 8
Deputy Ministry - 3
Executive & Admin - 9
(ii) The employee members in each of the six sub-directorates:-
Branch 1 - 84(includes Ministry, DG's Office,Human Resources, SP&M, )
Branch 2 - 13
Branch 3 - 35
Branch 4 - 35
Branch 5 - 48
Branch 6 - 34
Additional to the structure - 34 (Including Digital Dzonga, ISSA and Meraka e- Skills Institute)
(f) The total cost of:-
(i) Employees benefits:-
Information extracted from Vulindlela as at January 2010. Compensation of Employees is as follows:
R 99.931 million
(2) Yes they can be justified. Please refer to the Department's strategic plan.
1084. Mrs J D Kilian (Cope) to ask the Minister of Communications:
With reference to the dismissal of the Chief Director: Human Resources, (a) which process was followed with the appointment of forensic auditors, (b) what previous experience did the firm have in forensic auditing, (c) why the office of the Auditor-General was not requested to conduct the forensic audit into alleged financial irregularities, (d) what (i) was the specific brief to a certain firm (name furnished), (ii) were the costs associated with this forensic audit and (iii) was the findings of the investigating firm, (e) why was the chief director not criminally charged in terms of the findings, (f) what (i) was the actual financial costs to his department for these alleged irregularities and (ii) costs has been incurred in the specific labour dispute and (g) what were the grounds for dismissal?
(a) The department followed its internal processes in appointing the service providers.
(b) May direct the question to the firm. . However, it can be mentioned that the Public Service Commission did not conduct investigations.
(c) The Department followed its internal disciplinary process.
(d) (i) No brief was given. The recommendations from the Public Service Commission were used as a guide.
(ii) R298 965 inclusive of VAT
(iii) The firm confirmed the recommendations of the Public Service Commission.
(e) The decision to criminally charge an employee rests with the Accounting Officer, who at this stage decided to await the outcome of the disciplinary process which will inform the way forward
(f) (i) Most of the charges are not quantifiable in monetary terms, and as such we are unable to indicate material loss suffered by the Department
(ii)Refer to (d(ii) above
(g) The grounds for dismissal is Incapacity.
1085. Mr D A Kganare (Cope) to ask the Minister of Communications:
(1) (a) How many times did his department approached the court to terminate the services of a certain person (name furnished), (b) what was the outcome of each court proceeding, (c) who was the instructing attorney in each case, (d) who instructed them, (e) how much have they been paid and (f) what was the role of the state attorneys in appointing the instructing attorneys;
(2) whether the procedures were followed in appointing instructing attorneys; if so, what were the procedures followed; if not,
(3) whether he intends taking any action against the persons who violated the procedures; if not, why not; if so, what action?
1. The Department has never approached any court to terminate the services of a person.
2. Not applicable
3. Not applicable
Mr. D A Kganare (Cope) to ask the Minister for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs:
(1) Whether he has been informed of the alleged decision by the Mayor of Mangaung to spend R7 million on 50 000 tickets for the 2010 FIFA World Cup Soccer tournament; if so, how will these tickets be distributed amongst rate-payers of Mangaung;
(2) whether this expenditure has been budgeted for; if not,
(3) whether he has taken any steps to refer the matter to the Auditor-General for investigation; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details? NW1237E
The Department of Cooperative Governance has no knowledge of R7 million spent on 2010 FIFA World Cup Soccer tickets. However, an enquiry has been made to the Mangaung Local Municipality. We are still awaiting a response and will revert back to you once information has been obtained.
Mr D A Kganare (Cope) to ask the Minister for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs:
(1) Whether he has been informed of the alleged decision by the Mayor of Mangaung to spend R7 million on 50 000 tickets for the 2010 FIFA World Cup Soccer tournament; if so, how will these tickets be distributed amongst rate-payers of Mangaung;
(2) whether this expenditure has been budgeted for; if not,
(3) whether he has taken any steps to refer the matter to the Auditor-General for investigation; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details? NW1237E
(1) The Executive Mayor has made a commitment, on behalf of the Mangaung
Local Municipality (MLM), to purchase approximately 50000 tickets for the 2010 FIFA World Cup (SWC 2010). This decision is in line with MLM's social responsibility and the 2010 mass mobilisation programme to provide an opportunity to a section of our community which is underprivileged, to experience the most spectacular sporting event to be hosted by Mangaung, the SWC 2010. This approach was applied very successfully during the FIFA Confederations 2009 and ensured that Mangaung involves our economically less fortunate members of our community to form part of the electric atmosphere created at the Free State stadium.
The tickets will be distributed through the following channels:
The following stakeholders will be targeted:
- Ratepayers who are supporting our revenue enhancement strategy and selected through random draw
- Organisation for disabled, orphanages, etc
- Random selection from indigent list
- Community members interacting with the Executive Mayor during mayoral roadshow
- Competitions run through local newspapers and local radio stations
The official order for the tickets has not been placed yet with FIFA, thus the exact cost is still to be determined.
(2) Yes, it forms part of the Mangaung Loca! Municipality's 2010 marketing and communications plan budget line item.
(3) The purchase is in accordance with the Municipal Finance Management Act in as far as the item has been budgeted for and the required supply chain management process has been followed. As far as the Department of Cooperative Governance is concerned, unless other evidence emerge, there is no need to report this matter to the Auditor-General.
1087. Mr D A Kganare (Cope) to ask the Minister of Basic Education:
(1) (a) How many teachers (i) have been given laptops in each province in accordance with the Laptops For Teachers initiative as announced in the Government Gazette of 8 May 2009 (details furnished) and (ii) received training to maximise the use of these laptops and (b) how much did each province (i) budget for and (ii) spend on these laptops;
(2) whether each province spent the money budgeted for these laptops; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
(3) (a) what type of training was given and (b) by whom;
(4) whether these laptops are utilised to their maximum by teachers; if not, why not;
(5) whether the provision of these laptops has improved the quality of teaching; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, which instrument is she using to assess the impact of the initiative? NW1238E
(1) (a) (i) It must be explained that teachers are not given laptops, qualifying teachers are paid a monthly allowance that is aimed at contributing to their acquiring of the ICT package (laptop, software, connectivity). The implementation of the Teacher Laptop Initiative is still at an early stage only one province (North West) started implementation in the last month of the 2009/10 financial year and; (ii) no information is available at this stage
(b) (i) and (ii) Most PEDs will start implementing in 2010/11 financial year. One of the reasons why implementation did not commence in July 2009 as stated in the policy is that PEDs did not have funds for the 2009/10 financial year.
(2) As explained above PEDs had no funds for 2009/10 financial year.
(3) (a) and (b) no information available at this stage
(4) Mechanisms will be put in place to monitor the usage. At this stage the existing mechanisms will only monitor the possession of the laptop not the usage. However, all educators are expected to sign a code of conduct in which they will commit to further the objectives of the initiative by using the facility for teaching and learning.
(5) A formal evaluation will be conducted after a significant number of educators have obtained and used the ICT package for at least a year.
Question 1088.
Ms C M P Kotsi (COPE) to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry:
Whether any off-budgeted funding to kick-start green industries had been secured; if not, why not, if so, (a) for which green industry, (b) for how much and (c) for when?
The department has secured donor funding to the value of R27 million for an industrial energy efficiency project that runs from 2009 to 2012. The department also secured a R15 million tranche of donor funding for its National Cleaner Production Centre (NCPC) administered programme comprised of energy efficiency, water efficiency and waste minimization, and the funding period is from 2009 to 2011.
'Green' industry is in essence an environmentally sustainable production where human needs are met without comprising the integrity of natural ecosystems. It is important to note that green industry does not refer to a new parallel economy but simply emphasizes production that is environmental friendly in the long term.
The department is committed to supporting the development of 'green' industries in its Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP) for the period 2010 to 2013. The support is twofold, in the first instance; the dti is working with its Technical Infrastructure Agencies to develop standards and regulations in areas such as energy efficient lighting, energy efficient buildings, efficient electrical appliances, solar water heaters and water efficient plumbing components. Also in the pipeline are standards that will allow us to play a significant role in 'green' industry products such as wind energy turbines, automotive diesel fuel, alternative fuel vehicles and new electrical products. These standards will require improvements in testing and measurement laboratories, personnel and facilities – thus creating more 'green' employment and environmentally friendly buildings. The department has already successfully realigned the parliamentary grant to Technical Infrastructure Agencies to the needs of the 'green' economy.
Secondly, the department has a number of grant incentives that support industry across sectors in the economy. These support schemes are also available to 'green' industries.
In summary the department is using and extending its suite of tools to support 'green' industries
Question 1089.
Ms C M P Kotsi (Cope) to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry
Whether any significant change has been implemented in respect of the Government's fleet procurement as a result of the implementation of the 2010/11 – 2012/13 Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP2); if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?NW1242E
No significant change has yet been implemented with respect to fleet procurement. This is because, in keeping with the Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP), which set a target for changes to the Public Procurement Policy Framework Act (PPPFA) regulations, as the end of the first Quarter of the 2010/11 Financial Year, there has been significant progress, but not yet change. A number of engagements with the National Treasury have secured progress with respect to the issues related to the regulations as laid out in the IPAP. It is intended to make an announcement on the proposed amendments to the regulations at an appropriate time and within the target range set out in the IPAP, Key Action Plans.
Every effort will also be made to meet the target dates set out in the IPAP for changes to the PPPFA legislation itself, identified in the IPAP as the end of the fourth Quarter of the 2010/11 Financial Year. This process which requires integrated work across a number of departments has to be underpinned, as laid out in the IPAP, by the designation of the 'fleets' (Quarters 2 - 4 of the 2010/11 Financial Year); finalization of agreements with procuring entities around the scope and timing of the designation of the fleets (Quarters 3 - 4 of the 2010/11 Financial Year) and the amendment of the National Industrial Participation Programme (NIPP), Quarter 3 of the 2010/11 Financial Year.
1090. Mr M A Nhanha (Cope) to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises:
Whether the Government has (a) given any consideration to SA Airways Technical's move to secure a strategic equity partner for its technical division and (b) taken any steps to support its approach; if not, why not; if so, (i) what are the reasons, (ii) how will the shareholding be structured and (iii) what will its benefits be for the public? NW1243E
(a) Yes.
(b) The Department's strategic plan commits it to initiating a feasibility study for the establishment of SAA Technical as a multi-airline focussed African maintenance hub. South African Airways issued a bid document to obtain assistance in the development of a feasibility study of the possible restructuring of SAA Technical.
(b)(i) This serves the need for adequate and cost competitive maintenance to airlines operating domestically and to and from South Africa.
(b)(ii-iii) The structuring of shareholding and benefits for the public would be determined through the outcome of the feasibility study.
Question 1091
Ms C M P Kotsi (Cope) to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry:
(1) Whether, with reference to the 2010/11 – 2012/13 Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP2) and its focus on the clothing and textile production incentive, Government has taken any initiatives to assist laid-off workers to create a cooperative to re-enter the industry; if so, what are the relevant details; if not,
(2) whether his department intends introducing any initiatives to assist laid-off workers to re-enter the industry in a self-employed capacity; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?NW1245E
With reference to the Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP), the Clothing and Textiles Production Incentive (PI) and Competitiveness Programme (CTCP) as well as other programmes outlined for this sector in the IPAP, are not designed specifically to assist laid off workers to create cooperatives.
Instead the PI and CTCP Programmes focus on preventing the possible closure of any more textile and clothing companies and preventing or minimising retrenchments by ensuring that these companies become more globally competitive. These programmes are reinforced by other programmes concerned with prevention of illegal imports, skills development, innovation and technology development and broad based black economic empowerment.
However, outside of other government interventions, and under the auspices of the 'Framework for South Africa's response to the international economic crisis' there is a Training Layoff Programme. This is a partnership between the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA), Clothing, Textiles, Footwear and Leather SETA (CTFL SETA), the National Skills Fund (NSF) and the South African Clothing and Textiles Workers Union, (SACTWU). Participation is voluntary and the terms include a condition that the employer abides with the existing contract of employment where workers are free to negotiate continuation of existing social benefit contributions entitled to the worker, during the training layoff period. Thus only the wage component changes in a manner that allows workers to agree to forego normal wages and accept a training allowance to attend the training programme.
Companies that experience a more than 30 % decline in their turnover for the current period, when compared to their financial turnover for the period in the previous year, are advised to apply to the CTFL SETA and the CCMA to participate in the Training Layoff Scheme, for short term relief in order to be sustainable in the long term. This gives the companies a chance to restructure their production and train employees to the required skills levels to manufacture the new production mix whilst accessing the programmes outlined in the IPAP.
Laid off workers who have formed small and medium enterprises (SME's) and or cooperatives, in the clothing and textiles sector can access government programmes offered by the Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA) and the Cooperative Incentive Scheme (CIS) which falls under the Empowerment and Enterprise Division (EED) of the Department of Trade and Industry. These programmes provide a range of support measures including access to finance and incentives, business support and innovation and technology support.
NO: 1092
Ms L M Mashiane (Cope) to ask the Minister for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs:
(1) (a) Which municipalities in (i) Limpopo, (ii)Mpumalanga and/or (iii) North West awarded a tender(s) and/or a contract(s) to a certain company (name furnished) (aa) in the (aaa) 2007-08 and (bbb) 2008-09 financial years and (bb) during the period 1 April 2009 up to the latest specified date for which information is available, (b) what was the tender amount in each case, (c) which other projects were sub-contracted to the said company during the period under review in each of the municipalities and (d) what was the contract (i) completion target date and (ii) date of completion in each case;
(2) whether any community or communities were being supplied with water from water tankers in the (a) Sekhukhune and (b) Mopani District municipality in Limpopo (i) in the (aa) 2007-08 and (bb) 2008-09 financial years and (il) during the period 1 April 2009 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if so, (aaa) for how long has this been happening, (bbb) which company or companies was/were contracted in each of the financial years and (eee) what was the cost in each case;
(3) whether, given the cost, the supply of water to the communities can be provided in a more sustainable way; if not, why not; if so, how;
(4) whether any municipality or municipalities in Limpopo has purchased water tankers; if so, (a) which municipalities, (b) how many tankers were purchased, (c) what is the unit price per tanker and (d) what are the reasons why some municipalities did not purchase water tankers? NW1246E
We would like to apologise to the Honourable member that we do not keep information on municipal tendering. However, we appreciate the question as raised, we have also acknowledged the information which is requested to respond to such a question. We have therefore sent a request to provinces to facilitate and coordinate responses from all three provinces. Once we get feedback from the provinces, then we will be in a position to respond to the questions as raised. We request the Honourable member to bear with us while we collate information.
Ms L M Mashiane (Cope) to ask the Minister for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs:
(1) (a) Which municipalities in (i) Limpopo, (ii) Mpumalanga and/or (iii) North West awarded a tender(s) and/or a contract(s) to a certain company (name furnished) (aa) in the (aaa) 2007~08 and (bbb) 2008~09 financial years and (bb) during the period 1 April 2009 up to the latest specified date for which information is available, (b) what was the tender amount in each case, (c) which other projects were sub-contracted to the said company during the period under review in each of the municipalities and (d) what was the contract (i) completion target date and (it) date of completion in each case;
(2) whether any community or communities were being supplied with water from water tankers in the (a) Sekhukhune and (b) Mopani District municipality in Limpopo (i) in the (aa) 2007-08 and (bb) 2008-09 financial years and (ii) during the period 1 April 2009 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if so, (aaa) for how long has this been happening, (bbb) which company or companies was/were contracted in each of the financial years and (ccc) what was the cost in each case;
(3) whether, given the cost, the supply of water to the communities can be provided in a more sustainable way; if not, why not; if so, how;
(4) whether any municipality or municipalities in Limpopo has purchased water tankers; if so, (a) which municipalities, (b) how many tankers were purchased, (c) what is the unit price per tanker and (d) what are the reasons why some municipalities did not purchase water tankers? NW1246E
(1) The implementation of supply chain management at municipalities is the prerogative of each individual municipality. There is no legal requirement for municipalities to report to any national department on the details of tenders awarded. Therefore, the department does not have such information as it does not monitor the tenders awarded by municipalities.
(2) Water supplied through water tankers:
a) Greater Sekhukhune District Municipality
i. (aa) Yes
(bb) Yes
ii. Yes
(aaa) Four years
(bbb) 2007/8, 2008/9 & 2009/10
Abofolo Investment Chilando Transp
Alasca Gen Const DBE Trading
Bakonzi Develop Dik-Hellinah
Bobose Developers Dirang Ka Pela
Steanamaak Transport Tsogang Le Itereleng
T 4 Reason Two Brothers Sand & Klip
The Big Four Traders Uncle Shakes
Thuleri Developers Winnie, S Projects
Tshehlake Bid Const Youth Impact
(ccc) 2007/8 - R20 015 072.49
2008/9 - R36 831 721,98
2009/10 - R39 313 149.00
b) Mopani District Municipality
i. (aa) Yes
(bb) Yes
ii. Yes
(aaa) Since 2007/8 financial year
(bbb) 2007/8 - Quality Plant Hired
2008/9 - Quality Plant Hired
2009/10 - Quality Plant Hired
(ccc) 8 x 7kl Water Tankers at a cost of R 1 500.00 per tanker per day
3 x 25kl Water Tankers at a cost of R3 500.00 per tanker per day
(3) It is effective during emergencies such as:
- drought of 2006, 2007 and 2008,
- Cholera outbreak of November 2008 and 2009,
- In areas without infrastructure/services, and
- Inareas with contaminated boreholes.
- It must a1so be considered that most of the boreholes drilled in Greater Sekhukhune District Municipality do not have water.
- Tankering is not sustainable at all because it is costly.
- Greater Sekhukhune District Municipality is currently constructing major bulk water lines from De Hoop Dam and increasing some water purification plants e.g. Olifantspoort in order to supply water to villagers that do not have water sources.
- Service providers were appointed for two years but under a strict AS AND WHEN REQUIRED CONTRACT. Currently the service has been stopped because Greater Sekhukhune District Municipality is intending to increase its own trucks (own drivers). Greater Sekhukhune District Municipality has purchased four (4) trucks (at the cost of R3 345 672.00) in the last financial year.
QUESTION 1093DATE OF PUBLICATION: Tuesday, 30 March 2010
INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER NO 9 of 2010Dr C P Mulder (FF Plus) to ask the Minister of Home Affairs:†
(1) How many 90-day visas have been issued to Zimbabwean citizens since the introduction of this type of visa;
(2) whether there has been an increase in the number of Zimbabweans applying for this visa; if so, what is the increase (a) in actual numbers and (b) as a percentage;
(3) whether any Zimbabwean citizens who have exceeded their 90-day visas have been taken into custody or deported; if so, (a) how many were (i) arrested and
(ii) deported and (b) what were the deportation costs;
(4) whether her Department keeps a record of the reasons for the applications by Zimbabwean citizens for 90-day visas; if so, (a) how many visas were issued in terms of the various reasons or categories furnished by the individual applicants and (b) what were the reasons for the applications?
(1) A total of 2,307,965 visitor's permits were issued to Zimbabwean passport holders up to, and including, 4 April 2010. According to the Departments Movement Control System a total of 1,631,718 departures for Zimbabwean nationals were recorded for the financial year 2009/2010.
(2) Yes, there has been an increase.
(2)(a) In the 2008/09 financial year, a total of 332,466 Zimbabwean passport holders obtained visitor's visas from the South African Embassy in Harare. In the 2009/10 financial year, a total of 2,307,965 visitor's permits were issued to Zimbabwean passport holders on arrival. This represents a difference of 1,975,499. According to the Departments Movement Control System a total of 1,631,718 departures for Zimbabwean nationals were recorded for the financial year 2009/2010.
(2)(b) The increase in percentage equals 594%.
(3)(a) & (b) No Zimbabwean passport holder, who has exceeded his or her 90 days visitor's permit, has been arrested for the purpose of deportation during the 2009/10 financial year.
(4)(a) & (b) The 90 days visa exemption which was granted to Zimbabwean passport holders only applies to holiday, and business visits to the RSA. Any Zimbabwean passport holder who wishes to enter the RSA for another purpose is required to apply for an appropriate temporary residence permit prior to proceeding to the RSA. Statistics provided by the South African Embassy in Harare indicates that the following temporary residence permits were also issued:
· Study Permits: 61
· Relative's Permits: 1
· Quota Work Permits: 49
· General Work Permits: 15
· Intra-company Transfer Work Permits: 6
Dr P W A Mulder (FF Plus) to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation:
(1) Whether the State is still paying for the residential and other incidental expenses of previous President of Haiti, Mr Jean Bertrand Aristide, as presidential guest; if so (a) until what date will South Africa continue to carry these expenses and (b) what has been the total cost to date of housing Mr. Aristide, his family and his entourage since their arrival in the country;
(2) whether she and /or her department has engaged in any official discussions with the government of Haiti or the United States of America to determine whether the conditions for his return are in place as agreed upon in the conditions set out in reply to question 478 of 19 May 2006; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
(3) Whether any progress has been made in this regard, if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
(4) Whether the Government has set a deadline for housing him as a presidential guest on the account of the taxpayers; if not, why not; if so, what is that date;
(5) Whether Mr. Aristide and his wife are earning money for their work at the University of South Africa; if so, (a) what was / were his /her / their annual salary / salaries and (b) how much tax did they pay on their earnings since their arrival?
1. Yes.
(a). The South African Government, at the behest of the African Union (AU) and the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM), continues to provide accommodation and services to former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide equivalent to those provided to a South African Cabinet Minister until conditions in Haiti permit the return of the former President and his family.
(b) The monthly costs related to his accommodation, transport, office support staff and security are similar to the cost associated to a South African Cabinet Minister.
2. The Department of International Relations and Cooperation has taken the appropriate steps to address the matter.
3. The Department of International Relations and Cooperation remains of the view that former President Aristide be afforded the opportunity to return to Haiti unconditionally.
4. The former President and his family remain the guests of the South African Government until such time that the AU, CARICOM and key players determine otherwise
5. The Honourable Member is requested to approach the University of South Africa directly on the matter.
Dr P W. A Mulder (FFPlus) to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture:
- Whether she has appointed a new chief executive officer to the Pan South African Language Board: if not, (a) why not, and (b) when is she planning to make the appointment?
- No. As the Minister of Arts and Culture, I am not the executive authority of this constitutional body in terms of its founding legislation and therefore I cannot appoint or dismiss its CEO.
- The appointment and dismissal of the CEO of PanSALB is the prerogative of its Board, which in terms of the PanSALB Act is the executive authority.
- I am aware that the CEO of PanSALB, Mrs Ntombenhle Rosemary Nkosi, was placed on precautionary suspension and is facing a disciplinary hearing by the PanSALB Board. Mrs Nkosi challenged the disciplinary process in court and the date has been set down for 8 November 2010.
- It should be noted that this matter is sub-judice and as such very sensitive. Once finalized, the PanSALB Board will inform me of the outcome and in turn I will inform the National Assembly.
Mr N J J van R Koornhof (Cope) to ask the Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs:
Whether the SA National Parks is planning to build new camps in the Kruger National Park; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
Yes. SANParks is planning to build the following establishments:
- Malelane Hotel (200 beds);
- Letaba Tent Camp (80 beds);
- Levhubu Campsite (120 beds);
- Pafuri Tent Camp (60 beds);
- Punda Tent Camp (30 beds).
(Internal Question Paper No 9 – 2010)
Mr N J J VAN R KOORNHOF (COPE) to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation:
(1) Whether his department receives value for the money that has been paid over to Love-Life? If not, why not? If so, what are the relevant details?
(2) Whether he will reconsider providing this grant in future? If not, why not? If so, what are the relevant details?
(1) Not exactly as I would have liked, hence our ongoing discussions with Love-Life.
Funding from the department is to assist Love-Life in partnership with government and community based organisations, to sustain high intensity interaction with young people in and out of school, in order to effect large scale social mobilisation and local youth leadership for behaviour change.
The aim is to address the following objectives:
· Promote physical activity as part of education in public schools
· Contribute to capacity building and skills improvement for educators and community volunteers.
· Development of sustainable platform for the regular participation of out of school youth and learners from marginalised schools in and after schools programme
· Development of incentive motivated event platforms, with strong aspiration opportunity emphasis
· Incorporate Love-Life skills curricula as a component of sport and recreation events organised by SRSA and/or its affiliated federations in order to ensure broad based reach to young people in or out of school.
1098. Mr L W Greyling (ID) to ask the Minister of Energy:
(1)(a) What are the names of the advisors who were appointed from outside to help her department to draw up the second Integrated Resource Development Plan (IRDP), (b) what positions in the private sector did they hold and (c) for which companies did they work;
(2) Whether their previous positions will compromise the independence of the IRDP; if so,
(3) whether she intends introducing measures to ensure that the IRDP represents the needs for the most optimum energy plan for the country as a whole and not just special interest groups; if not, why not; if so, what measures? NW1252E
(1)(a) The technical reference group that the Department of Energy is consulting with, includes the following people: 1. Mike Rossouw (Xstrata), 2. Shaun Nel (Gobodo), 3. Kannan Lakmeeharan (Eskom System Operations), 4. Callie Fabricius (Eskom System Operations), 5. Paul Vermuelen (City Power), 6. Ian Langridge (EIUG), 7. Piet Van Staden (Sasol), 8. Doug Kuni (IPP Association), 9. Kevin Morgan (BHP Billiton), 10. Tony Iskarpyatoti (Nexant), 11. Glynn Morris (Agama) and (12) Prof Anton Eberhard (UCT).
(b) The respective individuals are all senior executives (or professor) at their respective companies, association or academic institution.
(c) Xstrata, Gobodo, Eskom, City Power, Anglo, Sasol, IPP Association, BHP Billiton, Nexant, Agama and UCT.
(2) The above individuals provide technical advisory services to the Department. The development of the IRP is still the Department's responsibility; therefore the advisors inputs will not compromise the independence of the IRP, on the contrary it enhances the technical discourse beyond Eskom's position.
(3) The development of the IRP will be done by a workgroup established by the Energy Inter-Ministerial Committee, in conjunction with all interested stakeholders. This workgroup comprises of representatives from the following departments; Public Enterprises, Economic Development, National Treasury, Water and Environmental Affairs, Cooperate Governance and Traditional Affairs, DTI, DST, Presidency, GCIS and National Planning Commission.
The technical reference group merely advises the Department on various technical aspects and processes for developing the assumptions for the Integrated Resource Plan, which will be the basis for the stakeholder engagement process. The technical reference group is balanced enough to avoid sectoral interests to be driven through their participation in the reference group. They have also signed confidentiality agreements with the Department that bind them not to disclose any commercial information that might be flagged as sensitive and confidential – e.g. the capital investment plans relating to third parties.
Mr M H Hoosen (ID) to ask the Minister of Finance:
Whether the register of tender defaulters has been established in accordance with section 29 of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, Act 12 of 2004; if not, (a) why not, (b) when will it be established and (c) what has been the cause of the delay; if so, what are the relevant details?
(a) Falls away
(b) Falls away
(c) Falls away
Section 28 of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, Act No 12 of 2004 prescribes that when a court convicts a person for offences relating to tenders or contracts, in addition to imposing any sentence, the court may also issue an order that the name of the convicted person, the conviction and sentence and any other order of the court consequent thereupon be endorsed on the Register for Tender Defaulters.
The Register for Tender Defaulters has been established within the Specialist Functions branch of the National Treasury and can be perused on the National Treasury's website under
Currently there are no names on the Register as to date no such order was issued by any court of law.
It should be pertinently pointed out that a working group on government's supply chain management (SCM) system was established to improve the management of the SCM system as a whole. This working group is composed of representatives of the National Treasury, the South African Revenue Services, the Financial Intelligence Centre, the AuditorGeneral and the Special Investigating Unit. The work group will, among others, identify highrisk clusters of tenders with a view to conduct integrated investigations which should result in enforcement actions which could be either referral for criminal investigations, civil recovery, internal disciplinary proceedings and / or full tax enforcement. The National Treasury will consider measures to enhance public awareness of the names of persons who were found guilty of tender or contract transgressions.