Question NW3049 to the Minister of Police

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07 September 2015 - NW3049

Profile picture: Kohler-Barnard, Ms D

Kohler-Barnard, Ms D to ask the Minister of Police

Whether (a) a certain person (details furnished) retains the rank of Lieutenant General, (b) what is the current salary level of the specified person, (c) from which legislation and/or regulation is the specified rank derived and (d) which other persons hold the same rank?


(a) Yes.

(b)  The current salary level of the specified person is: SMS Grade C (salary level 15).

(c) The rank is derived from the prescripts contained in Regulation 8 of the South African Police Service Act (Act No 68 of 1995), as promulgated in Government Gazette Notice No 9252, dated 1 April 2010.

(d) A total number of 23 other Lieutenant Generals (Deputy National Commissioners/Provincial Commissioners and Divisional Commissioners) are on the establishment of the South African Police Service.


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