Question NW2987 to the Minister of Police

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07 September 2015 - NW2987

Profile picture: Kohler-Barnard, Ms D

Kohler-Barnard, Ms D to ask the Minister of Police

(1)Whether any member of the SA Police Service (SAPS) Public Order Policing Unit was transferred to the Parliamentary Protection Services; if so, in each specified case (a) what is the name of the relevant officer, (b) what (i)position and/or (ii) rank did they hold, (c)(i) whether the relevant person has resigned from the SAPS and (ii) on what day was the resignation effected and (d) what are the implications to the specified person’s pension as a result of the transfer; (2) whether any of the specified persons were called upon to remove any Members of Parliament during the State of the Nation Address on 12 February 2015; if so, (a) how many such persons now serve in the Parliamentary Protection Services and (b) what are their names?


  1. No POP members were transferred to the Parliamentary Protection Service.

(1)(a) Not applicable.

(1)(b)(i) Not applicable.

(1)(b)(ii) Not applicable.

(1)(c)(i) Not applicable.

(1)(c)(ii) Not applicable.

(1)(d) Not applicable.

(2) No.

(2)(a) Not applicable.

(2)(b) Not applicable.

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