Question NW2754 to the Minister of Public Works

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30 October 2017 - NW2754

Profile picture: Dreyer, Ms AM

Dreyer, Ms AM to ask the Minister of Public Works

Is there a backlog with respect to any of his department’s (a) essential, (b) major and/or (c) other projects; if so, (i) which projects are affected and (ii) what are the full reasons for the delay in each case?


1. Yes, the Department has identified and programmed backlog in the area of construction infrastructure projects deemed essential to be cleared year on year basis.

2. Definition of backlog:

Backlog in terms of infrastructure projects is defined as a number of projects that remained on planning phase for a period exceeding two years after issuing of procurement instruction and construction projects on construction phase for a period exceeding two years of construction period.

3. Essential and/or Major

The department has no classification of projects. It works according to prioritisation from client departments. Statistics of backlog are as follows:

3.1 Projects on planning stage for 2016/17

  • Planned Maintenance = 432
  • DPW Capital = 172
  • Client Capital = 530

Total = 1134 (Annual target was 15% of 1134)

(a) Performance reported in 2016/17 was 159 representing 14% of 1134. That implies that 94% of the annual target was achieved.

(b) Annual target for 2017/18 remain 15% (146) of the 975 remaining backlog in line with availability of budget from clients for the construction phase.

3.2 Projects on Construction Phase for 2017/18

  • Planned Maintenance = 24
  • DPW Capital = 3
  • Client Capital = 17

Total = 44

4. The annual target for 2017/18 is 75% (32) of 44 backlog projects identified and programmed.

5. Backlog projects in construction phase is caused by under-performance of contractors appointed for execution of the work, heritage compliance requirements, litigation processes, contract disputes and subsequent cancellations. Normal process of sourcing the replacement contractor had to be followed without deviation. In terms of CIDB regulation the department can only initiate the appointment of a replacement contractor after six months of cancellation. This waiting period contributes to backlog statistics.

6. These challenges will be addressed by the infrastructure delivery management system (IDMS) which the department is in the process of institutionalising and establishment of pre-approved panels of contractors and consultants.

7. Please find attached hereto a list of projects identified as infrastructure backlog of projects in construction phase for 2017/18 and projects that were on planning phase in 2016/17 and full reasons for the delay in each case.