Question NW2675 to the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

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06 October 2017 - NW2675

Profile picture: Matiase, Mr NS

Matiase, Mr NS to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

(a) What processes and systems has his department put in place to ensure maximum public participation and commentary on the South African Law Reform Commission Report on Sexual Offences: Adult Prostitution, (b) what are the details of how public participation will take place and (c) what are the timelines for public participation and commentary on the report?


(a) and (b) The Report on Adult Prostitution (Project 107) of the South African Law Reform Commission (the Report) was released into the public domain on 26 May 2017. The public and interested parties may consider and comment on the Report. The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development is embarking on the consultation process with internal governmental stakeholders on the legislative and non-legislative interventions due to the cross cutting impact of the recommendations. This internal process will consider the recommendations in a holistic and coordinated manner. A public participation process will be followed to facilitate debate and input from members of the public.

(c) The Department has indicated that this process of internal consultation will begin in October 2017. This process will be extensive as it must delve into all aspects of the implementation of the non-legislative recommendations. I will thereafter receive a report from the Department which will enable me to make a decision on the introduction of legislation.

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