Question NW2624 to the Minister of Finance

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12 September 2017 - NW2624

Profile picture: Maynier, Mr D

Maynier, Mr D to ask the Minister of Finance

Whether there were any requests for deviations from the mandatory cost containment measures announced by the National Treasury (a) in the 2016-17 financial year and (b) since 1 April 2017; if not, what is the National Treasury’s policy position with regard to requests for deviations in the specified financial year and period; if so, (i) what is the name of the department, constitutional entity and/or public entity that made a request for a deviation, (ii) when was each deviation (aa) requested and (bb) approved and/or denied, (iii) what was the nature of each specified deviation requested, (iv) what was the motivation for requesting each deviation and (v) why was the specified deviation request approved and/or denied in each case?


a) Yes, the received deviations by the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer are indicated in the table below.

b) Yes, the received deviations by the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer are indicated in the table below.

(i) Name of Department

(ii) When was each deviation

(iii)The nature of each specified deviation requested

(iv) The motivation for requesting each deviation

(v) Why was the specified deviation request approved and/or denied in each case


(aa) Requested

(bb) Approved and/or denied


Department of Military Veterans

19 June 2017


Business Class travel

Require guidance on travel provisions for members of the DMV’s Appeals Board and Advisory Council that are appointed in terms of sections 9 and 19 of the Military Veterans Act 18 of 2011 and not in terms of Section 12A of the Public Service Act of 1994 as was previously indicated.

  • An appeal Board and Advisory Council on Military Veterans was established to attend to the interests of military veterans. The Advisory Council is responsible to the Minister.
  • The department requested further clarity because they initially said the members of the Appeals Board and Advisory Council were appointed in terms of s12A of the Public Service Act but later realised that they were appointed in terms of the Military Veterans Act.
  • The National Travel Policy Framework (National Treasury Instruction 02 of 2017/18) and the current cost containment instruction (NT Instruction 04 of 2017/18) applies to all travellers travelling on Official Business associated with performing the Institution’s functions in terms of their mandate and strategic, operational and performance plans.
  • The definition of a Traveller “is a person travelling at the behest of the Institution on Official Business. Institutions may include, but not limited to, other categories of employees, executives, other policy beneficiaries in line with applicable employment conditions, e.g. Institution bereavement, wellness and recruitment policies; Research collaboration support such as researchers, postgraduate students, utilising shared research platforms, Non-executive members, appointed members of a Committee, appointed members of a Commission of Enquiry, persons appointed as advisors on grounds of policy considerations in terms of section 12A of the Public Service Act of 1994, interview candidates and other government employees where an employer-employee relationship exists as defined in the Labour Relations Act or similar, e.g. International Labour law (in the case of employees based in foreign countries) and other applicable legislation, invited guests, care attendants to a Traveller with a disability”
  • After reviewing the Military Veterans Act with regards to the establishment of the Advisory Council and the Appeals Board, the power and duties, the appointment requirements and the composition of these governance structures, it is apparent that their functions are similar to that of persons appointed as advisors on grounds of policy considerations in terms of section 12A of the Public Service Act of 1994.
  • It is for this reason that NT approved that Members of the DMV’s Advisory Council and Appeals Board be treated the same as persons appointed as advisors on grounds of policy considerations in terms of section 12A of the Public Service Act of 1994 for travel provisions as set out in the two Instructions mentioned above.

The Presidency

31 March 2017

Not approved

Request to exceed the maximum allowance rate per star grading for domestic hotel accommodation

  • Special Advisors, Officials in the private office of the Presidency and Deputy Presidency, Office of the Director General, Office of the Chief Operations Officer, support staff of former principals, protocol officers, spousal support staff and presidential aides are required to travel to Cape Town and other provinces in support of principals during official engagements.
  • The Domestic Accommodation Rate Grid determines the maximum allowance rate per star grading within which an employee is allowed to be accommodated in accordance with an employee’s salary level. This poses a challenge as some of the hotel rates do not fall within the maximum allowed rates.

National Treasury does not give blanket approvals to deviate from cost containment measures.

The Presidency

29 August 2017

Under review

Request for deviation from Instruction Note No. 4 of 2017/18 for essential core staff to travel in the same class when accompanying the President and Deputy-President on commercial flights.

Arrangement of commercial air travel on occasion, including accommodating of essential core staff travelling with principals.

In efforts to minimise cost, the Presidency will on occasion arrange for commercial air travel for the President and Deputy President. On such occasions, it is critical that essential core staff traveling with the Principals be accommodated in the same class during the flights. The core staff comprises, but is not limited to, Private/Assistant Private Secretary, Presidential Aide, Medical Doctor and two Close Protectors. The National Treasury Instruction Note No. 4 of 2017/18 makes provision for business class travel for certain ranks. However, this excludes the core support staff of the Principals due to ranks not covered, irrespective of duration of travel.

Department of Labour

20 July 2017

Approved on condition that the newspapers are not procured for personal use of employees

Procurement of newspapers and magazines

The newspapers are for comprehensive monitoring of the mass media, the development of media analysis and research solutions and delivering of most appropriate interventions as a key element of the strategic management function.

Newspapers are for comprehensive monitoring of the mass media, the development of media analysis and research solutions and delivering of most appropriate interventions as this is a key element of the strategic management function.

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