Question NW2303 to the Minister of Water and Sanitation

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05 September 2017 - NW2303

Profile picture: Khawula, Ms MS

Khawula, Ms MS to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)(a) What are the names of the deputy Directors-General in her department who are currently under suspension, (b) what are the reasons for their suspension and (c) what measures have been put in place to ensure that their directorates continue to function smoothly; (2) with reference to the undertaking made by her department in the portfolio committee meeting on 10 May 2017, will her department be able to deliver on its deadline for the publication of the Draft National Water and Sanitation Bill in August 2017?


(1)(a) Currently the Deputy Director General under suspension is Mr Anil Singh.

(1)(b) Following allegations of misconduct by the Deputy Director-General, the Director-General decided to apply a precautionary suspension in terms of Chapter 7 of the SMS Handbook of the manager concerned pending an investigation into such allegations.

(1)(c) Arising from the suspension, the Director-General appointed a senior manager in an acting capacity as Deputy Director-General: Regulation whose responsibility it is to perform all the functions, duties and delegations pertaining to the post.


(2) No, the date for the publication of the Draft National Water and Sanitation Bill in August 2017 cannot be met due to the following:

The Bill was presented to the ESEID cluster on 19 July 2017, requesting approval for submission to Cabinet for Cabinet to approve the publication of the Bill in the government gazette for public comment.

The cluster recommended further consultation with all other government departments being members of both the ESEID and SPCHD clusters. The further consultation took place on 10 August 2017 and the Bill will be resubmitted to the cluster at the date to be specified. Only after Cabinet has approved, the Bill will be gazetted for public comments.


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