Question NW1364 to the Minister of Police

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24 August 2017 - NW1364

Profile picture: King, Ms C

King, Ms C to ask the Minister of Police

(a) Who requested the meeting that took place in Pretoria on 5 December 2016 (details furnished), (b) what was the purpose of the meeting, (c) who was present at the meeting, (d) what was the purpose for the presence of a certain person (name furnished) and (e) will his department make the minutes of the meeting available to the public?


(a) The meeting was requested by private investigators.

(b) The purpose of the meeting was to provide the private investigators with a platform to air their concerns, and also to create an information-sharing link on organised crime-related matters.

(c) The private investigators, members of the South African Police Service (SAPS) and the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI), were present at the meeting.

(d) The certain person was invited by one of the private investigators.

(e) No minutes were taken at the meeting.

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