Question NW1856 to the Minister of Police

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22 September 2016 - NW1856

Profile picture: Macpherson, Mr DW

Macpherson, Mr DW to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to his replies to questions (a) 1425 on 6 June 2016 and (b) 3602 on 13 October 2015, when will he ensure that the detective division at the Bedfordview Police Station in Gauteng receives additional personnel in order to reduce the high number of cases each detective currently investigates from 65 to the recommended 40 to 45 case dockets?


The recommended personnel strength for the Bedfordview Police Station Detective Service according to the Fixed Establishment is 36. The actual personnel strength of the Detective Service is 35. One experienced re-enlisted member was placed at the Detective Service.

Gauteng province is currently busy with a project where police stations with a surplus of members within the Visible Policing environment are instructed to identify and redeploy members to their Detective Service environment where there is a shortage of members. Bedfordview Police Station has a surplus of one member within the Visible Policing environment and should therefore identify and redeploy one member to their Detective Service environment where there is a shortage of members.

Police stations are also instructed to redeploy experienced Visible Policing members to the Detective Service environment when they receive their new entry level constable allocation.

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