Question NW1428 to the Minister of Police

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06 June 2016 - NW1428

Profile picture: Malatsi, Mr MS

Malatsi, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Police

(1)Whether the detective division at the Tembisa South Police Station in Gauteng received any new vehicles in the 2015-16 financial year; if so, how many did they receive; (2) (a) what is the total number of vehicles the specified detective division currently has, (b) how many are in working order and (c) on what date were the vehicles that have broken down sent to the mechanical workshop; (3) (a) how many detectives are there currently at the specified police station, (b) how many of the specified detectives have (i) attended and (ii) passed the detective course and (c) how many dockets is each detective currently investigating; (4) when will the detectives at the specified police station receive additional vehicles in order to ensure the specified police station complies with the national ratio of number of detectives to vehicles?


(1) Yes, the detective service at Tembisa South Police Station received two (2) vehicles during the 2015/2016 financial year.

(2) (a) Tembisa South Detective Service currently have 11 vehicles.

(b) All vehicles are in working order.

(c) Not applicable.

(3) (a) There are 36 detectives currently at Tembisa South Detective Service.

(b) (i) 21 detectives attended a detective course.

(ii) 21 passed the detective course.

(c) Each Investigating Officer has an average of 98 dockets.

(4) The allocation of vehicles for the 2016/2017 financial year has not been finalised yet.

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