Question NW225 to the Minister of Police:

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28 August 2024 - NW225

Profile picture: Mbiyo, Ms IM

Mbiyo, Ms IM to ask the Minister of Police:

What measures will the SA Police Service undertake to empower (a) community policing forums and (b) neighbourhood watches to fight localised criminal activities in the communities as the fight against crime requires the collaboration with the communities and other stakeholders?


a) The South African Police Service (SAPS) allocated an amount of R70 000 000 in the previous financial year, for the procurement of basic tools of the trade, for Community Police Forums (CPFs) and Boards. This included items such as marked apparel, information technology equipment and vehicles (a total of 69 vehicles have been procured). The vehicles and equipment procured will assist CPF members and community patrollers to be more visible and enhance their access to previously inaccessible areas. It will also enable the hosting of crime awareness campaigns, the compilation of marketing material for CPFs, and the conducting of crime prevention projects. The same amount has been allocated to CPFs, in the SAPS’ 2024/25 budget, to further empower and support CPFs and Boards, in the fight against crime.

The SAPS has also revitalised the functionality of all CPFs and Boards by coordinating the reestablishment of these structures, to ensure that they adequately represent the various communities that they serve. This initiative is being supported by the conducting of induction sessions, focussing on the ensuring that CPF and Board members have a clear understanding of the structures’ mandate, roles and responsibilities.

The SAPS will host a National Community Policing Consultative Forum Session, in September 2024, to develop a five-year strategic plan, which will focus on ensure the effectiveness and functionality of the CPFs over the medium-term.

b) The neighbourhood watches are community-initiated structures, supported by local police stations, which assist the SAPS in terms of information-gathering and the conducting of awareness campaigns. The SAPS intends integrating all community structures, including the neighbourhood watches, into a single capacity, to focus efforts in the fight against crime. This will also form part of the key discussions at the session that has been planned for September 2024.

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