Question NW96 to the Minister of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

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02 August 2024 - NW96

Profile picture: Mngxitama, Mr A

Mngxitama, Mr A to ask the Minister of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

Whether, considering that the National Development Plan prescribes the national objective of the eradication of the triple challenge, namely inequality, poverty and unemployment by 2030, and in view of the fact that there are six years left before 2030, she has found that the Government will meet the specified objective; if not, why not; if so, how far is the Government from achieving the specified objective, expressed in percentages of achievement?


Over the past there of administration government has focused on implementing the National Development Plan (NDP) through the and the 5 yearly Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) and the annual performance plan of the departments and the entities.

In the 6th Administration government identified 7 priorities that will fast track South Africa’s path to prosperity are namely:

  1. Economic transformation
  2. Education, skills and health
  3. Consolidating the social wage through reliable and quality basic services
  4. Spatial integration, human settlements and local government
  5. Social cohesion and safe communities
  6. A capable, ethical and developmental state
  7. A better Africa and the World.

It is now common knowledge that the implementation of the MTSF didn’t proceed as planned as we had to significantly rebase the targets and reallocate the budgets towards managing the Covid 19 Global Pandemic. While significant strides were made to manage the pandemic and achieve some of the targets available data indicates that we are moving towards archiving our commitments.

Going forward the Government in the context of National Unity (GNU) still sees the NDP as a lodestar of our development trajectory. In this regard, most of the commitments made in the NDP still finds greater expression in the Medium Term Development Plan (MTDP) which was announced by the president during the opening of parliament in July 2024. Our department is coordinating the development of cluster action plans which will culminate in the Annual Performance Plans (APPs) of departments and affected state entities.

Thank you

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