Question NW61 to the Minister of Water and Sanitation

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29 July 2024 - NW61

Profile picture: Mohlala, Ms MR

Mohlala, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

What are the relevant details of the establishment of the National Water Resource Infrastructure Agency that will oversee the planning, financing and development of water infrastructure in the Republic and the maintenance of existing water resource infrastructure NW62E


The former Minister of DWS has approved NWRIA business case and the Department is awaiting the President to sign the National Water Resource Infrastructure Agency (NWRIA) Bill. To prepare for the establishment of the Agency, the DWS has also been engaged with the following processes:

  • The transition roadmap is in place and implementation is being managed together with TCTA
  • The DG chaired the initial integrated workstream to ensure smooth transition and implementation of the transitional road map
  • Various workstreams have been established to develop and implement an overarching change management plan, including a staff transfer plan and asset transfer strategy, as well as a communications plan
  • The advertisement of Board and appointment of Nomination Committee by Minister will be initiated in August/ September 2024
  • It is envisaged that the Minister will appoint the Board for the NWRIA by November/ December 2024. Thereafter, the Chief Executive Officer and executives will be appointed
  • DWS will transfer ownership of all the national water resource infrastructure assets to the NWRIA, along with staff responsible for maintenance and operation of the assets
  • All the functions, projects, staff and agreements of the TCTA will be transferred to the NWRIA at a date decided by the Minister within a period of twelve months of establishment.


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