Question NW78 to the Minister of Home Affairs

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29 July 2024 - NW78

Profile picture: Mogale, Mr T

Mogale, Mr T to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

Whether, considering that the Lubisi Report exposed serious corruption in the issuing of visas and permits by his department, any recommendation of the report has been implemented; if not, why not; if so, what total number of visa applications have been (a) turned down due to corruption and (b) approved since the report was received


Pursuant to the Ministerial Committee reviewing the issuance of permits and visas (MinCom Report) (widely referred to as the Lubisi Report) (hereinafter referred to as the “Report”), the Department of Home Affairs appointed a Multi-Disciplinary Task Team (MDTT) operating under a joint venture known as Cognitive Analytical Litigation and Investigations (CAJV), to implement, inter alia, recommendations of the “Report”. The work of the MDTT focuses on 25 identified areas of priority and culminates into referral of identified matters to respective law enforcement agencies for criminal investigation, as well as to the Department’s Labour Relations Unit for possible disciplinary action.

As of 30 June 2024;

• 11 referrals have been made to law agencies. Recommendations of the MDTT are currently being implemented in collaboration with other law enforcement bodies, including the Special Investigation Unit (SIU), which is now mandated under a Presidential Proclamation (R154 of 2024) dated 16th February 2024 and provides for investigation of serious maladministration in connection with the affairs of the Department.

• 23 officials referred to Labour Relations in respect to the 11 referrals above.

The work of the MDTT is meticulous and complex, and requires that investigations are evidence-led so that once an official is charged, the only possible outcome should be guilty verdict. It should also be able to withstand an Appeals process so as to root out malfeasance within the Department.

a) The Special Investigation Unit (SIU) is probing visas issued due to the alleged activities.

b) The total number of approved cases since August 2022 to date is: 79 904.


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