Question NW666 to the Minister of Police

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01 April 2016 - NW666

Profile picture: Matsepe, Mr CD

Matsepe, Mr CD to ask the Minister of Police

(1)(a) What are the specific details of the intervention by the SA Police Service (SAPS) and the SA National Defence Force (SANDF) that he announced at a community meeting in the Northern Areas of Port Elizabeth on 22 February 2016 in terms of how will the SAPS and the SANDF work together, (b) what aspects of combatting gang and drug violence will the SANDF be responsible for in the specified areas and (c) for how long will the SANDF be deployed in Port Elizabeth; (2) whether similar arrangements will be implemented in any other parts of South Africa; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


(1)(a) It is the continuation of the crime prevention and combatting intervention in the Northern Area of Port Elizabeth which is code named “Operation Coastal Dragon” and the intervention has been elevated to Cluster level (JCPS).

(1)(b) The SANDF, as member of the JCPS Cluster, will continue to play a role in the Cluster initiated interventions such as parcitipation in the planning process and logistic support.

(1)(c) No decision has been taken to deploy the SANDF in Port Elizabeth.

(2) The JCPS adopted the multi-discipline and integrated approach which is shared to all provinces for implementation.The same approch is applicable to all affected areas.

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