Question NW520 to the Minister of Public Works

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24 March 2016 - NW520

Profile picture: Sithole, Mr KP

Sithole, Mr KP to ask the Minister of Public Works

(1) Whether, with reference to the R31,4 million in irregular expenditure at the Independent Development Trust (IDT), any departmental officials were investigated; if so, (a) what was the outcome of the investigation, (b)(i) who and (ii) how many persons were suspended and (c)(i) who and (ii) how many persons were dismissed; (2) whether his department has put any measures in place to prevent and detect fruitless and wasteful expenditure; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) what are the full relevant details of how his department intends to recover the R31,4 million in irregular expenditure at the IDT?


The Minister of Public Works

(1) Yes, the Independent Development Trust (IDT) has, through its Internal Audit Unit, conducted an investigation into the R31, 4 million in irregular expenditure.

   (a) The investigation has not yet been finalised.

    (b) (i) and (ii) The details of the investigation are yet to be finalised.

    (c) (i) and (ii) The details of the investigation are yet to be finalised.

(2) Yes, control measures have been in place with detailed checklists to help detect and prevent fruitless and wasteful expenditure. Adherence to these measures will be monitored on an ongoing basis and reported upon quarterly.

(3) The Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), 1999 [Act No. 1 of 1999] gives powers to the accounting authority to recover irregular expenditure under certain circumstances, namely, if there is proof of wilfulness in wrongdoing, negligence and if there was no value derived by the organisation. The recoverable amounts will only be known once the investigation is completed.


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