Question NW1064 to the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

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05 July 2023 - NW1064

Profile picture: Graham-Maré, Ms SJ

Graham-Maré, Ms SJ to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1)Whether a site assessment has been conducted on the (a) station, (b) cells, (c) single quarters and (d) married quarters of the Brighton Beach Police Station; if not, on what date will his department undertake the specified assessment; if so, what (i) were the findings and (ii) action will be taken on the specified findings; (2) on what date will the brand-new JoJo tanks and pumps be connected to an electrical outlet in order for them to be used; (3) whether there are any plans in place to secure the precinct with a fence and/or any other boundary structure; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) what provisions have been made to address the water in the basement of the single quarters?


The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

1. (a) Yes, in 2013 a desk top analysis was done and ascertained that areas of the station were over-utilized and SAPS have placed such need for a capital works project on their U-AMP. In addition, DPWI has provided additional space by means of a rehabilitation project relating to the conversion of garages into offices which has slightly alleviated the over-utilization. Final Delivery of this project was taken on the 05 September 2019.

b) Yes, the 2013 desk top revealed that the cells are in need of a total upgrade. The Client must register a Capital Works, works control system project to address this shortcoming as they hold the Capital infrastructure budget, which will be prioritized in terms of the placement on the U-AMP.

c) The Station had identified the need, in 2013, to convert the official single quarters into offices, which is a capital works project and will require the Client to register a Capital Works, works control system project as they hold the Capital infrastructure budget. However SAPS 2023/2024 U-AMP does not indicate this need and a revised conditional survey will have to be conducted in this regard and has been scheduled for the 30 May 2023.

d) Yes, a site assessment was conducted on the married quarters of the Brighton Beach Police Station

(i) The 2013 desk analysis ascertained that the married quarters were in good condition and were renovated last in 2007.

.(ii) A revised conditional survey will have to be conducted in this regard and has been scheduled for the 30 May 2023.

2. The provision, installation and connection of the JoJo Tanks is considered a capital works project and hence would require SAPS to request such capital works from DPWI as governed by the service level agreement as they hold the Capital infrastructure budget. Regrettably, SAPS had independently purchased 3 x 5000lts JoJo tanks on the 08 August 2022. The same SAPS appointed Contractor that delivered the JoJo Tanks had them installed and connected to the main water municipal line. The electrical supply from the JoJo tanks are currently running from extension cords. DPWI Workshops have been requested to evaluate whether they are able to assist in the connection of such and as a result, a firm date of electrical connection cannot be provided.

3. SAPS is required to request such capital works from DPWI as governed by the service level agreement as this is a capital works project as they hold the Capital infrastructure budget.

This request to DPWI is further required by the GIAMA.

4. DPWI has a Water Savings Term Contract, REONET, on site who had addressed this subject. Should this be a new complaint, SAPS to register a call with DPWI Day-to-Day Call Centre?

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