Question NW2280 to the Minister of Home Affairs

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26 June 2023 - NW2280

Profile picture: Ismail, Ms H

Ismail, Ms H to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

What are the details of the concrete steps that his department has taken to address the technological challenges hampering the roll-out of the e-visa system, which is understood to be a pivotal factor in bolstering the tourism sector in the Republic and facilitating international travel?


Honourable member, we initially experienced technological challenges with the roll out of the e-visa system during 2021. However, towards the end of 2022, we successfully completed a series of 34 enhancements to the e-visa system. Currently, there are no technological challenges with the e-visa system. Honourable member, I also wish to inform the house that we have added 20 more countries on the e-visa system bringing it to a total of 34 countries that can now use our e-visa system for tourism purposes.


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