Question NW2273 to the Minister of Home Affairs

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26 June 2023 - NW2273

Profile picture: van der Merwe, Ms LL

van der Merwe, Ms LL to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1) Whether, given that Mr Krasimir Kamenov, wanted under an Interpol Red Notice for crimes in Bulgaria, was shot dead in Cape Town and Mr Fulgence Kayishema, accused of participating in the Rwandan genocide and responsible for thousands of deaths, was arrested last week on a farm in Paarl, near Cape Town and noting that the two wanted international fugitives were located within our borders within the space of one week, his department had been informed that the specified criminals were within our borders; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) what are the relevant details of the kind of visas that were issued to the two criminals, which enabled them to be within the borders of the Republic?


(1)&(2) Mr. Krasimir Kamenov was issued with a relatives’ visa to join his spouse and subsequently obtained permanent residence in the Republic of South Africa in 2004. He was a naturalised citizen at the time of his death.

With regards to Mr. Fulgence Kayishema, upon him entering the Republic of South Africa in December 1999, he was issued with a Temporary Permit to Prohibited Persons in terms of Section 41(1) of Aliens Control Act 96 of 1991 under a different name and nationality. He then applied for asylum and was later granted Refugee status in 2002. However, it transpired afterwards that his Refugee status was granted through misrepresentation. The Department will follow legislative prescripts in dealing with misrepresentation in terms of Section 36(1)(a) and section 36(2) of the Refugees Act.


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