Question NW1678 to the Minister of Home Affairs

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29 May 2023 - NW1678

Profile picture: Roos, Mr AC

Roos, Mr AC to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1) Regarding the challenges with information and communication technologies (ICT) and online application systems for the acceptance and processing of visa applications, what (a) are the ICT systems and software that are currently being used to process online visa applications, (b) is the budget allocated for the specified ICT systems, (c) percentage of the specified budget was spent in each year since 2009, (d) challenges have been identified in terms of the ICT systems and software that is currently being used, (e) measures will his department take to address the specified issues and (f) what date is it envisaged that the challenges will be addressed by; (2) (a) what budget has been allocated for the improvement of the related ICT systems, (b) what does the specified budget aim to accomplish and (c) by what date will the ICT-improvement project be completed?


(1)(a) The Department currently uses the ICT Systems mentioned below to process online visa applications




DHA eVisa



VFS eVisa (Nigeria)

VFS Global


DHA/VFS Online

VFS Global


VAS (Adjudication)



(1)(b) An amount of R5m is budgeted in the current financial year for the DHA eVisa support and maintenance. The VAS system has no dedicated budget except the time and material for the officials supporting the system. The other systems are supported by VFS with no financial implications for DHA.

(1)(c) The amount budgeted for DHA eVisa development in the 2019/20 financial was 100% spent and for 3 years after go live in production the support and maintenance for eVisa amounted to R 2 264 616.

(1)(d) There are no challenges on the DHA eVisa except normal bugs and fixes that are done in all applications for routine maintenance to improve performance. On the VAS system we are currently performing a user requirements review to enable us to improve functionality.

(1)(e) On completion of the user requirements review on VAS there will be system development and implementation of changes.

(1)(f) VAS changes will be implemented by 31 March 2024.

(2)(a) An amount of R875 173 000 is budgeted for improvement of other ICT systems, support and maintenance, licences, new projects and the breakdown is as follows:

Maintenance and Support

R409 973 000


R126 700 000

Technology refresh

R107 500 000


R231 000 000


R875 173 000

(2)(b) The aim is to ensure systems stability and improved applications performance and IT infrastructure.

(2)(c) ICT systems require continuous support and maintenance hence every financial year we allocate budgets for information and communication technology and the related licenses.


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