Question NW791 to the Minister of Home Affairs

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29 March 2023 - NW791

Profile picture: Roos, Mr AC

Roos, Mr AC to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

Whether the report on the installation of cameras at the offices of his department for the purpose of safety and security has been completed after the stipulated six months set by the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs in November 2021 following the unrest in KwaZulu-Natal in July 2021; if not, by what date is it envisaged that the report will be completed; if so, by what date will it be submitted to the committee secretary of the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs?


The Honourable Member will recall that the Department did on 22 February 2022 brief the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs regarding the Department’s implementation report in respect of the Budget Review and Recommendations Report 2021/22 of the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs. Your attention is drawn to item 6.2.5 of the Department’s implementation report (Annexure A) which I tabled on 5 February 2022 in the National Assembly.