Question NW402 to the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

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16 March 2022 - NW402

Profile picture: Breytenbach, Adv G

Breytenbach, Adv G to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

By what date is it anticipated that his department will finally make the long outstanding payments due to pensioners of the Department of Correctional Services in terms of the occupation-specific dispensation reached in March 2017?


The audit of the Occupation Specific Dispensation payments to ex-officials has been finalised on 15 February 2022. Following the audit, the process of payments to ex-officials has started again.

Payments will be processed per region, and the Department has already started with Eastern Cape. In each region ex-officials who previously never got any payments will be prioritised, after which those cases in which officials were underpaid will be processed.

It is anticipated that all Occupational Specific Dispensation payments will be finalised by 31 August 2022


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