Question NW1081 to the Minister of Police

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03 June 2021 - NW1081

Profile picture: Krumbock, Mr GR

Krumbock, Mr GR to ask the Minister of Police

1.With reference to his reply to 9uestion 99 on 4 March 2021, what total number of cases (a) were reported to each Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Oences Unit (FCS) and (b) has ended in a successful conviction ïn the (i) 2017-18, (ii) 2018-19 and (iii) 2019-20 financial years;2. what (a) number of vehicles (i) does each FCS unit have and (ii) are currently in working order and (b) is the mileage of each vehicle?



with reference to the reply to question 99, on 4 March 2021, the detail regaling the total number of cases that were reposed to each Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual offences Unit (FCS) and that ended in a successful conviction, in the 2617/2018, 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 financial year, is reflected in the table below: