Question NW2874 to the Minister of Police

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19 November 2015 - NW2874

Profile picture: Kohler, Ms D

Kohler, Ms D to ask the Minister of Police

(a) What is the total amount of narcotics seized by the SA Police Service (i) in the 2014-15 financial year and (ii) from 1 April 2015 up to the latest specified date for which information is available, (b) what amount of the seized narcotics subsequently went missing and (c) how many SAPS members faced disciplinary action as a result of the missing narcotics in each case?


(a) The total amount of narcotics seized can be accessed in the Annual Report of the SAPS as listed below:

Quantity of narcotics seized in 2013/14

Cannabis : 275 550, 750 kg

Mandrax : 424 391 tablets

Cocaine : 139, 455 kg

Crystal Meth (Tik-Tik) : 324 kg

Quantity of narcotics seized in 2014/15

Cannabis : 440 434.284 kg

Mandrax tablets : 302 790.75 tablets

Crystal Meth (Tik-Tik) : 598,74 kg

Cocaine : 122,14 kg

(b) No amounts of seized narcotics have been reported as being missing during the specified requested period.

(c) As no drugs have been reported as missing, no SAPS members have faced disciplinary action as a result of missing narcotics for the requested period.

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