Question NW125 to the Minister of Police

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04 March 2021 - NW125

Profile picture: Cuthbert, Mr MJ

Cuthbert, Mr MJ to ask the Minister of Police

Whether he has found it to be acceptable for a senior member of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (Hawks) to be in charge of a nonprofit organisation which solicits funding from the National Lotteries Commission (NLC); if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details;


  1. There is nothing prohibiting a senior member of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI) to be in charge of a nonprofit organisation (NPO).
  1. It would not be acceptable for a senior member of the DPCI to (a) solicit and/or

(b) receive funding from the National Lotteries Commission (NCL) at the time when the DPCI are investigating alleged corruption involving lottery funding.

The funds were not received by the senior member of the DPCI, in his capacity as a member of the DPCI. The funds in question is a matter between the National Lotteries Commission (NCL) and the nonprofit organisation (NPO), which has nothing to do with the DPCI.

  1. The person, whose name is mentioned, did not need permission as a serving member of the DPCI, to set up a foundation. He, therefore, did not seek permission from the employer.
  1. No, the person, whose name is mentioned, was not obliged to declare the funding, which was received from the NLC, for the NPO.
  1. No, the person, whose name is mentioned, did not declare that the NPO had received funding from the NLC. If the member had received any other type of funding, which was not meant for the NPO, he would have had to declare it. He was not obliged to declare the funding received from the NLC, for the NPO.

Reply to question 125 recommended/

Date: 2021-02-19

Reply to question 125 approved

Date: 03/03/2021

Find here: Internal ref number 1795 2020

Internal Ref Number: Subrrdssion Date: Question Asked By:

Question Asked To:


1795 - 2020


Mr MJ Cuthbert Minister of Police

  1. Whether (a) he believes it is acceptable for a senior member of the Hawks to be in charge of an NPO which solicits funding;
    1. it is acceptable for a senior member of the Hawks to solicit and receive funding from the NLC at a time when the Hawks are investigating corruption involving Lottery funding;
    1. Brigadier Mulaudzi needed permission as a serving officer to set up a foundation in his name, if so, (i) was he granted permission;
    1. he was aware of him being considered for NLC funding prior to his acceptance of the funding itself and
    1. Brigadier Mulaudzi did declare that he had received Lottery funding to him?

Internal Ref Number: Submission Date: Question Asked By: Question Asked To:


0038 - 2021


Mr MJ Cuthbert Minister of Police

1. Whether it is acceptable for a senior member of the Hawks to be in charge of a nonprofit organisation which solicits funding from the National Lotteries Commission (NLC); if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether it is acceptable for a senior member of the Hawks to (a) solicit and (b) receive funding from the NLC at a time when the Hawks are investigating corruption involving Lottery funding; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether a certain person (name furnished) needed permission as a serving officer to set up a foundation in the specified person’s name; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) was the person granted permission; (4)

whether he was aware of the person being considered for NLC funding prior to his acceptance of the funding itself; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (5) whether the person declared to him that he had received funding from the NLC; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?