Question NW3335 to the Minister of Public Works:

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26 October 2015 - NW3335

Profile picture: Carter, Ms D

Carter, Ms D to ask the Minister of Public Works:

(1) What is the total cost and purpose of work or contracts awarded relating to renovations and building works carried out at the Ministerial Executive Estate in Newlands, Cape Town, from 1 January 2009 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; (2) whether any representations were made or decisions taken to replace any existing tarred surfaces within the Estate with any other type of surface such as cobble stones; if so, (a) what was the rationale in arriving at that decision, (b) when was the decision taken, (c) from whom did the representations emanate that resulted in the matter being considered and (d) what were or are the costs associated with the replacement of the tarred surfaces?


The Minister of Public Works


Residence Name

Purpose of work


Project Concluded in year


Groote Schuur Estate, Avenue 4 – Heritage Residence

Kitchen, floors, roof, bathrooms, electricity, cottage and garage.

R7 256 956.72



Groote Schuur Estate, Mecklenburg - Heritage Residence

Kitchen, floors, roof, bathrooms, electricity, cottage and garages.

R10 283 780.27



Groote Schuur Estate, Avenue 5 – Heritage Residence

Kitchen, floors, roof, bathrooms, electricity, cottage and garages.

R17 804 451.59



Groote Schuur Estate, La Maisonette – Heritage Residence

Kitchen, floors, roof, bathrooms, electricity, cottage and garages

R13 612 785.00


(2) No.

(a), (b), (c) and (d) Fall away.


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