Question NW1796 to the Minister of Public Works andInfrastructure

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18 August 2020 - NW1796

Profile picture: Graham-Maré, Ms SJ

Graham-Maré, Ms SJ to ask the Minister of Public Works andInfrastructure

Whether, given the Covid-19 pandemic whereby the iThemba land in Cape Town has been earmarked as a transitional residential site where identified residents from informal settlements would be moved to a spart of there-blocking,she has given the Western Cape provincial government and/or the Housing Development Agency the power of attorney to commence with the various statutory processes; if not,wh ynot; if so, what are the (a) relevant details and (b) anticipated time frames for the completion of the process?


The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:

Farm Eersteriv No. 981 Stellenbosch also known as iThemba land is a property under the custodianship of DPWI and is allocated and utilised by the South African Police Service (SAPS). In order to make available a portion of the property as requested by the DepartmentofHumanSettlements,SAPSwasrequestedtoconfirmifDPWImayproceed to release the required portion of FarmEersteriv.

The SAPS has indicated that the property is utilised as a shooting range with various Specialised Units such as Provincial training, Anti-Gang, Public Order Policing, Tactical Response as well as residential accommodation for SAPS officials. Further, the SAPS pointed out issues relating security concerns that would be brought about by the abutting housing development as the base is occupied by highly specialised operational units. The proximity of the shooting range to a housing development was sighted as a serious concern that would pose risks to members of thePublic.


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