Question NW1421 to the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

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18 November 2019 - NW1421

Profile picture: Graham-Maré, Ms SJ

Graham-Maré, Ms SJ to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(a) What total number of sessional workers and other officials are housed at each of the parliamentary villages, (b) to which departments and/or Ministers are the specified persons assigned, (c) what number of days and/or nights do they spend at the parliamentary villages and (d) what additional perks do they receive, including (i) transport, (ii) school transport for their children; and (iii) any other perks?


The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:

1421 (a) The total number of sessional officials and other officials housed at each of the Parliamentary Villages, are as follows:



Acacia Park


Pelican Park


Laboria Park




(b) The above mentioned officials are assigned to the following Minister / Departments:

  • Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development;
  • Basic Education;
  • Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs;
  • Communications;
  • Defence and Military Veterans;
  • Economic Development;
  • Employment and Labour;
  • Environmental Affairs, Forestry and Fisheries;
  • Finance;
  • Health;
  • Home Affairs;
  • Higher Education, Science and Technology;
  • Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation;
  • International Relations and Co-operation;
  • Justice and Correctional Services;
  • Mineral Resources and Energy;
  • Police;
  • Presidency;
  • Public Enterprises;
  • Public Service and Administration;
  • Public Works and Infrastructure;
  • Small Business Development;
  • Social Development;
  • Sports, Arts and Culture;
  • State Security;
  • Tourism;
  • Trade and Industry;
  • Transport; and
  • Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities; and
  • ANC Caucus (support staff to disabled MP’s).

(c) The official unit is allocated to officials for a Parliamentary year at a time.

(d) (i) Transport is provided for the official from the Parliamentary villages to and from the Parliamentary Precinct.

(ii) Scholar transport is provided for declared dependants (learners) of officials residing at the Parliamentary Villages.

(iii) None.

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