Proposed Report on Implementation of Proposed Statutory Measures on Apples & Pears in terms of the Marketing of Agricultural Pro

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Meeting Summary

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Meeting report


This Report is a Contact Natural Resource Information Service
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The aim of this report is to summarise the main events at the meeting and identify the key role players. This report is not a verbatim transcript of proceedings.

25 September 2001

Reverend P. Moatshe

Documents handed out:
NAMC Working Group Report (NAMC)
Report for Portfolio Committee's for Consideration (NAMC)

The Select Committee on Land and Agriculture met to adopt the Report of the National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) on the implementation of the proposed statutory measures relating to apples and pears in terms of the Marketing Agricultural Products Act of 1996. The Report had arisen following the receipt of a request from the Deciduous Fruit Procedures Trust, lodged in terms of section 10 and 11 of the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, to introduce various statutory measures to regulate the certain aspects of the deciduous fruit industry. The Committee unanimously adopted the Report.

Implementation of the Statutory measures on Apples and Pears in Terms of the Marketing of Agricultural Products Acts of 1996
Mr P. Moatshe (ANC), as Chairperson, initiated the meeting by introducing Mr C. Gladwin, an Economist from the National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC). He invited him to brief the Committee on the Council's report.

Mr Gladwin mentioned that the Deciduous Fruit Procedures Trust (DFPT) had, on 16 May 2001, applied for the introduction of statutory measures with regard to apples and pears, in terms of Sections 10 and 11 of the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act,1996. The DFPT had applied for the following statutory measures to be introduced in the deciduous fruit industry: Section 15 of the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act on the Introduction of Levy; Section 18 of the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act on Records and Returns; and lastly Section 19 of the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act on Registration. He pointed out that the Council believed that the measures requested were consistent with the objectives of the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act.

Mr Gladwin then mentioned that the Minister of Agriculture had requested an investigation into the possible implementation of the relevant statutory measures and asked for the report within 60 days. He stated that the total extent of the levies on both apples and pears were well bellow the prescribed maximum of five percent of both export and domestic prices at first point of sale. He mentioned that the Minister of Agriculture had noted that the request of the DFPT was consistent with the objectives of the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act and on 1 June 2001, the Minister formally referred the request to the Council for investigation.

Mr Gladwin stated that the Council had received a notice, published through the Government Gazette on 15 June 2001, indicating that the groups directly affected had to submit their comments regarding the implementation of the proposed statutory measures by no later than 2 July 2001. He pointed out that the Council had decided to appoint a working group to investigate the request and then advise the Council on their findings. He mentioned that the Council believed that DFPT Finance was the most appropriate body to which to assign the implementation, inspection and enforcement of the statutory measures requested.

Mr Gladwin stated that the Council had recommended that the Minister of Agriculture approve the introduction and promulgation of Sections 15,18 and 19 of the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act as requested by DPFT, with a minor change to the levy on domestic volumes. He also mentioned that the Council had recommended that DPFT submit its annual audited financial statements, reflecting actual income and expenditure figures, to the Council and the Auditor-General. He stated that the Council had also recommended that once it had scrutinised the annual financial statements, it submit them though to the Minister together with a report stating how the objectives of the levy had been met. The Chairperson then gave the Committee the opportunity to comment and ask questions.

Mr E. Conroy (NNP) asked Mr Gladwin if there was previously a levy on fruits, and if so, when it had ceased.

Mr Gladwin responded by saying that there was a levy imposed on fruit but this levy had ceased in 1999. He added that the voluntary levy on pears had not been lifted.

Mr D. Kgware (ANC) asked if the Committee would be able to adopt the Report despite the fact that the Council's financial and operational requirements for the statutory levies were not attached to the document.

Mr Chairperson responded by stating that the Report could be adopted in the interim and the Committee would receive the requirements for the statutory measures later.

Mr Conroy asked if the Committee could propose amendments to the Report.

Mr Gladwin responded by saying that the amendments could not be formally made but added that the Committee was welcome to make suggestions on the Report.

Mr Conroy suggested that the Minister should add "…within the industry." to Section 7.2 of the recommendations in the Report.

The Committee agreed to adopt the Report prepared by the Council and suggested that the Committee advise the Minister on the addition suggested by Mr Conroy. The meeting was adjourned.

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Appendix 1


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