Committee Provincial study tour report: adoption

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Meeting Summary

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Meeting report


17 November 2004

Acting Chairperson:
Ms B Dlulane (ANC)

Documents handed out
Draft Committee report on study tours to Limpopo, Gauteng, Northern Cape and Free State provinces

Members discussed and adopted their report on tours to Limpopo, Gauteng, Northern Cape and Free State provinces from 10-13 August 2004. The purpose of the oversight visits had been to gauge the developments, progress and challenges encountered in the implementation of aquaculture production. Members were satisfied with the report but also raised the fact that the report did not have any recommendations.

Members could not adopt the Committee Programme and Annual Report, as had been scheduled, because these documents had not yet been completed.

The Chairperson reported that they would not be able to adopt the Committee Programme and Annual Report, as had been scheduled, because these documents had not yet been completed.

He then summarised that the purpose of the oversight visits had been to gauge the developments, progress and challenges encountered in the implementation of aquaculture production in South Africa. Aquaculture mainly produced freshwater species of trout, catfish and ornamental fish, etc. While technology was well established for aquaculture production for these species and crocodiles, it was lacking for others like eel, tilapia, tuna and seaweed.

Factors that had supported the development of aquaculture in Southern Africa, included the easy availability of resources like water, land, labour and energy. A lack of a national policy on aquaculture inhibited development of the industry.

Mr R Tau (ANC) commented that the report had been a true reflection of the findings.

The Chairperson said the report did not have recommendations and there had been suggestions that the recommendations be included by the Members.

Mr N Mack (ANC) said the outing had been successful and suggested the adoption of the report.

Mr R Tau (ANC) suggested that the report be adopted by Members as a collective based on their observations during the tour.

Ms M Oliphant (ANC) commented that it had been agreed that Members come up with added recommendations with timeframes. She suggested they take out the word "Recommendations" and adopt the report as it stood. Members would have to get recommendations from the other eight provinces to include in the final report that would be tabled before Parliament.

Mr N Mack (ANC) supported the suggestion. The Chairperson announced the unanimous adoption of the report.

The meeting was adjourned.


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