Election of Chairperson

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Meeting Summary


The Committee met for its first meeting to elect a Chairperson. Mr F Christians (ACDP) was elected Chairperson. Ms P Lekker (ANC) was also nominated but did not secure enough votes.

Meeting report

The Procedural Officer welcomed Members to their first meeting where he would preside over the election of the Chairperson. He asked Members to introduce themselves for the record.  

Election of Chairperson

The Procedural Officer explained that the meeting was called in accordance with the Standing Rules of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament which called on Members to elect a Chairperson from the Committee membership.

The role of the Chairperson is to preside over meetings, determine the agenda of meetings and act in the best interests on behalf of the Committee.

He called for nominations.

Mr L Van Wyk (DA) nominated Mr F Christians (ACDP) as Chairperson.   

Ms B Van Minnen (DA) seconded the nomination.

Ms N Nkondlo (ANC) nominated Ms P Lekker (ANC) as Chairperson.

Ms B Stoffel (ANC) seconded the nomination.

Ms G Bosman (DA) asked whether Alternate Members could nominate candidates in terms of the Rules.

The Procedural Officer confirmed this was permissible but could not vote if the full Member was present.

Ms Nkondlo appreciated the clarity.

Mr Christians accepted the nomination, as did Ms Lekker.

The matter was put to vote.

Members voting in support of the nomination of Ms Lekker was Ms Lekker herself.

Members voting in support of the nomination of Mr Christians were Ms Van Minnen, Mr Van Wyk, Mr P Johnson (DA), Mr Christians himself and Ms W Kaizer-Philander (DA).

Mr Christians was duly elected as Chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee.

Mr Christians thanked Members for the nomination saying it was a privilege. The Committee would keep the Executive accountable. He noted he had served as Chairperson of the Committee before, noting it was a daunting task but accountability was needed to make the Western Cape government better.

The meeting was adjourned.



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