Committee Planning meeting in preparation for NCOP Strategic Plan Session

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Meeting Summary

The meeting was not listed on the z-list and PMG was not present. The below is compiled based on the Committee’s official minutes

Meeting report

The meeting was not listed on the z-list and PMG was not present. The below is compiled based on the Committee’s official minutes

The Chairperson opened the session at 16h30, noting apologies and introducing the new Member of the Committee, Mr TP Mamorobela (ANC).

The Chairperson proceeded to outline the agenda for the day, moving that the meeting was to discuss the Committee programme and priorities prior to the NCOP Strategic Planning session.

Committee planning meeting in preparation for the NCOP Strat Plan Session.

The Committee Secretary went through the Committee programme, explaining that everything on the first term programme was unfinished meetings from 2021, especially the department report back on Committee oversight visits. The Committee Secretary further informed the Committee that currently there is one section 75 bill referred to the Committee and several section 76 bills in the NA that in the near future will be referred to the NCOP. He ended by stating that the remaining terms will be populated with the Committee's priorities after the NCOP Strat Plan session.  

The Committee Content Advisor took Members through the current Committee strategic plan and a table of what the Committee envisaged to complete versus what we have achieved thus far. The Committee Content Advisor was of the opinion that the Committee is on track to accomplish its aims and objectives which was why it would make more sense to align the current strategic plan to the current State of the Nation Address (SONA) expectations.      

Committee Members agreed with the suggestion of alignment but also stressed that, unlike 2021, the Committee should engage the Departments of Minerals and Energy more frequently as before as the SONA emphasised more on minerals and energy. Members also reiterated the need for more oversight visits to be conducted by the committee, especially in areas/communities where gas and mineral exploration is taking place. The issue of soil erosion of agricultural land was also discussed, as this directly affected food security.

In relation to how the Committee performed from 2019 to date, the secretariat responded by stating that despite challenges, the Committee performed well, fulfilling all of its legislative duties as well as engaging departments on pertinent issues. The Committee Secretary further added that whenever the Committee schedules a meeting, all nine legislatures are invited, highlighting that the Committee always conducts joint meetings with the legislatures.

The matter of the Committee study tour was also discussed, with Members asked to read the proposals put forth so that it may be engaged on during the NCOP Strat Plan session.      

Consideration and Adoption of Minutes

10 December 2022

The minutes were considered and adopted. 


  1. the Committee Secretary provides the Committee with a list of all possible bills that are currently before the NA, to be referred to the NCOP;
  2. forward a draft second term programme to the committee as soon as possible.

The Chairperson also thanked everyone for their attendance, adjourning the meeting at 18h27. 


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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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