Minerals Council South Africa: Involvement of Mining Industry in Vaccine Rollout; with Deputy Minister

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Mineral and Petroleum Resources

25 August 2021
Chairperson: Acting: Mr S Luzipo (ANC)
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Meeting Summary


The Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources and Energy convened virtually, and Members were briefed by the Minerals Council of South Africa (MINCOSA) about the involvement of the mining industry in the vaccine rollout.

MINCOSA reported that employs 452 000 staff, of which over 120 000 has been vaccinated. About 13% of employees are fully vaccinated and 87% of employees received their first vaccine jabs. The Council is progressing as fast as it can, with challenges of primary and secondary vaccination sites. The access to vaccines challenges has been solved through collaboration with the National and Provincial Department of Health. The mining industry collaborate with the government to ensure that its role is fulfilled in vaccinating the workforce and assisting with the communities

The Minerals Council presented its overall involvement of the industry and the vaccine rollout. The presentation outlined the mining industry epidemics, statistics, and the testing rates by population. The Council said that follows a risk-based approach in the management COVID-19. The presentation indicated the implementation process for the vaccination programme and the commitment to support government to ensure an applied and effective vaccine programme. The presentation reported on the status quo of the vaccination programme and progress. The Minerals Council continues to encourage the improvement of vaccine acceptance by employees and monitoring of compliance with non-pharmaceutical measures.

Committee Members asked about the timeframes of the set targets for vaccinations and support to employee’s children and family. The Committee sought clarity on the timeframes of the 80% vaccination target. One Member pointed out that report did not include the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal provinces in the vaccination status quo per province. Another Member enquired about the politics between the vaccination process and different countries.

Meeting report

Briefing by the Minerals Council South Africa (MINCOSA)

Mr Rodger Baxter, CEO, Minerals Council SA, gave an overview of the vaccine rollout and an update on operations. The Council celebrated the national women in mining on 19 August 2021. Women in mining have key themes around women rights and equalities. These are built on the seven foundational measures. The online dashboard is being populated and is key in keeping track because one cannot manage what they cannot measure. The crime and security affecting the mining sector will also be reported on to the Committee, going forward. This topic needs to be discussed, as there has been impact on the sector. This can be taken offline with the Chairperson.

The Minerals Council SA employs about 452 000 staff, of which over 120 000 have been vaccinated. About 13% of employees are fully vaccinated and 87% of employees received their first jab. The council is going as fast as it can, with challenges of primary and secondary vaccination sites that is a long process. The second part was the challenges related to access to vaccines. The access to vaccines challenges has been solved through collaboration with the National and Provincial Department of Health. The shortage of vaccines is no longer an issue. It is important to ensure that all vaccination sites are up and running. The mining industry is involved with the government to ensure that the council plays its part in vaccinating the workforce and assisting with the communities. Now that the strain on the vaccine supply has been lifted, the vaccination process can take place effectively and efficiently.

Dr Thuthula Balfour, Head of Health, Minerals Council SA, said that the second wave had a higher rate, and the third wave is also as high as the second wave. She gave an overview on the South African and mining industry epidemics, statistics and the testing rates by population. She further explained the Minerals Council approach to the management of Covid-19 and said that it follows a risk-based approach. The council has a covid-19 online dashboard in place; this ensures transparency and an industry perspective. The implementation process for the vaccination programme follows a collaborative approach. The programme is being undertaken under the National Department of Health’s (NDoH) Occupational Health Site Programme. The Minerals Council SA is committed to supporting national government led rollout of an urgently applied and effective vaccine programme. There were challenges with the vaccination process, with a number of challenges with the setting up of workplace sites.

The status quo of the vaccination programme and progress per province was presented. The way forward is to ensure an increased rate of vaccination of employees, with a set target of vaccinating 80% of employees. There is an encouraging improvement of vaccine acceptance by employees, to support vaccination of dependents and per mining community. The Minerals need to continue to support government efforts on promoting vaccination and continue to monitor the compliance with non-pharmaceutical measures. Through supporting the vaccination campaign, industry leaders were leading from the front and taking the initiative to set the pace for the vaccination rollout.

[See attached presentation for more details]


Ms V Malinga (ANC) welcomed the report presented, and applauded the Council on the over 120 000 employees that have been vaccinated. She commented that the online dashboard must be working very well. She noted that the presentation reported that the council wanted 80% of employees to be vaccinated. How do the council intend to achieve the target and what are the set timeframes? She enquired on the assistance and support to employees’ kids and family.

Ms P Madokwe (EFF) indicated that she was covered by the previous questions.

Mr M Mahlaule (ANC) welcomed the presentation and mentioned that politics are involved with the vaccination process between different countries. A person who was vaccinated in South Africa was unable to travel back to China, because China would not accept the vaccination that was done in South Africa. This person had to travel to Zimbabwe, as Zimbabwe has the same vaccine as China. This ultimately affects the Human Rights. How will the Minerals Council handle this situation when it arises?

Mr T Langa (EFF) sough clarity on the vaccination status quo per province. The information provided did not include the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal provinces, as there are mining operations in both these provinces.

The Chairperson indicated that he has network problems. He welcomed the report and allowed the Council to answer on the status quo per provinces. He said these are important questions, including the interventions made in provinces dominating in the mining activities.


Mr Baxter said that the online dashboard for women in mining will be implemented and built on the seven foundational measures.

The Minerals Council plans to have 80% of all employees vaccinated. There are group schemes in place, providing support to families and children over the age of 18. At global level, there is a discussion on vaccination passports. The Council are using the vaccination, as approved by the National Department of Health. The Council will follow government protocols. Not all employees on all sites can be vaccinated at once. Further discussion and relevant restrictions will be in place.

There are minor mining activities taking place in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal provinces. The Richard’s Bay mining facility was shut down in June 2021. These facilities will open soon, and the vaccination process will follow. Bulk of the mining activities are taking place in the different areas and needs are assessed on numbers. At first, the vaccination programme starts with worksites employees and will continue with surrounding communities.

Dr Balfour indicated that reporting will start from September regarding the online dashboard and annual progress reporting will follow. The improvement of vaccine acceptance by employees are done through educating staff as well as regular meetings with the Department of Health and communications.  Communication is important in crafting the vaccination message. The leadership has a big role to play to make impact. Collaboration is also taking place towards the campaign on vaccine acceptance.

The question on vaccine passports is a political one. The country is not at the stage of implementing vaccine passports. It is now at the level where the vaccine is available to most people.

Mr Tebello Chabana, Senior Executive Public Affairs & Transformation, Minerals Council SA, said the Council always had programmes in place for ex-miner and colleagues. Mining companies are involved with labour, sending areas with initiatives implemented on education, health, social development. The council is very active, whether it is in the labour, sending areas or the communities.

The mining industry, in terms of interventions in combatting covid-19, cannot just act where mining is taking place. However, the council had good interventions during the second wave, where the Eastern Cape hospitals needed oxygen. The council spent R4.7 million on oxygen and related products and equipment. As and when the need arises, the mining companies do act.

Mr Baxter concluded by saying the anticipation to get through this pandemic, get the economy open and the whole country can be vaccinated. Annual booster as a flu shot should be implemented on a regular basis. Over time, as the country-level immunity is raised, it enables things to open up more.

Concluding Remarks by the Chairperson

The Chairperson thanked the Minerals Council and the team. He said that the under-18 children do not fall part of the vaccination category. From a statistics perspective, in the country, it is not looking good with the increase in unemployment.

The challenge of age management and age categorisation is no longer there. Much larger scope can be covered, as there is no clear limitation; it is 18 years old and upwards that is allowed. It is important to monitor compliance non-pharmaceutical measures and to ensure education on vaccine acceptance.

There were visits conducted to mining sites and the infrastructure challenges on the sites will be reported on. The social labour plan will be circulated on the fight against the pandemic.

The meeting minutes for 17 August 2021 and 18 August 2021 were considered and adopted.

The meeting was adjourned.



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