Committee Reports & Minutes

Higher Education

04 December 2020
Chairperson: Mr P Mapulane (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

In its final meeting for the year, the Committee convened on a virtual platform to consider and adopt the minutes of meetings on 13, 17, 18 and 24 November 2020, and the second quarter 2020/21 reports of the Department of Higher Education and Training and the Department of Science and Innovation.

Meeting report

Committee minutes

The minutes dated 13, 17, 18 and 24 November 2020 were adopted.

Report of the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education, Science and Technology on the 2020/21 Second-Quarter Performance Report of the Department Of Higher Education and Training

The report was adopted.

Report of the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education, Science and Technology on the consideration of the Financial and Non-Financial Performance of the 2020/21 Second Quarter of the Department of Science and Innovation

The report was adopted.

Mr S Ngcobo (IFP) requested that the Committee prioritise the issues at Mangosuthu University of Technology in the new year.

Members thanked each other for their work during the year and wished each other well over the festive season.

The meeting was adjourned.


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