Election of Chairperson

Higher Education

02 July 2019
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Meeting Summary

The Committee convened to elect its Chairperson. Mr M Mapulane (ANC) was nominated unopposed and he accepted the nomination as Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education, Science and Technology.

The newly elected Chairperson thanked Members for electing him and said it is the duty of the Committee to hold the Executive accountable. He added that quarterly sessions should be held between the Committee and civil society organisations to ensure that public participation is adhered to. 


Meeting report

Election of Chairperson
Ms Shanaaz Isaacs, Committee Secretary, greeted Members and guests in attendance. She explained her role is to oversee the nomination process of the Chairperson of the Committee in terms of Rule 158 of the National Assembly Rules. She proceeded to call for nominations.

Ms N Mkhatshwa (ANC) nominated Mr M Mapulane (ANC) as Chairperson. Ms J Mananiso (ANC) seconded the nomination.

There were no further nominations.

Mr Mapulane accepted the nomination and was duly elected as Chairperson of the Committee.

Chairperson remarks
The Chairperson thanked Members for electing him and the African National Congress for deploying him into the position. He explained that different political parties are represented in the Committee and Members will express different mandates. Members must work together to ensure the partisan approach is avoided. All political parties must work together to hold the Executive accountable. The Committee must facilitate public involvement in the affairs of Parliament and allow for civil society participation. He suggested that each quarter, a session is hosted to facilitate a conversation between Parliament and civil society organisations. Parliament must remain a people’s Parliament.

The Committee was scheduled to meet tomorrow for the presentation led by the Department of Higher Education and the Department of Science and Technology. On Friday, Members will look at the Committee Budget Vote Report and publish it in the ATC.

The meeting was adjourned.


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