Electronic Deeds Registration Systems Bill: finalisation; SADC Protocol on Environmental Management & Kigali Amendment to Montreal Protocol; Committee Legacy Report

NCOP Agriculture, Land Reform and Mineral Resources

19 March 2019
Chairperson: Mr O Sefako (ANC, North West)
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Meeting Summary

The Select Committee on Land and Mineral Resources met to consider and adopt the Committee’s Legacy Report, a number of draft minutes, the Committee Report on Ratification of the SADC Protocol on Environmental Management for Sustainable Development and the Committee Report on Ratification of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, all of which were adopted unanimously without alteration.

The Committee Report on the Electronic Deeds System Registration Bill was adopted with 6 votes in favour and an abstention, with the Committee noting that the passage of the Bill should not be hampered by the need for a technical amendment, which could be passed by the 6th Parliament.

Meeting report

The Chairperson opened the meeting late due to the necessity for quorum.

Ratification of Kigali Amendment

The Chairperson moved to the ratification of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.

The report of The Select Committee on Land and Mineral Resources, having considered the request from Parliament for approval to ratify the Amendment to include hydrofluorocarbons, approved the said convention.

The Chairperson asked for a vote.

Mpumalanga, Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, North-West and the Western Cape voted in favour.

Ms E Prins (ANC, Western Cape) proposed adoption of the report, Ms Z Ncitha (ANC, Eastern Cape) seconded.

Ratification of SADC Protocol

The report of the Select Committee having considered the request from parliament to pass the SADC Protocol on Environmental Management for Sustainable Development, recommended that the Council approve said convention.

Mpumalanga, Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, North-West and the Western Cape voted in favour.

Mr A Singh (ANC, KZN) proposed adoption, Mr O Sefako (ANC, North-West) seconded.

Adoption of minutes

Minutes of 5 March: Mr Singh proposed adoption, Mr Sefako seconded. There were no alterations to the minutes.

Minutes of 19 February: Mr Singh proposed adoption, Ms Ncitha seconded. There were no alterations to the minutes.

Minutes of 29 January: Ms Ncitha proposed adoption, Ms Prins seconded. There were no alterations to the minutes.

Minutes of 12 March: Ms Prins proposed adoption, Mr A Nyambi (ANC, Mpumalanga) seconded. There were no alterations to the minutes.

 Consideration of the Legacy Report

Ms Prins proposed adoption without alteration, Ms Ncitha seconded.

Report on Electronic Deeds System Registration Bill

Mr Asgar Bawa, Committee Secretary, noted the Electronic Deeds System Registration Bill was referred to the Committee in December 2018. The Committee placed an advertisement on the Parliament website for public input, and received a presentation from the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDL). The public input time was extended. To date, 8 submissions had been received, including from the Banking Association of SA, the Law Society of SA, AmaBhungane, the University of Johannesburg, and individuals. During the deliberation of 12 March 2019, the Committee conferred on the definition of a “statutory officer”, noting a change would add value in the interpretation of the Bill. However, this definition could be introduced at a later stage as a technical amendment, and should not delay passage of the bill. The Committee implored the DRDLR to prepare a technical amendment for consideration by the 6th Parliament. The Committee agreed to the bill without amendments.

Mr E Mlambo (ANC, Gauteng) voted in favour.

Mr Nyambi voted in favour.

Mr Singh voted in favour.

Ms C Labuschagne (DA, Western Cape) abstained.

Ms Ncitha voted in favour.

Ms Prins voted in favour.

Mr Sefako voted in favour.

The Chairperson noted the bill had been passed by the Committee. Adoption was proposed by Ms Prins, seconded by Mr Mlambo.

Mr Nyambi noted his concern over the procedure adopted by chairs, who should talk to members. Certain provincial members had to attend multiple committees at the same time. If there was a quorum problem for the committee, it should be postponed, otherwise committees might end up making mistakes. He thanked Ms Labuschagne for her commitment and efficiency. He understood that the end of the term was nearing and members were in election mode, but things had to be done differently. He commended the Chairperson for his efficiency.

The Chairperson noted this was the Committee’s last meeting, and thanked and excused members of the DRDLR.

Ms Prins wanted to acknowledge the presence of the opposition, thanking Ms Labuschagne for coming and operating in a good way.

Mr Nyambi thanked both of the Chairpersons for their work, noting the broad work done with the committee, who had been working together for a long time. He stated that he enjoyed his time working with the collective. He acknowledged Ms Labuschagne, as in other committees there were quorum problems with members of the opposition, which the Select Committee had not experienced.

Ms Labuschagne thanked theChairperson. She noted the difficulty of getting into the rhythm of the NCOP, but saw it as a good learning experience. She thanked her colleagues for the many robust discussions, even fights, noting that this was part of politics, and in the end they could all respect and talk to each other. As politicians, none of these select committees, with the pressures of time, could function without professional staff. Her experience of the professional staff had been one of them serving each and every member regardless of political affinity. A neutral and professional staff was a big asset to the Committee. She thanked the staff for the guidance it had given on rules, process, the direction had been appreciated. She thanked the Chairperson again.

Mr Mlambo submitted that the 5th Parliament had been a tough road, noting that all members learned one lesson or another that would take them forward.


Mr Singh reiterated Ms Prins’ comment, noting that the Committee worked together and grew in the past 5 years. He thanked the Chairperson and secretary.


The Chairperson said the Committee was a special committee with special individuals. Adversity makes us wise but not rich. He had personally gone through a tough time in the 5th parliament, undergoing a cancer operation and suffering while in the House. He noted how encouraging it was to receive flowers from the Committee when his health was in jeopardy. Parliament had opened up opportunities, including education. On the 18th April, he would be amongst young fellows graduating at the age of 73. He thanked the members and staff.


The meeting was adjourned.




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