Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Amendment Bill & Public Service Commission Amendment Bill: DPSA & CoGTA response to negotiating mandates mandates (meeting postponed)

NCOP Cooperative Governance & Public Administration

12 June 2018
Chairperson: Mr M Mohapi (ANC; Free State)
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Meeting Summary

The meeting was postponed sue to the lack of a quorum.

Meeting report

Mr Moses Manele, Committee Secretary, apologised for the failure to form a quorum with the presence of only four members of the Select Committee;

  • Mr DL Ximbi (ANC Western Cape)
  • Ms G Oliphant (ANC Northern Cape)
  • Mr M Chetty (DA Kwazulu Natal)
  • Ms B Engelbrecht (DA Gauteng)

It was agreed that the meeting would be rescheduled to sit on 19 June 2018.

The meeting was adjourned.


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